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Manga Info: Status in Country of Origin per volume + manga review section suggestion

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2:33 am, Jun 20 2015
Posts: 3

Adding the no. of chapters per volume or even adding the no. of pages per chapters would really be more informative and proved to be very useful.

Also, adding a review section in the manga information itself might be useful and might prove to be more easy to navigate too. Clicking the sidebar, searching for a title in the sidebar takes too long.

Post #667498

6:08 am, Jun 20 2015
Posts: 490

Don't you just scroll down for reviews?

Post #667621 - Reply to (#667488) by sinner08910

8:46 pm, Jun 21 2015
Posts: 317

Adding the no. of chapters per volume or even adding the no. of pages per chapters would really be more informative and proved to be very useful.

Why would you need this?

And yes, as kaloo mentioned the comments usually already contain reviews. If you can't find a review in the comments chances are you won't find one in the Reviews page, either.


1:54 am, Jun 23 2015
Posts: 3

For the second part: ex

I see these texts: "User Reviews N/A" tho I see two comments below... so there's really no review found on that page.

Also, for the first part. Knowing the length of your reading material could encourage or discourage you to read or not to read the manga. It will help you decide. Also, it will struck a good impression depending on your preferences, if you want it longer or shorter.

If you don't want to add this feature, then so be it. I am just suggesting it, not saying that you really should. It's all up to you. It doesn't matter that much to me, but maybe to you and to all other visitors of this site. smile

Post #667683

2:36 am, Jun 23 2015
Posts: 317

The thing is you're asking for user-submitted data. If no other user submits a review, whether it be in the comments or the review section, then tough luck.

With regards to chapters per volume, users can actually request admins to add volume information to chapter releases. For example, if Volume 1 of Shinazu no Ryouken is released and contains chapters 1-10, you can ask an admin via the Request Change form to label chapters 1-10 in the database as coming from Volume 1. But again, it's something that the users should request; the admins do not read every title to know which chapter goes in which volume.

The pages per chapter is almost impossible - if not messy - to do. Try to imagine how to implement that for series such as Hajime no Ippo or Detective Conan. It's also possible that the number of pages from the magazine may be different from that from the tankobon.

Post #667721 - Reply to (#667683) by auriga

6:20 pm, Jun 23 2015
Posts: 3

I see. So about reviews. Does this mean that if a manga title has no user reviews then no review navigation or output will be shown, making you unable to add reviews on that page? So, you really have to navigate thru the sidebar? Then, it needs to be added if that's the case.

About having the user request for an update to the volume info, why couldn't it be automated by asking the scanlation team to have a naming convention with their submitted chapters? Like, Chapter no. - Title - Volume No. and/or etc.

Lastly about the pages per chapter. Don't manga titles differ greatly in page count? I'm not really sure, but aren't there only 2 categories? Monthly and weekly chapters? So by putting 60+ (monthly) and 10+ (weekly) is enough. Also, I have read some manga with less than 10 pages per chapters so for that exception we can put 10- (short series).

Last edited by sinner08910 at 6:46 am, Jun 26 2015

Post #667773 - Reply to (#667721) by sinner08910

8:33 pm, Jun 24 2015
Posts: 317

Does this mean that if a manga title has no user reviews then no review navigation or output will be shown, making you unable to add reviews on that page? So, you really have to navigate thru the sidebar? Then, it needs to be added if that's the case.

Ah, you mean like an "Add a review" button? I see; this is worth considering. I'm not that familiar with how reviews work because I don't read them at all.

About having the user request for an update to the volume info, why couldn't it be automated by asking the scanlation team to have a naming convention with their submitted chapters? Like, Chapter no. - Title - Volume No. and/or etc.

That's what normally happens when the releases they do come from actual volumes. The same can't be said when they're doing chapters that have not yet been released in volumes, which is usually what happens when they're working on ongoing series (like those from Shonen Jump).

Lastly about the pages per chapter. Don't manga titles differ greatly in page count? I'm not really sure, but aren't there only 2 categories? Monthly and weekly chapters?

There's also bimonthly and quarterly, so there are at least 4 categories. Some series even have erratic release schedules (which Berserk is very infamous for).

So by putting 60+ (monthly) and 10+ (weekly) enough. Also, I have read some manga with less than 10 pages per chapters so for that exception we can put 10- (short series).

Unfortunately the frequency of the serialization isn't really indicative of page count. AFAIK Saki, a monthly series, has the same page count as a weekly series (probably even less). Spotted Flower, a quarterly series, only has about 10 pages per chapter.


You can input this in the series description field. Try it out yourself on a few series and see if it catches on. wink

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