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Site Poll - Chat Box 77 - Pokemon vs. Digimon

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Post #333612
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4:41 pm, Nov 9 2009
Posts: 1975

I never really played or watched Digimon. So I can't really say which one is better because I've never played/watched one of the choices. laugh

Post #333710
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10:46 am, Nov 10 2009
Posts: 29

Digimon definetly had the betterr show for me, it was more epic and intelligent, had more fluid art, and I loved it, a couple of times I could not wait till next week to see what will happen.

Pokemon was more episodic and it got old after a while. I actually remember having an epiphany that I was watching a recycled plot, I swear my brain grew three sizes that day.

But what I was really into about Pokemon was the Games, cards, and toys. So while memories of throwing a Pokeball at squirrels in the backyard are great I still voted Digimon because I can still enjoy it now after the nostalgia wears off

Last edited by Vesey at 10:52 am, Nov 10 2009

Post #333780

8:32 pm, Nov 10 2009
Posts: 3

*Just a heads up, this is a post from someone recounting the days of living as a child during the golden era of pokemon. Bored readers just keep scrolling down, I voted for pokemon, and that's all one might need to know from this post*

In short Digimon has always been the more mature franchise in just about everything they produced, and always made me think beyond the more or less fairy tale of pokemon, which has far outlived it's deserved fame and fortune.

But during it's time, pokemon was a beast that couldn't be stopped. You were faced with it in just about every corner you looked, and it was for any child something that could bring together just about anyone from anywhere. For a child during it's time, it would have seemed as big as the internet is today. Anyone would have to choose pokemon if they truly were involved in the scale of which this franchise had moved our culture.

As far as the games go, I was a huge fan of pokemon red/blue and the best entertainment system to come out around the time of their release: The Game Boy pocket. if you were a kid, you almost had to have one of these at some point

Digimon also had some really great games that came out for the PS1, if anyone might recall them. The digimon world games easily held their ground against the dominating portable RPG franchise of pokemon. They also had their own brand of unique flavor in the game mechanics that far outstretched the simplicity of the pokemon RPGs. It was also something different you faced every time you bought the next game. As something based off an anime series is, this seems extraordinary that it was able to live as it's own game, seperate from the anime's progression, and able to hold fans in both the anime and game markets.

And much like what ended up killing the anime, pokemon had decided to NOT change their overly addictive formula of entertainment. And in the end, had far outpaced themselves in releasing the latest Versions, while sticking to their tried and true methods that always kept us buying them. embarrassed

In the end, just give me both, as I could love both just as easily. If only digimon was able to live with even half the widespread fame of pokemon, it might have actually become much more than it was, like pokemon had.

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Post #334074
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12:53 pm, Nov 12 2009
Posts: 165

Pokemon, because I like the animation better.

I'll hug your problems away.
Post #334406 - Reply to (#333259) by leelana
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Mome Basher

6:43 am, Nov 14 2009
Posts: 3380

Quote from leelana
If you want storyline, PROGRESSION, comedy, intensity, emotion? Hit up Digimon.

If you just wanna watch a bunch of cute creatures pop out of a pokeball and do the expected every time, every year, for a child that NEVER FLIPPING AGES? Then go for Pokemon.

Ever read THIS? xD

Anyways, just out of spite, I'm gonna go with Digimon as well.

Why? Because I'm freakin sick of Pokemon! There's just too freakin many!
The first 2 gens were okay, they were actually cool back then. But nowasays...most of 'em are quite lame...
I mean....whoever thought up of Chimchar was just bloody lazy. Not only did it kill my ritual of picking fire starters, but it was basically a ripoff of Charmander!
Don't even get me started on Turtwig and freakin Piplup...

Pokemon is like mobile phones of today, too much shit in one thing.

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Everyday I'm tumblin'
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11:14 am, Nov 14 2009
Posts: 10688

Poll's over for the site

A just ruler amongst tyrants
Post #338496 - Reply to (#333317) by ExzyruSxxx

9:38 pm, Nov 29 2009
Posts: 1063

Quote from ExzyruSxxx
And the bishies: Red, Blue, Gold, Steven, Roark, Lt. Surge.

And last but not least the fanbase in general. Naming all those ships can get a little ridiculous
I'm already planning our wedding (HoennChampionShipping ftw).

Truth be told, I coined one of those many shippings myself (RingShipping for Steven baby X Platinum).

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