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Which first? Manga or anime?

Anime or manga? Which would you go for? If both which first?
The manga.
The anime.
Both. Manga first.
Both. Anime first.
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7:02 pm, Nov 24 2008
Posts: 539

Depends on series, and if the manga has active translations, licensed or scanlated. If the manga is way past the anime i'll usually prefer the manga first then watch the anime during my spare time.

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7:04 pm, Nov 24 2008
Posts: 7

I like to read so a manga. I have fun reading.

Post #230750
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7:21 pm, Nov 24 2008
Posts: 492

Both, manga first. I read the manga first because reading manga is faster than watching the anime for me. Also, I usually think the manga is better than its anime adaption. If I enjoy the series a lot, I'll check out the anime to see if it is as entertaining. If I don't like anime (actions overdone, annoying voices, etc.), then I'll just read the manga. But watching the anime is pretty entertaining at times. For those action manga series with lots of fight scenes, seeing the fighting animated is easier to follow that looking at stationary picture. That's why I read and watch One Piece.

Read the manga for the plot.
Watch the anime for the action scenes.

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sleepy ghost

7:40 pm, Nov 24 2008
Posts: 1140

Manga first, since it's usually anime adaptations of a manga series and not vice versa. Unless there are notable differences between an anime series and its manga counterpart (like FMA), I find it a waste of time to read and watch the same series. But there's also issues like where the manga is vs. the anime, availability, whether one media is recommended over the other, and things anime can do that manga can't (in particular music and colors).

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Post #230814
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1:09 am, Nov 25 2008
Posts: 42

Both, but I would choose manga first.I like reading better than watching eyes and i enjoy the artwork.

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1:12 am, Nov 25 2008
Posts: 1034

both...anime first, because watching is alot better then reading imo

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9:11 pm, Nov 25 2008
Posts: 2964

It really depends.
I judge it by the art, the length and the difference of interests.
But usually, I would go for the manga.
Unless it's amazing times a million plus two than both.
Most likely manga before anime though.
Otherwise, repetitiveness is so tedious.

Post #231023
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9:24 pm, Nov 25 2008
Posts: 176

Manga first for that is usually always the true source material if you want the whole story in its actual continunuity. Otherwise anime pending on what the subject of watching is.

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2:41 am, Nov 26 2008
Posts: 118

Both but I'll read the manga first because they usually have subtle details that the anime usually don't fit in.


3:11 am, Nov 26 2008
Posts: 224

Whatever came first should be seen first. in my opinion anyways.

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Post #231136

10:20 am, Nov 26 2008
Posts: 640

I guess, I go for both but then stick to the one which I feel depicts the story better for me.

Post #231484
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6:38 pm, Nov 27 2008
Posts: 437

Manga. I don't watch anime.
This is because the artwork in anime is nearly always not as good as manga (I don't like the "cartoony" look of more solid lines and solid colors); I don't like hearing things out loud, I'd much rather read words; I often take issue with how the timing in anime is done, many events are drawn out so long that they get to be dumb, and some are gone over too fast; and there are often fillers and an intro song and credits and all that junk. In anime, you just watch it... everything's been decided for you, and you have pretty much no interpretive power as to the timing, colors, exact details of motion; and the various producers of anime usually do a pretty crappy job, in my opinion. So basically, I like reading much much better than watching.

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Artificial Life

7:14 pm, Nov 27 2008
Posts: 1591

manga... if i watch the anime first i dont wanna read it >_>

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Post #231501
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7:32 pm, Nov 27 2008
Posts: 2342

90% of the time I prefer manga. Rarely I like the anime better.

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7:38 pm, Nov 27 2008
Posts: 112

Hmmm, manga..although when I was a kid I was more of an anime lover. But now I love manga because mainly it's the original work. And sometimes the anime versions are different than manga like Ultra Maniac for example.

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