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Prefer Ongoing or Completed Series?

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12:44 pm, Apr 18 2007
Posts: 12

I prefer ongoing series because if it's already completed I will probably read it as fast as I can and won't sleep very well >_>

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1:02 pm, Apr 18 2007
Posts: 272

Well I preffer completed series because then I know from the start that I will be able to read and enjoy the series untill the end. But on the other hand I don't really mind Ongoing series that much either, if the releases are comming on a regular basis. Right now I'm following several ongoing series. It's always refreshing that a new release comes out, while you are reading another (completed) series.

But ongoing series that are put on hold or dropped or even have their releases comming out way to slow are damn irritating.
Like Open Sesame sad Tsk it takes like forever for chapter 64 :s
And I started reading Kotaro Makaritoru and Ai ga tomaranai.... Big mistake since It doesn't seem anyone will ever scanlate them again!

Post #11049 - Reply to (#11033) by luisalirio84
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1:22 pm, Apr 18 2007
Posts: 2667

Quote from luisalirio84
Quote from Manick
I hate the pause for ongoing series, but then again, if a series is really good, it can be quite depressing if it is completed.

I guess there just isn't any way to win...

You said it best but then again they can't go on forever can they? But the most horrifying thing is a series on hiatus cause the mangaka has problems. Holy crap I just realized what if a mangaka dies? No. I'm gonna talk to god for the first time in a long while and ask that that doesn't happen.

Oh Manick its been bothering me for a while but there's something about your avatar. It almost seems like a real person altough I know it's just art but the face...hmmm... something about it. Where did you get it if you don't mind me asking? smile

Haibane Renmei, one of my favorite animes...

Post #11054 - Reply to (#11049) by Manick
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2:16 pm, Apr 18 2007
Posts: 1199

Quote from Manick
Haibane Renmei, one of my favorite animes...

Thanks Manick I think i'll watch it when I get the time. ;)

~~~the world it is a dyin'~~ so let's just enjoy the view~~~
Post #11061
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2:38 pm, Apr 18 2007
Posts: 290

I read everything! But I think I really prefer completed series. I love the suspense of one chapter to the next, but it just kills me when I can't get my next fix anytime in the near future. I think Manick really put it in the best way...what a genius ;) I got nearly every single completed series listed on this website (excluding shojo) biggrin

Post #11070 - Reply to (#11061) by FuN!
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3:46 pm, Apr 18 2007
Posts: 2667

Quote from FuN!
I think Manick really put it in the best way...what a genius ;)

laugh someone's fishing for brownie points ... bigrazz

Post #11071 - Reply to (#11049) by Manick

3:48 pm, Apr 18 2007
Posts: 630

Quote from luisalirio84
You said it best but then again they can't go on forever can they? But the most horrifying thing is a series on hiatus cause the mangaka has problems. Holy crap I just realized what if a mangaka dies? No. I'm gonna talk to god for the first time in a long while and ask that that doesn't happen.

Yeah, that's happened with a long shoujo series called Itazura na Kiss. It's 23 volumes and will have no real end because the mangaka died. cry But for people that have read until the end of the series (it's maybe about half-scanslated as I write this), the last story was an okay one for an "ending". But I've always wondered that if the author for a big series like Harry Potter passed away and doesn't finish the story, will people freak out and go nuts? (Nah, probably just cry for the most part.)

Quote from Manick
Quote from luisalirio84
Oh Manick its been bothering me for a while but there's something about your avatar. It almost seems like a real person altough I know it's just art but the face...hmmm... something about it. Where did you get it if you don't mind me asking? smile

Haibane Renmei, one of my favorite animes...

The funny thing is, I went over to and someone used like an avatar that was either the same or similar to that one. It was screwing me up a bit mentally. bigrazz xD

My avatar was Yves Saint Laurent's The Black Evening Dress (with big bow) first shown in 1983, photographed from his 2002 retrospective and final show. [color=#CC0066]Check out some of his collections for free (pre-2008) HERE[/color] courtesy of FirstView.
Post #11072 - Reply to (#11070) by Manick

3:49 pm, Apr 18 2007
Posts: 630

Quote from Manick
Quote from FuN!
I think Manick really put it in the best way...what a genius ;)

laugh someone's fishing for brownie points ... bigrazz

Perhaps it's easier looking for brownie points from Manick than lambchopll. ^^;

My avatar was Yves Saint Laurent's The Black Evening Dress (with big bow) first shown in 1983, photographed from his 2002 retrospective and final show. [color=#CC0066]Check out some of his collections for free (pre-2008) HERE[/color] courtesy of FirstView.
Post #11073 - Reply to (#11071) by Takiko
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3:52 pm, Apr 18 2007
Posts: 2667

Quote from Takiko
The funny thing is, I went over to and someone used like an avatar that was either the same or similar to that one. It was screwing me up a bit mentally. bigrazz xD

Hah, you're right. I just went over there and took a look. He's using a bigger portion of the face. I cropped the image off of a wallpaper a few years ago, so he probably did the same thing.


Here, I think this is where I got it from:

Post #11075 - Reply to (#11072) by Takiko
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4:22 pm, Apr 18 2007
Posts: 290

Quote from Takiko
Perhaps it's easier looking for brownie points from Manick than lambchopll. ^^;

Yup! eyes

Quote from luisalirio84
You said it best but then again they can't go on forever can they? But the most horrifying thing is a series on hiatus cause the mangaka has problems. Holy crap I just realized what if a mangaka dies? No. I'm gonna talk to god for the first time in a long while and ask that that doesn't happen.

Didn't that happen with Tezuka Osamu and his manga Pheonix? Or am I remembering that wrong?

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5:03 pm, Apr 18 2007
Posts: 1199

I just hope it doesn't happen to any of the ongoing series that I read. Is that selfish? I think not. Are there any female admins? Gotta go get some brownie points there. eyes

Fun! see how a pro gets brownie points without being so direct. Look at my new avatar.<< smile wink grin Mwahahahaha. laugh

Last edited by luisalirio84 at 5:09 pm, Apr 18 2007

~~~the world it is a dyin'~~ so let's just enjoy the view~~~
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6:36 pm, Apr 18 2007
Posts: 10691

Hmm...I don't accept bribes, you know. You have to *impress* me, not give me something.

And Manick, so THAT'S where you got your avatar...

Btw, I prefer completed, but I read more ongoing...They're just so good!

A just ruler amongst tyrants
Post #11100
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6:40 pm, Apr 18 2007
Posts: 2896

Warn: Banned

what manga is that from?

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6:51 pm, Apr 18 2007
Posts: 10691

Haibane Renmei, anime series

It was in 2002 and seems to be pretty popular

A just ruler amongst tyrants
Post #11102
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6:51 pm, Apr 18 2007
Posts: 2896

Warn: Banned

ohhh....i never heard of it.
are they....lesbians? biggrin
how's my new avatar by the way?

Life, what would it be without so much wrongs and rights?

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