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Using Japanese words in english sentences.

ok, heres the question: Do you use japanese words in your sentences?
Yes, I do it all the time!
Hell no! do I look like that much of a dork?
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9:17 pm, Sep 19 2007
Posts: 264

That reminds me... Speaking to people in Japan is pretty interesting. I have exchange students from Japan come live with me every summer, and we have to speak really slowly to them. But when we speak to other Americans, the speed doubles. It's such an interesting difference.

And what's weird... My parents speak at a normal pace b/c they're fobs so the language barrier seems to be lower. Or something like that.

Post #57596 - Reply to (#57588) by making_mooz
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9:22 pm, Sep 19 2007
Posts: 1574

Quote from making_mooz
That reminds me... Speaking to people in Japan is pretty interesting. I have exchange students from Japan come live with me every summer, and we have to speak really slowly to them. But when we speak to other Americans, the speed doubles. It's such an interesting difference.

And what's weird... My parents speak at a normal pace b/c they're fobs so the language barrier seems to be lower. Or something like that.

my roommate this year is the same way. He's chinese and it was pretty slow talking at first. We're been talking faster slowly over the past month or so...still not quite there tho

Post #57767 - Reply to (#57588) by making_mooz
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6:49 am, Sep 20 2007
Posts: 218

Quote from making_mooz
That reminds me... Speaking to people in Japan is pretty interesting. I have exchange students from Japan come live with me every summer, and we have to speak really slowly to them. But when we speak to other Americans, the speed doubles. It's such an interesting difference.

And what's weird... My parents speak at a normal pace b/c they're fobs so the language barrier seems to be lower. Or something like that.

I would totally be up for an exchange student if I didn't have an autistic brother who doesn't like keeping his clothes on (he's 16).

I hadn't practiced all summer, so a week ago my speaking Japanese was nonexistant, but I'm pretty happy to say that it's come back to it's normal speed, but they've always been able to talk to me in their normal speed. laugh

Post #64134 - Reply to (#53633) by xObscurexOmenx
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2:54 pm, Oct 2 2007
Posts: 6

But I can't really see Japanese as a contributor to the English language, so that makes it difficult for me to accept using its vocabulary as loan words. English contains quite a few Latin phrases and such words thanks to its Latin roots and European origin.
What are you talking about? 45% of a English dictionary contains loan words from non-European languages including those from India, Africa, Thailand, Brazil, Argentina, China, Singapore, Malaysia and Japan.

English words - non-European origins:

Candy - Arabic
Pajamas - Indian
Tea - Chinese
Banana - African
Ketchup - Chinese
Zombie - West African
Boondocks - Filipino
Tattoo - Tahitian
Breeze - Portuguese

The list is endless. biggrin

English words with Japanese origins

+ Tycoon
+ Karaoke
+ Futon
+ Kamikaze
+ Rickshaw
+ Anime ~ it's now considered a 'gairaigo' word in Japan. smile wink grin

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9:39 pm, Oct 2 2007
Posts: 48

I have been tempted to do so before. I can't spell it but I once almost told my mother to be careful driving home after a big rain with the Japanese phrase.

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11:32 pm, Oct 2 2007
Posts: 159

I actually used once when i was drunk but normally no ^^
Well i only know few japanese words anyways.

I speak finnish though not english.


9:19 am, Oct 3 2007
Posts: 27

Online I'll add japanese words when needed. But as for real life I tend to mix in lots of different languages with english. In particular Japanese and Maori, which can end up really confusing. As they sound similar.
Inu in japanese being Dog, but in Maori it being Drink.
But yeah, my speach normally tends to be a blend of English, Maori, Japanese with a sprinking of other languages. Including such things as Elven, Drow, Klingon and whatever else.

Post #64656
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12:40 pm, Oct 3 2007
Posts: 635

Im taking a japanese course in uni, and since my knowledge of japanese is not that good I will start a sentence in English and end in Japanese or vice-versa, but only in that class.

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Post #64729
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3:03 pm, Oct 3 2007
Posts: 1279

I ONLY use Japanese in English sentences, when I'm not in Japanese class, is when I want to say something to my friend but I don't want another person, who is right there next to me, to hear. ONLY then will I use Japanese.

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Artificial Life

2:29 pm, Oct 5 2007
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yup...sometimes....when i feel like it....

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Post #65528 - Reply to (#64430) by Emeraldice
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2:51 pm, Oct 5 2007
Posts: 1574

Quote from Emeraldice
I actually used once when i was drunk but normally no ^^
Well i only know few japanese words anyways.

I speak finnish though not english.

lol that needs to get on youtube

@zeronine- i didnt know so many loan words were non-european. that's pretty crazy, but i guess it helps when you start learning those languages

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4:20 am, Sep 13 2008
Posts: 9026

Nope, I usually don't say any Japanese words in my sentences, unless for some extra effect to it. Like 'kawaii' or something. roll

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Post #201820
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4:34 am, Sep 13 2008
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In RL, I don't but when I'm in MU just a word or two since that's the extent of my japanese vocabulary dead

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Post #201834
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5:04 am, Sep 13 2008
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No.... and anybody who does should jump under a train D=

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Mad With a Hat

5:07 am, Sep 13 2008
Posts: 4764

When I speak in a certain language I try to stay with it...

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