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Are you a vegetarian?
Used to.
I want to be one!
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Post #342943

1:18 pm, Dec 18 2009
Posts: 1762


Last edited by Raeryn at 8:22 pm, Aug 21 2015

Post #342945
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1:21 pm, Dec 18 2009
Posts: 437

Yeah, I'm a vegetarian. I was a pure lacto-ovo vegetarian (means I eat eggs and milk) since I was about 4 years old. I absolutely hated the taste of meat, especially seafood (especially crabs and lobsters and shrimp and shellfish... yeah everything in the ocean besides tuna fish is absolutely disgusting to me (as food, I mean). Just imagining eating that stuff completely grosses me out.) Well, the only thing was I've always eaten tuna salad.

But lately I have been eating some chicken and ground beef... never on its own, I don't like that, but as part of things they are good (hamburgers, meatballs and pasta, tacos, chicken noodle soup, chicken and rice, etc.). So now I'm what they call a "flexitarian" (eat meat occasionally, but still majorly vegetarian).

But I never eat meat on its own (tastes bad and would be quite unpleasant... to me, it's quite comparable to sitting down and eating a stick of butter all by itself.), and I'll never eat any seafood other than a fish (I would say anything besides tuna fish, but there may be another fish that I may like and haven't tried yet). I'll tell you why: I have a strong tendency to associate foods with other things, meaning if it reminds me of something gross, I won't eat it. (I also am sensitive to things that are too cold (cold baked potato is bad), smell bad (sauerkraut, seafood, and kim chi are bad), look gross (shrimp, shellfish, snails, and organs are bad), or things that aren't the right texture (mozzarella cheese that is too smooth and slimy and yogurt that is too gloppy are bad).) Shrimp reminds me of giant grubs (with long legs!); the meat of crabs and lobster and shrimp looks like giant chunks of solidified pus; shellfish are slimy and globby; and of course, they all smell awful. I like them as living animals, but as food... that's just nasty, understand? For meat from other animals (pigs, chicken, turkeys, etc.), it's very hard for me to stop thinking things like, "these are animal corpse pieces," which really grosses me out. The bigger the pieces, the harder it is for me to ignore the association (the sight of a turkey carcass, with bones sticking out, on my table at Thanksgiving dinner is pretty disgusting), but I can usually handle little pieces (like diced chicken in chicken noodle soup). I've never had any meat whose flavor was all that great, though, so I only eat them very occasionally.

Well, there's also the fact that a lot of animals in the meat industry are treated very badly, and I don't like that. Animals should be respected and treated well, especially if they're going to be killed for food. So I always try to buy meat and milk and such from local farms here where I live where the animals are free range and I can have some confidence that they've been treated humanely.

Lastly, as far as the production of food goes, plants are a lot more efficient than animals: Based on what I've heard from farmers around here (we've got a lot of farmland here where I live, mostly used for grain and cows & bulls), it takes about 10 pounds of grain to produce 1 pound of beef. You get the idea. So my two cents is that, as long as plant foods are readily available (although if it's winter and fruits, veggies, grains, and such are in short supply, or would have to be shipped in from a long way away ('cause that uses resources too), I can see it's perfectly reasonable to rely more on meat), I think it's best for them to be the main part of the diet and for meat to be more minor.

Last edited by lynira at 1:49 pm, Mar 13 2014

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Post #342947
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1:27 pm, Dec 18 2009
Posts: 1975

I love meat too much to give it up. D:
Thoughts on vegetarians? Hmm, I'm amazed by them...I guess...

Post #342950
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1:39 pm, Dec 18 2009
Posts: 2275

I've been an ovo-lacto vegetarian for ten years.

Why did I stop?
I just don't particularly like eating animals... that's how it started.
I continue to not eat animals because of how they are treated.

Was it hard?
It wasn't really hard to stop eating meat...
I was having dinner with my family one night, which contained chicken. I just sat there staring at it, and I realize I just don't want to eat this any more; So, I simply stopped. A couple of months later, there wasn't any food in the house besides condiments and McDonald's burgers, which at the time were 33 cents each so my family got them in large quantities, and because I hadn't eaten that day I was fairly hungry. So, I ate almost a half of one when I started feeling ill... mostly because I was discussed with myself. So, from then on... I just will not eat meat.

"Officially, this machine doesn't exist, you didn't get it from me,
and I don't know you. Make sure it doesn't leave the building."
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2:31 pm, Dec 18 2009
Posts: 479

I would never stop eating meat. Nothing beats a juicy pepper steak. omnomnom

Post #342970
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2:54 pm, Dec 18 2009
Posts: 1619

Not vegetarian and I have no desire to be.
Y'all are welcome to eat or not eat whatever pleases you, as long as it doesn't harm me or mine. (As in, I don't condone cannibalism except under extreme circumstances.)

Just don't get pissed off that I didn't necessarily think about your eating preferences when making a meal if I didn't get some sort of warning about it in advance.

And, if you're super picky, be polite to your host and make sure you bring something with you that you will eat as opposed to making your host feel like garbage.

If you've ever thought or said "Nice Guys finish last" and really meant it, then you should probably read this LJ post by DivaLion. It's incredibly insightful whether you're male or female.

From a bumper sticker I like:
"If you're gonna ride my ass, at least pull my hair."
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3:03 pm, Dec 18 2009
Posts: 228

I'm the Meat King (though I'm a girl).

Does not compute.
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3:12 pm, Dec 18 2009
Posts: 195

Vegetarian here... I love being a vegetarian... My cravings for meat have been few and far between... The only one I remember was sashimi pizza (It looked amazing)... ... I gave up meat for health related reason...

It was easy to give up meat.. I have not touched it since I became one...

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3:18 pm, Dec 18 2009
Posts: 131

im a meat lover!!!!! ubut i get mistaken for a veggie becasue i love fruits, funny. But I mean i dont believe in animal cruelty, totally against what they do to get fur i mena they kill and animal and just leave it. As for beef and lamb, not only are they consumed for their meta, but there skin gets used likewise, so its like using everything. I dont feel bad, becasue is teh circle of life, plu sit tastes damn good!!!

as for veggies, its there life to choose what t do with it, not my buisness smile

I don't use "bad" words, I use SENTENCE ENHANCERS.
Post #342979 - Reply to (#342974) by Maharajah
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Is a female

3:24 pm, Dec 18 2009
Posts: 3457

Quote from Maharajah
I'm the Meat King (though I'm a girl).

Then it would have been more appropriate to put:

"I am the Meat Queen"

Although I recon I could challenge you for that title there =P

Post #342981
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3:34 pm, Dec 18 2009
Posts: 23

I'm an equal opportunity eater. I eat anything that doesn't eat me first. That's why I'm a member of PETA: People Eating Tasty Animals biggrin

I could never give up cow or pig; I like steak and bacon too much.

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3:38 pm, Dec 18 2009
Posts: 741

I'm not vegetarian.
They have my respect. There's no way I could ever give up meat.

Looking for... shoujo with a canned peach confession. Don’t English me I’m panic.
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Manga Otaku

3:39 pm, Dec 18 2009
Posts: 715

I love meat too much. >__< I don't want to give up meat...never plan to. But do I respect vegetarians and their choice to become one.

I read so much mangas, I'm too lazy to watch anime! bigrazz bigrazz bigrazz

Manga I'm loving ATM: Heart no Kuni no Alice
Post #342986 - Reply to (#342979) by tactics
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3:49 pm, Dec 18 2009
Posts: 228

Quote from tactics
Quote from Maharajah
I'm the Meat King (though I'm a girl).

Then it would have been more appropriate to put:

"I am the Meat Queen"

Although I recon I could challenge you for that title there =P

Yeah, but the Meat Queen sounds really lame to my ears so I just left it at that. biggrin

P.S. : I really crave for some meat now.

Does not compute.
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4:12 pm, Dec 18 2009
Posts: 574

I used to be vegetarian. I don't know why I ever stopped....Maybe it was because I accepted that humans are a lost cause, animals get abused, and people don't care, and I'm no better. That's how it is.

Even now I don't eat much meat, I've never liked seafood (disgusting in it's own right), and I will not eat eggs, no matter how much you paid me.

Some meat is disgusting. I don't eat meat of the piggie variety, because of the associating with it, the smell, etc. Seafood creeps me out, and it's gross. When I eat chicken, I think of the Turkey I basted this Thanksgiving and I want to hurl. So all-in-all, it not only can taste gross, but when I think of what it is, all hope is lost.

I'm considering reverting back to my old ways. To do that though, it would take a lot of work. Just because you don't eat meat directly, does not mean that the products you buy are doing any better than having a meat buffet. I don't even like buying milk often, and I try to use as little as I can.

We all just need to go organic (never in my lifetime though) ><

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