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Choosing Manga

How do you choose the manga you read most of the time?
Frequency of Releases
Recommended (by a friend or service)
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Post #459
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4:09 pm, Sep 3 2006
Posts: 76

I was wondering this...

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Post #460
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4:11 pm, Sep 3 2006
Posts: 2667

I'd have to say by Genre. I'm a huge fan of Action Adventure, but I can do other things occasionally, like Fantasy, Sci-fi. Occasionally I'll do recommended, but most of the time it's by genre.


4:13 pm, Sep 3 2006
Posts: 8

probably have to be the description for me since i usually pick the title if the description makes me interested

Post #463
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4:13 pm, Sep 3 2006
Posts: 555

A mix of genre, the description, and the picture, though the majority of my decisions is based on genre.

As much as I love certain groups or mangaka, they'll always have something I don't enjoy so I never base it on that.

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4:30 pm, Sep 3 2006
Posts: 3

I choose firstly, by story and art. Bad art can kill a story, and a bad story can kill the art.
But a great story can make mediocre art stand out (Hellsing).
I also look at a mangaka with a good track record (Takahashi Rumiko). BUT I still look at new stuff, as even the best of the best were rookies once..

Just my 2 cents..

Dictator For Life, DETHCo Unicorp Intergalactic, unltd.
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5:18 pm, Sep 3 2006
Posts: 10688

Hmm... Hard question...

I've read manga for all those reasons except "Frequency of Releases" and "Randomly"...A lot of the stuff I've read also were for 2 or more reasons...

/me just votes for "recommended"

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Post #468
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7:32 pm, Sep 3 2006
Posts: 310

Shounen -> I check out most Sunday and Jump series
Seinen ->

Post #469
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9:07 pm, Sep 3 2006
Posts: 325

i'd have to say as long as it isnt yaoi or shoujo or shonen-ai

why back in the day we didn't 'download', we had to swim to japan if we wanted fresh anime and that was only if...

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Post #470
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9:24 pm, Sep 3 2006
Posts: 26

I usually pick it by my favorite mangaka. If I like the scanlation, I go out and buy the original Japanese book to add to my collection. I'm also a part of some groups on Livejournal that allow me to preview a number of series without having to download the title. If I like it, I download it.

I'm reluctant to download shounen manga series if I've seen the anime, only because I like my shounen to be animated. It seems to draw my attention more that way.

I keep up with series through friends, so even though I don't read Death Note, I know the basic principle and stuff. Just to keep myself in the loop. biggrin

Post #471 - Reply to (#470) by Reppu

11:27 pm, Sep 3 2006
Posts: 49

I'm reluctant to download shounen manga series if I've seen the anime, only because I like my shounen to be animated. It seems to draw my attention more that way.

W00T! Finally someone that thinks like me.

With the manga series I'm following, one would think that I'm a high school girl neck-deep into her shoujo eek

I like to have my kicks/jumps/drifts in action, with plenty of movements and music kicking in to spur the adrenaline in that couch-potatoed body of mine. biggrin

Lately I've been hopping around randomly in selecting what I want to read. I like to marathon series so the longs ones which I catch up to I stop following for a while to wait for enough scanlation content to come out to get a good session.

Same thing with my purchases, I typically buy my stuff 2 volumes at a time, otherwise it feels like drag-racing in a school zone with stop signs every 50 meters.

Post #478
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6:51 am, Sep 4 2006
Posts: 452

Usually Genre, but if I find a new manga from a mangaka I like, I tend to read it before anything. biggrin

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Post #485
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4:49 pm, Sep 4 2006
Posts: 29

I usually read recommended manga, though I myself do some research on good seinen titles. So it's basically because of the genre and the recommendations.


Post #653
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2:27 am, Sep 12 2006
Posts: 11

Well, I choose my Mangas often because of the Story, then the Artwork and at least of the Mangaka.
When I like a Serie by a Mangaka then I want more from that one biggrin
But when the Story is bad, I don't choose it. It's just too boring. It donesn't matter wheather the Mangaka is the best one in the world and I liked all the projects before. Or the Atrwork is the best out here. I need a good Story smile

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5:42 am, Sep 18 2006
Posts: 35

I started reading manga because of anime. When I saw Ah! My Goddess OAV, it was pretty clear that there should be more to this story. When I learned of the manga, I immediately bought every book Dark Horse had released and loved it (this was in the days before I knew what domestication and flipped art was).

The next manga titles I bought were all because I saw the anime first -- Love Hina, Chobits, Ai Yori Aoshi, DearS, Full Metal Panic (I wish I had the original novels), Inuyasha, Maison Ikkoku, and several more.

Del Rey's entrance into the manga field actually got me to buy my first manga titles without having seen an anime first. Negima! I picked up because Akamatsu-sensei had previously done Love Hina, which I loved. I also picked up hi A.I. Love You which wasn't as good to me, but still...

I picked up Tsubasa because I had read that this was CLAMP's newest manga using an older Sakura-chan and Syaoran-kun as the stars. The more I heard, the more interested I became. Then I learned that CLAMP's xxxHOLiC was linked to Tsubasa, I decided to check it out. It turned out to be the better of the two titles (IMO).

Since then, because of Del Rey's better job at dealing with manga, I've tried out more of their titles. That's how I picked up School Rumble (after hearing from a guy on Aeka Fan Club that this rocked) and Genshiken I picked up just to try it without knowing a thing about it.

AstroNerdBoy's Anime and Manga Blog
Post #770

8:57 am, Sep 18 2006
Posts: 60


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