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Worst bullying case?

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Post #104572
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Still growing.

10:46 pm, Dec 18 2007
Posts: 513

i actually got bullied before i went to school, about age 4
i was the only person my age around the apartments i lived in, so i'd always wander around by myself, and one day i encountered 3 older girls (i think they were in middle school then) who wouldnt leave me alone. afterwards, whenever they saw me, they'd get snails and chase after me; whenever they caught me they'd wipe 'em all over me or try to put them up my nose and in my mouth. i was four so i didnt really know what to do in that situation. it was really horrible. anyways, that kept going on until i joined the taekwondo dojo nearby. i have healed from that very bad experience and i dont have any hard feelings towards snails.
moral of the story is: join the bullie's dad's dojo.

i also got bullied once by two different people in middle school, but they stopped after the second time. i took the nerdy way out and went to the office, but the office didnt care and the kids never went, but that put them off i guess. shouldve took my chances and fought them. mightve saved my self-pride.

wait does being a brother-servant count as bullying? or does that just come with the older sibling package? i dunno but he really seemed to stretch out that deal. he became a total slug. even when i was sick i had to make him food, get him water, look for the phone, answer the phone, give him the phone, look for the remote, look for his stuff, move the wallmirror that was taller than me to the bathroom door and angle it so he could watch tv inside the bathroom... from age 8 to age 15.

once i entered high school though, everything got better. i lost it and blew off on my brother and now we're okay, i dont go to the same school as those two guys, and those older girls are somewhere i dont give a ****. i dont get bullied anymore by anyone. smile

woah, very long.

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11:43 pm, Dec 18 2007
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geez....I don't want to sound racist. no

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12:05 am, Dec 19 2007
Posts: 29

haha -_-;;
its so complicated...
i had two bestfriends -- a boy and a girl -- during Kindergarten to 4th grade.
my girl bf would i guess, emotionally harass me? saying stuff like you should do this since we're bfs. i even got a pink slip (if you get 3 of these you get expelled) because of her.... wait that didn't sound right so basically what happened was my 1st grade teacher told us not to organize/clean our pencil boxes cuz we were going to end school soon but my desk partner did and i thought it was okay if i did too. i wasn't "caught" until that girl told on me. of course, my desk partner was let off because his mom was a teacher at our school 9 roll eyes ) this kind of stuff continued when she left for another school during 7th grade. ah yes... then there's the guy bf cry i feel really bad. one of the things i did cuz of my stupidity and the girl bf was sorta bully him... the girl bf would tell him to get down on his knees and tie her shoe laces YES A FRIGGIN 7 year old. and i would join in by saying "yeaaaah" in a jeering tone. she was so mean to him... she would pull his hair whenever he found her during hide and seek none anyways he left after 3rd or 4th grade
and i never really seen him again

THEN on 7th grade four friggin fobs from korea came to my school (no offense to fobs) two each were sisters... and they would seriously bully me my saying "come to the bathroom" which i only saw in like korean dramas or movies. in my naivete i followed and i was commanded that i call a girl in the same grade but a year older "unni" which means an older sister/female
...classic... seriously...

i took the nerdy way and told my parents who told the principle who held a conference and then told the whole school how they shouldn't make ppl loners during an assembly. the friggin girl then said to me, "you *****, we got in trouble cuz of you"

i was the quiet shy smart asian girl during jr. high and now in like -_-;;
i go to an all-girl school now and ive learned how to deal with them
im close to getting a black belt in tae kwon do and due to my hot temper, i might drop-kick someone who messes with me. i cant wait to see my ex-girlbestfriend again... i wonder what would happen........................

hello moto

1:42 am, Dec 19 2007
Posts: 6

I remembered I got bullied back in high school. During junior year/3rd year in high school, this bully always pick on me and he think I am easy to mess with.

One day, in the school's hallway, the bully surprised me by slapping the back of my head really hard for no reasons. Then he said "watch where you f*****g going, you stupid f***".
I was already in terrible mood and I suddenly snapped right away. I pushed him to the floor and kept socking his head. His girlfriend started screaming for help. I got up and kicked his head 2 times and chest 3 times until he shed some blood. I was about to slap his girl for screaming but I cannot submit myself in hurting girls. Then my best friend came by to stop me and tell me "are you f****n crazy? you almost killed him!" I literally pushed him away, so I could kick the bully's head one last time. Then the counselor told the bully and me to go to his office, so we could explain the situation. I told the counselor that I was trying to defend myself because he assaulted me first. Luckily, I got off the hook and the bully got two weeks suspension. My friend told me that the counselor compared report card grades between the bully and me. I got all A's for freshman/1st year and sophomore/2nd year year (no joke, I work hard in getting those good grades because my parents kept yelling at me for not doing so good in school) and I bet the bully got the worst grades possible because he never show up for school. The school play favorites when it comes to grades.

To those who read this, I believe you guys and girls think the actual bully should be me, not the other guy. Well, I am very sorry about this because I was really frustrated early in the morning and my mind is not fully awake. Instead I was awake by the pain on the back of my head which made me more frustrated. Once again, I am sorry that you hear my tragic story and I wish for those victims who got bullied, be safe and live your life to the fullest. biggrin

Post #104588 - Reply to (#104581) by xanimoox
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Still growing.

2:08 am, Dec 19 2007
Posts: 513

Quote from xanimoox
i was the quiet shy smart asian girl during jr. high and now in like -_-;;
i go to an all-girl school now and ive learned how to deal with them
im close to getting a black belt in tae kwon do and due to my hot temper, i might drop-kick someone who messes with me. i cant wait to see my ex-girlbestfriend again... i wonder what would happen........................

hahah!! that's like how i ended up. once i took taekwondo, i never really got bugged by anyone else, since they learned i could drop kick their asses even though im short (excluding those two older kids. i at least wish i couldve told them to shut the **** up on the bus really loud so everyone would stare at them with the power of peer pressure bigrazz)

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Post #104783 - Reply to (#104588) by kiddo
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12:30 am, Dec 20 2007
Posts: 29

Quote from kiddo
Quote from xanimoox
i was the quiet shy smart asian girl during jr. high and now in like -_-;;
i go to an all-girl school now and ive learned how to deal with them
im close to getting a black belt in tae kwon do and due to my hot temper, i might drop-kick someone who messes with me. i cant wait to see my ex-girlbestfriend again... i wonder what would happen........................

hahah!! that's like how i ended up. once i took taekwondo, i never really got bugged by anyone else, since they learned i could drop kick their asses even though im short (excluding those two older kids. i at least wish i couldve told them to shut the **** up on the bus really loud so everyone would stare at them with the power of peer pressure bigrazz )

haha great minds think alike XD
and im short too -_-
yesh... the power of peer pressure is amazing
we should use to our advantage biggrin
i sounded evil lol

i have a lot of things i regret not doing
i wish i could've spoken up more
but now its all okay cuz i now do speak up

hello moto
Post #104794 - Reply to (#97865) by Dubby
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1:58 am, Dec 20 2007
Posts: 57

Quote from Dubby
Someone found out my real name, and humiliated me in the entire drama class with it in Grade 9. We were assigned groups for an assignment, and I got teamed up with the bitches. We made our play, but when we presented it, they fucked it up completely to humiliate it, changing my character's name to my real name, and doing mean crap to my character. Everyone burst out laughing in the class as if it was HILARIOUS!

I have extremely high tolerance [EXTREMELY high], and love to smile [it makes everything seem okay when you smile - so I love to smile, even when things take a big fall down]. I had been tolerating their shit for far too long, seeing as they used to harass me 24/7, treat me like shit they could step on and wipe off on the grass, so I just cracked. I blanked out, and burst into tears when my teacher asked me if everything was alright [she knew my real name].

Then when one of the pricks who saw me crying dared come up to me to ask me if I was okay. I FLIPPED. I punched him, I kicked him in his... privates about 10 times, jumped on him and punched him repeatedly, and just basically lost control. I was literally aiming to kill.

And I'm a person with extremely high tolerance, and cracking my smile is bad enough. But making me snap is just...

Ahaha, I just remembered this. XD <3

I was so pissed back then, but looking back on it now...

there are 3 kinds of people in the world:
1. people who snap at every little thing
2. people who just ignore
3. people who let it build up and then explode

you're the 3rd kind, which may be very bad because the explosion is very much 'uglier' that all the others

hey, I'm the 3rd type too, I'm a vary patient person I can take a lot of crap, when I sense I'm reaching my limit I advise the guy to stop, if he goes on I draw first blood, the he stops it and goes to the nurse (well most of the times)

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Post #104808
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5:42 am, Dec 20 2007
Posts: 73

damn that sounds hectic... growing up in the other countries. well i grew up in South Africa. Bullying doesnt really happen in South Africa none of my friends were involved or victims in bully. But kids stabbing and shooting each other exist. kids dying from school and stuff like that. but those things only started happening now. luckily im already out of school ^^x but South Africa doesnt really have bullying. i dont know if murder is a case of bully. i know of kids who stabbed others in chapel with a sharp object like compass or scissors. and kids shootin other kids from opposing schools in parties. its mad.

Since growing up i havnt been bullied once. well i was well known by everyone in my school one of those guys who everyone knows my name ^^x. but i feel sorry for people who go through bullying. it mustve been shit. i cant imagine picking on anyone. and i wouldnt stand and see people taking advantage of others being the bigger or outnumbering. normal times i admire other countries. but in this situation i kinda am happy that im in South Africa. people here are very friendly to one another. especially young kids. racism doesnt exist. the only thing that is messed up is the black people, they are very player hating and they love creating gangs. and seeing which gang is better. but if your in those none gang turfs. people there are very friendly. ^^x

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1:51 am, Mar 17 2008
Posts: 196

when i was a kid, i was really, really stupid, so i kinda got what i deserved, really biggrin

i took anything as an hidden insult, witch resulted in people thinking i was slightly retarded.
then i grew up, but then i was agreesive instead, leading to people provoking me into hurling my little pudgy frame at them and getting beaten within five seconds biggrin

then i grew up a little more, got friends, and were't tiny and pudgy anymore, so the gradually stopped provoking me, leaving only two assholes who waas teasing/provoking/beating up anybody who stood out.

then it culminated. i was standing by a window, looking outside and being boored and pissed of when they walked by behind me, smacking me over the head as i went. so i turned around, pressed the smaller of them against the wall, and then i came to standing in a pool of my own blood. aparently, as i pieced together the eyewitneses descriptions, one of them had cut me with a razor in the head, resulting in a shitload of blood, and a tiny five stitches cut.

after that, it kinda fizzled out, and the only thing thats happened since then is a fat finnish guy at my gymnasium who turned my name into an insult...

Post #143007
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Werd Nerd

2:42 am, Mar 17 2008
Posts: 590

I tend to be socially retarded, which kind of makes it harder for me to get along with people in general. But I've never had a problem the same way a lot of you guys have. I've just been bullied socially, not beat up. I must say, my favourite incident was probably when, in fourth grade, I got slapped by another girl and we landed in the VP's office. He then proceeded to explain how the entire incident was my fault and why I should apologize to the one who slapped me. Ah, the joys of the educational system! And "zero-tolerance policies" don't actually exist, but I love how the throw the term around like they actually plan to enforce them. Coming in second on my list of incidents would probably be when I found out the ever-so-kind nickname I'd been given by someone who'd acted like my friend for five years...CHB. Short for Cold-Hearted Bitch, in case you were wondering. The best part was how he had gotten other people to start calling me that behind my back too, especially the ones who didn't know me...and when you don't get how people interact socially, having stuff like that happen just makes your life more confusing/hellish.

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5:58 am, Mar 17 2008
Posts: 1429

When my friend was in the 4th class he got bullied almost everyday, the worst case was at the end of the year when they threw 2 dozen eggs at him and then threw him into dog poop, I felt really sorry for him but since there were 5 guys there was nothing I could do

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Lurker Queen.

7:35 am, Mar 17 2008
Posts: 779

I went through a huge amount of bullying in primary must've been the fact that I was veeeryy weird (I was more or less raised by grandma and I was years behind everyone else). Those 4 years were pretty much a nightmare <_<

Then I ended up in middle school with around half the people I've been with in primary school. Not good, but it all seemed to calm down in 8th grade or so. And I realized that for quite a few years I've been friends with all the wrong people...and 2-3 of the so-called bullies are now good friends of mine...weird, but hey people change bigrazz

But now it's better in highschool. We're a whole class of stressed-out kids bullied by teachers smile

Post #143242
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Patent Pending

4:13 pm, Mar 17 2008
Posts: 520

Bullying and stuff like that doesn't really happen much in my middle school. (At least, to me...Which is probably because I'm usually so quiet that no one takes much notice as to do something like that.) The worst I ever got 'bullied' was during summer camp before I entered 6th grade. It wasn't so bad that I cried or anything but I became really annoyed and angry would often envision her suffering in some way. none

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4:37 pm, Mar 17 2008
Posts: 694

hhmm lets see when i first came to Canada. I was in grade 5 and i couldn't speak proper English, and had big glasses <_<....therefore i was bullied....the different types were verbally being put down (usually by girls), being beat up by the guys (broke about 20 pairs of glasses) and this continued until i got out of ESL, then i came back in grade 6 after summer as a new person, had contacts, could speak English like i do rite now and was a bit stronger from taking all those beating, after that no one tried anything and this way i rose up the social ladder and caused other bullied kids to rise also by being friends with them as i didn't want others to go through much more of what i had to go through.

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5:03 pm, Mar 17 2008
Posts: 343

wow. o_o that sounds pretty awful. I didn't realize that kids went that far. I'm sorry. =\ I hope you're okay now.

I had some bullying issues in 4th & 5th grade, but it was either being called mean names or being ignored/avoided or whatever. but since that was a catholic school, I just switched out to public school for 6th grade, which was a lot better for me in the long run. I had this problem where no one talked to me for the first 2 months (since there were 400 kids and everyone already had their own friends and assumed everyone else did too). and after 6th grade at public school, I transferred into a regular private school and I've been there even since.. even though most of my friends hate it, I really like it.

I've never really been physically bullied or anything.. that sounds like it might be worse than emotional bullying or being invisible though.

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