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How do YOU pronouce manga?

How do YOU pronounce manga?
manga (the whitenized way)
monga (the Japanese/"real" way)
other (please specify)
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Post #473286 - Reply to (#473085) by icarusbride
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5:34 pm, May 31 2011
Posts: 797

Quote from icarusbride
When I'm speaking English, I say it the "whitenized" way. I say it the Japanese way when speaking Japanese. I try to say it the Japanese way when speaking English but somehow I always say it wrong without thinking. I don't have that problem at all when speaking Japanese though.

Same here. Mango with an a is just the accepted English way to say it, like how pretty much everyone pronounces sake, karaoke or karate different from the way it's pronounced in Japanese. (I think most people pronounce yaoi "wrong" too.) People who get really obsessive about pronouncing it as it is in the native language usually come across as annoying (think Ross in Friends always saying "karaté"...)

I mean, I'm really into the Japanese language so you might think I'd insist on the "correct" pronunciation, but the simple answer is that pronunciation changes over time or between languages and I don't think there's any argument that pronouncing manga "mango with an a" when speaking English is "wrong". If you're going to insist on that you have to follow through and insist we revert to the native pronunciation of every loanword in the English language, and that every other language in the world has to adjust their pronunciations of loanwords in the same way, which in some cases would involve completely changing a language's phonology and writing system... (Hint: not going to happen.)

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4:04 pm, Nov 1 2012
Posts: 184

I'm having a bigger problem with the term whitenized instead of some term like Americanized, which I guess would cut off the U.K. It's more of a language thing than a white thing, sure the majority is still white but nothing to quite make you feel that sting and cut off from your country than the very language being given to a group of people.

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11:15 am, Nov 7 2012
Posts: 199

I pronounced it in my country dialect so it doesn't sound either japanese or whitenized way coz my friends don't read manga so even if I say it in its original way, they wouldn't even know the difference..
I dunno how to explain this but I say it like this, 'mang-Gē' ... the 'mang' is not like the whitenized one but sounds like 'ma' at first.. idk if u get it btw.. smile wink grin

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Post #577309 - Reply to (#473286) by mogiks

4:38 pm, Nov 16 2012
Posts: 32

Quote from mogiks
(I think most people pronounce yaoi "wrong" too.)

Yep. When you go to yaoi-con and hear them all saying yowie, I can't help thinking about the Australian bigfoot. There's an episode of Destination Truth where they said "yowies come out at night" and I cracked up, thinking "yes, fangirls do that."

I think manga as "main-guh" and pronounce it aloud as "mahn-guh". I think yaoi as "yow" and pronounce it as "yah-oi". The reason for that is I was reading those terms for years before I ever heard anyone say them aloud. So by the time I started hearing the "official" pronunciations, it was too late to change the way my brain reads the words. As long as I remember to pronounce them close to accurately, the rabid otakus have no cause to attack. ;p

Post #577312
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5:29 pm, Nov 16 2012
Posts: 238

i pronounce it as mon-gah and find it highly annoying when people pronounce it otherwise..

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England Desu~

5:39 pm, Nov 16 2012
Posts: 11

I pronounce "manga" mahng-ga. I personally am Japanese, and have been reading it ever since I was seven. All the people at my school (that read manga) pronounce it mayng-ga, and it bothers me quite so... none


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5:51 pm, Nov 16 2012
Posts: 66

I say it how it should sound in Japanese. It feels weird otherwise, cuz the kanji for manga is 漫画, which is the same hanja in Korean for manhwa, so I pronounce the "man" part as I would in Korean... don't know if that made sense XD

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5:55 pm, Nov 16 2012
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I say it just like you say magma. You know, the molten rock out of volcano, because of its similar spelling . laugh

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8:03 pm, Nov 16 2012
Posts: 387

I pronounce it 'Chinese cartoons'.


Post #577335
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hoo ha

8:46 pm, Nov 16 2012
Posts: 247

私はL3日本語が読 めます。だから 、私は「まんが 」と言っていま す。Mangaね?I said, "Moooon-gaaah..." 分かったよ?

Last edited by tgirl at 11:27 am, Nov 17 2012

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Post #602666 - Reply to (#242309) by shaggievara
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3:25 am, Jun 9 2013
Posts: 114

Quote from shaggievara
I never talk about manga, so it is rarely in my conversation ever, but mentally, I say it like "mango" with an a. laugh

And I don't give a flying shit who criticizes me for it. none

Agreed. Though i've been known as someone who likes them..
Here, people refer my "manga" word as mango.. *sigh*
Since the Tagalog word for mango is "mangga"

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Post #602668
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3:35 am, Jun 9 2013
Posts: 234

In my native language there is a word pronounced the same as manga(Japanese version) which means to ask. This is why I've always pronounced it the right way, even before i knew the real pronunciation. biggrin

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3:52 am, Jun 9 2013
Posts: 135

i pronounce it like -" maanga" , the "aa" as in japanese letter "a".

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4:08 am, Jun 9 2013
Posts: 280

Not sure how to write it down, mAhn-gah, perhaps?

But, basically just like this

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5:23 am, Jun 15 2013
Posts: 374

I pronounce it the "japanese" way. Though it doesn't really matter, because that's how you pronounce it here in Germany anyway biggrin

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