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Which first? Manga or anime?

Anime or manga? Which would you go for? If both which first?
The manga.
The anime.
Both. Manga first.
Both. Anime first.
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Post #230629
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Midnight Rooster

1:27 pm, Nov 24 2008
Posts: 238

I wasn't making any kind of comparison. I meant that since the anime is usually a mere imitation (my opinion), even in cases where the anime is good, I will probably just read the manga.

Though in my opinion there difference between this thread and the one linked is very minor.

Last edited by AX at 1:36 pm, Nov 24 2008

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Post #230630
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1:28 pm, Nov 24 2008
Posts: 412

Manga! More easily accessible and takes up less time! XD

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1:40 pm, Nov 24 2008
Posts: 385

Really depends on my mood, but I chose Both - Manga first because I'm in the mood for manga more often smile

For those of you who keep saying that the anime version is usually worse than the manga version, I agree but there are still far more well-done manga to anime adaptations than anime to manga adaptations imo.

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1:44 pm, Nov 24 2008
Posts: 4

Some mangas I just don't like to read, is usually more fun to watch, than to read.

And yes some animes are just pieces of crap (no offense) but that's just my opinion. So I start reading the manga, and If I think that, oh maybe it's anime is more intresting, I watch the anime instead. Or both smile

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2:13 pm, Nov 24 2008
Posts: 1698

Manga first for me.
But if it's a new series of an anime, and I had never read the manga before. then i'll watch it first. And when I'm too anxious, I read the manga where the anime left off at. *w*

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Madame Red

2:24 pm, Nov 24 2008
Posts: 2172

i go for manga^^
if it is extremely cute and sweet i would take a look at the anime but it only happens once in a while...

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Barely Here

2:30 pm, Nov 24 2008
Posts: 784

I like both, but I really prefer manga!!
anime is cool because you can hear everything, and there's some really cool OP and ED. and manga, it's the original so things don't get cut out there biggrin

Post #230660 - Reply to (#230652) by shi666san
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Over the Rainbow.

2:38 pm, Nov 24 2008
Posts: 664

Quote from shi666san
I like both, but I really prefer manga!!
anime is cool because you can hear everything, and there's some really cool OP and ED. and manga, it's the original so things don't get cut out there biggrin

I was assuming that the anime didn't cut things out. Please read the OP more carefully. cry

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3:37 pm, Nov 24 2008
Posts: 776

Manga. I rarely watch anime, unless I'm really bored or the manga was really good.

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3:44 pm, Nov 24 2008
Posts: 53

Depends on what type of manga it is, and which came first. In some cases, such as Shakugan no Shana, both the anime AND the manga are based on novels, and they pretty much tend to parallel eachother. I'd take the anime just because it's a great anime, and well-made. Though, I like the manga as well.

For Shounen Jump series (D.Grayman, Naruto, Bleach, etc) stick to the manga. The manga is where it started, and due to the nature of how fast the manga comes out vs the tv series, you end up with tons of filler in the TV, and they also mess with story lines.

For others, I usually just like to stick to the original source.

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3:54 pm, Nov 24 2008
Posts: 466

Manga first!!! I rarely watch anime, but I like to once in a while!!

Looking for this!!!

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3:58 pm, Nov 24 2008
Posts: 909

i like both. i will read the manga first tho and then watch the anime.

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4:02 pm, Nov 24 2008
Posts: 599

eh, both I guess. It also depends on the series for me.

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4:12 pm, Nov 24 2008
Posts: 1901

If the animation was good and exactly like the manga, I'd watch it first. Colors are preferable every now and then. Not only that, but some actions and emotions can't be depicted very well without movement.

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Post #230741
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6:59 pm, Nov 24 2008
Posts: 185

Manga first. Animes have too much filler, they are boring[I don't know why but it is to me], and just...I like manga. I love to pick up a manga and read it, but the same cannot be said for an anime. Most of my friends don't like to read manga, because they cannot feel excited by reading "non moving pictures" in manga, but for me, I'm the opposite, since the pictures are the key to my satisfaction, as opposed to moving animation with color. Only anime I ever tolerated till the end was probably Death Note, but only because I read the manga first and liked it =].

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