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Chapter 26

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✯ Sarcastic

9:07 pm, Dec 16 2011
Posts: 597

Man, what a dramatic chapter; a bit predictable, though. I mean, doing it in the living room like that was asking to get caught, but the ending makes up for it. I love how Sora cries after Aki gets taken away, and their dad looked cool angry (bitch-slap FTW). I am a sucker for tragedies, and wouldn't have minded if the manga ended that way. Maybe he will finally man up now (high hopes?). Besides, I am rooting for Runa anyhow (and Nami after that; fat chance, right? XD ). I hope this doesn't end happily like what happened between Nami and Kana (their fighting over Sora's dick was the most ridiculous thing in the series).

Also, it is good to know that Sunset Chaps are picking up the title again. Let's just say that honorific-less Spanish->English translation is not how I want to read the final chapters.

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An F to judge M!

5:32 pm, Jan 16 2012
Posts: 387

I hope this doesn't end happily like what happened between Nami and Kana (their fighting over Sora's dick was the most ridiculous thing in the series).


Wow. That's like entering Apartment 213, 924 North 25th Street, Milwaukee and commenting on how the drapes don't match the carpet. That, being the most ridiculous thing you find.


I see. In matters such as this, it is best to bite one's lip. My usual saying is "To each his or her own", after all. However, I must correct a few minor infractions that might otherwise deceive the populous into believing that Aki-Sora has a plot worthy of the term 'drama'. No, I'm mistaken. That sentence should have ended at the word "plot" as such a thing cannot be found in this mindless garbage.

See? There can't be a singular most "ridiculous thing" as the entirety of this manga is a ridiculous thing in and of itself.

Sora cries after -any- mildly traumatic experience, and by "mildly traumatic" I mean any-fucking-thing he does other than his usual maid-work. Even completely consensual sexual encounters with Aki brings this little faggot to drain his crocodile tears, which in turn, makes his frequent bawling a thing of comedy, not drama.

Actually, why isn't there a comedy tag on this series? Granted, it makes me laugh in a way that has nothing to do with humor or wit, but nonetheless, it splits my sides in a way few comedy titles can.

I bet that little prick's only real regret is that he's losing all his holes. He just lost hole Kana and hole Nami in some kind of demented sex showdown that, in Sora's defense, had rather unclear conditions for victory. Hole mom's seemingly uninterested and hole Runa never actually fucks him anyway. He's still got hole Alice, but it's questionable whether or not she and the gayly prancing midget who attends her are a figment of Sora's imagination, so that hole's somewhat unreliable.

And now he's about to lose his most reliable hole of all! OH NOES!!!!!!!! What's a little DICK GIRL TO DO!?


This is becoming a bit rhetoric, but there is NO PLOT in Aki Sora. None. There's something that vaguely resembles a plot, but that's not really a story so much as an excuse used to give Sora an opportunity to empty his bottomless prostate; flippantly thrusting his grubby little penis into anything that has a pulse.

That is -NOT- a plot. It's an EXCUSE. It's something that's usually found in porn flicks to initiate action.

There is a man who delivered a pizza.

There is a woman who ordered the pizza.

There is a pizza.

Watch them fornicate.


I'm inventing a word that I hope will catch on, or better yet, be included in the tags: Light-saber Hentai.

Anyway, the randomly introduced father is portrayed as an asshole. When doing menial tasks, he's still drawn like an asshole and he's only scheming things an asshole would scheme. Such a force-fed "plot" needs a force-fed villain, and this dropped-from-the-sky "father" that anyone reading this trash would assume was dead, fits the bill magnificently.

As a sidenote, I for one assumed the father was Sora, who unwittingly breached time and space through the sheer force of will that guides his penis to all those impossible holes he's so fond of. This theory is, of course, heavily flawed.

No, what makes it flawed isn't the time-bending penis or the paradox of being your own biological father. Rather, the assumption that Sora could possibly impregnate someone is absurd. Then again, if he's able to load up his sisters (or the other holes that thoughtlessly line up to ride him) with gallons of semen without a single worry of the inevitable nine-month death-sentence he magically avoids, perhaps one can assume he knows, instinctively, the cycles of a woman that no man could ever fully comprehend.

That, or else his affinity for holes is akin to say... Shirou, of Fate/stay night's affinity for swords, and said affinity allows Sora access to any hole he desires, even wormholes...


...But that's a rant for another time. The problem at hand is the blatantly-an-asshole father that'll never achieve his goals because his very purpose is only to give this "story" a false sense of relevance. It's obvious. It's so obvious that you've already pointed out how obvious it is even without me explaining it. How can something so blindingly obvious be dramatic?

Spoiler (mouse over to view)
It can't.

For God's sake, the title is AKI-SORA. Someone needs to tell Itosugi Masahiro to quit taking naming advice from Seo Kouji.

Suzuka? Boy, I wonder who the protagonist is gonna end up with? Truly a mystery.

Or, someone should tell her if she wants to make a hentai, then make one. This has all the makings of your standard issue hentai, where the main protagonist fucks the universe without a care in the world, as seemingly every female member of the human race lines up to play with his prick. Truthfully, I think the only real issue I have with this title is that it's -not- a hentai. If it was, I could at least dismiss the protagonist's actions, waving it off as a testament to the genre.

Mind you, I'm by no means insinuating that a hentai can't have a plot. There are plenty of age-restricted materiel with excellent plots out there, but there's way more that, as I said before, have no plot, just an excuse to move from vagina to vagina. For instance, the difference between this eroge about fucking your sister, and this one. If Aki-Sora were a hentai, it'd be the latter... or a horribly, HORRIBLY botched fusion-dance between the two.

No, not because there's sex in every chapter - that's not and never was the issue I have. The problem is that like a rubbish H-game, the sex, or more specifically, the relationships Sora forged through sex are meaningless. It's just there without offering any challenge to Sora's psyche. Encounter after encounter through the course of the "story", he learns nothing, gains nothing through his promiscuity, but more importantly, he loses nothing. He only satisfies his unquenchable lust, and then has the gull to say he understands love, claiming Aki to be special.

No self reflection. No remorse. No guilt. No reason. No consequence. Nothing.

One could argue that the events of chapter 6 have warped his concept of fidelity. One would be wrong.

Before the troll-fest of chapter 6, what of chapter 4? Now, granted, the difference in terms of betrayal are immense, however both are still betrayal. Yet, next chapter, not a single panel of guilt, no matter how minor, crosses his mind as he gleefully plows his sister. Maybe he doesn't think of Aki as someone special? Mmm, but by chapter three, he's already surrendered to the fact that Aki is someone important to him, even if he's still mulling over the taboo aspect. Then maybe it's his unresolved feelings about the taboo relationship that make him feel no betrayal took place? That's fine, but why isn't that mental battle in the "story"? Probably because it's NOT part of the "story". So what are we left with? It must be that Sora doesn't understand fidelity.

That's wrong too. He does understand the concept; he simply ignores it.

Chapter 12, how I love thee. I hope the butt-fucking INSANE editor that allowed his author to waste forty pages on this crack-fueled retard-romp got fired immediately, but, putting those feelings to the side, in this chapter we see that Sora is unwilling to have sex with Alice. Why? Because he's afraid of contradicting what he believes is THEIR concept of fidelity, not his own. Essentially, the dialog consists of "What!? No! I can't do that! But if Alice and Miharu are OK with it, then bend over an' let's get ta slappin'!" See? If his OWN belief was that sex should only be done between you and your significant other/the person you love, then he would never comply, you know, since he has Aki whom he presumably loves. Right?


Chapter 11. Same thing. He defensively shouts "She already has someone special!" to ward off the obligatory pool studs from hitting on Runa. As if the little shit understands the concept of "someone special." As another irrelevant sidenote, I can't believe this faggot's STILL trying to pull off lines like "Uwa...! I... I can feel them... against my back!" at this stage of the game. Didn't this dick-girl reject fuck about ten different girls in a God-damn orgy five chapters ago? And now he's flustered because a pair tits are on his back!? WHAT. THE. FUCK!? That's like running a marathon one week, then suddenly being unable to walk around the block the next week.


Whatever. Fuck Sora. Clearly he's only a one-dimensional wannabe hentai-hero and I could easily go on for pages on how he continually contradicts himself. Itosugi Masahiro could've replaced him with a blowup doll, nay, a cucumber and I'd a been hard pressed to tell the difference.

Here's the real problem: What's Aki's point of view? What's her stance on the matter of fidelity? For a manga that claims to be "dramatic" and "mature" and seems to play on contrast, it sickens me that it failed to touch what could easily be it's most tragic and dramatic aspect. Some people want a "nice boat" end. I don't. But I certainly didn't expect it to outright ignore the issue entirely. Mentally, physically, and socially, the infidelity between Aki and Sora is completely ignored, and no character growth is derived from it.

And then he looks Aki in the eye and says he loves her.

What a joke.

I guess a one-dimensional hero deserves a one-dimensional heroine.

I might as well go play or watch something like 'Fault!!'. In the very least, it delivers completely irrational copulation between the protagonist and a boatload of irrelevant skanks, without the need to mask it's true intentions under the guise of a fake incest theme. It knows what it is, and it's not trying to fool me into thinking otherwise.

Hey, now that I'm thinking about it, I mentioned 'Fault!!" as a plot-less hentai out of pure coincidence, but really it has quite a bit in common with our plot-less light-saber hentai, Aki Sora.

In "Fault!!" our hero bangs his sister. Full stop; right out the gate. And just like Sora, our protag thinks of the ramifications a good two seconds before happily depositing his hefty slab of meat into her ham-wallet. Even more amazing? A female classmate confesses, she and the protag fuck (on the spot of course), his sister catches wind, and suddenly the protag finds himself fucking them both at the same time. Even MORE amazing? Later, said sister and female classmate start slicking together. Needless to say, the protag is an unfaithful cardboard cutout of a character, who's only redeeming feature is his hard dick, and the bimbos of the "story" ignore that fact and keep on' coming. And cumming.

But that's fine, because 'Fault!!' never made any claims to have a real deep meaning, other than being porn. That's it's purpose.

Also, these situations are by no means EXACTLY the same, but they're damn similar, and to anyone who's read or watched even a handful of actual hentai would be able to see the hentai cliches Aki-Sora borrows. A lot of other adult-but-not-hentai manga borrow hentai cliches too, so this isn't anything new or bad, but in general, cheating on such a grand scale will ALMOST ALWAYS be addressed in some form or fashion. The greater the scale the greater the consequence, be that consequence self reflection and reform, or straight-up getting caught. To ignore it, for me, is the forbidden H-cliche that needs to stay in H-manga.

And so, we've come full circle. I'll re-quote it to save anyone from scrolling up.

I hope this doesn't end happily like what happened between Nami and Kana (their fighting over Sora's dick was the most ridiculous thing in the series).

Do you see the delightful irony in this statement now? If not, that's to bad because it's -fucking hilarious-. The "MOST ridiculous" thing is what I think this story was LACKING. *snirk* The "MOST ridiculous" thing was that SORA GOT CAUGHT AND IT WAS DEALT WITH. *HahhhAHHhaA* That's rich! The "MOST ridiculous" thing was that for the FIRST TIME in the series, the SEX HAD REAL MEANING. *hahhahHAH haH* Oh! But there's more! The reason you thought it RIDICULOUS?

*maniacal laughter*


NEWSFLASH! Deep and meaningful stories can N-E-V-E-R coexist with TWO GIRLS FUCKING A GUY FOR A WINNER!

Hey! Hey! You know WHAT ELSE is RIDICULOUS in the context of a "MATURE" and "DRAMATIC" "STORY"?

How 'bout "FUCK MY GIRLFRIEND" plots? How 'bout sex ultimatums issued with PAPER THIN TREATS?(I'm lookin' at YOU Runa) How 'bout "5 GALLON CREAM-PIES that MAKE NO BABIES"? How 'bout "FUCKING for HOURS yet the LAST loads as big as the FIRST"? How 'bout "let's cum at the same time!"... DURING A THREESOME? How 'bout EJACULATING with NO PHYSICAL INTERACTION with your penis, WHATSOEVER? How 'bout the fact that virtually EVERY ISSUE despite how mundane it may be is SOLVED WITH PENIS? Hate men? CURE IT WITH PENIS! Suffering from PTSD? PENIS! And when penis doesn't work? MOOOOAR PENIS! (I'm lookin' at YOU Kana and Nami) Why, that sound's like PORNOGRAPHY to me, sir! Very suspisious~

AND WHAT THE FUCK'S THE POINT OF A MEGANEKKO WITHOUT HER MEGANE!? ITOSUGI MASAHIRO: If you wanted to change Kana's look just to give the illusion that Sora's fucking someone different, THEN JUST MAKE HIM FUCK SOMEONE DIFFERENT. WHO THE HELL CARES AT THIS POINT!?

*regains sanity*


Obviously there's more, but the point is made. For every H-manga cliche you draw upon, you must discard a portion of the plot, and certain cliches have greater prices. The cost of the main protagonist sticking his finger into all the pies without it being found out by the female lead is an expense that would break the budget of any title with a 'mature' or 'drama' tag on it.

Certainly, it has broken my threshold of disbelief.

Congratulations, Aki. You'll probably be forever unaware of how you've become infected with every STD the human race has to offer. Live your life in ignorance; you don't have long before the HIV progresses into AIDS.

  • Dick-girl(Sora) is crying because he lost all his holes.
  • Sora is Sora's biological father because his penis can time travel and fabricate reality. This is possible because his penis defies the very logic of it's own existence, thereby refracting the bounds of 4 dimensional space into conforming to the 3rd dimension.
  • The title of this manga needs a spoiler box.
  • Three of the five category recommendations lead to hardcore Yaoi manga. Which begs the question: How did Sora escape chapter 6 without taking a dick in the ass?
  • Aki-Sora would make more sense if it were a hentai.

TL;DR for the TL;DR:
  • To enjoy Aki-Sora, read it as an H-manga, even though it's technically not.
  • See the holes, fill them up. All day long you'll have good luck.


But, hey! To each his own! Yes, each his own... *devours own lip*

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An F to judge M!

5:34 pm, Jan 16 2012
Posts: 387

How I would respond if I gave a damn about Aki-Sora (gradually gets more half-assed as I come to fully understand my loathing of Aki-Sora):

Quote from badkarma
I see. In matters such as this, it is best to bite one's lip. My usual saying is "To each his or her own", after all. However, I must correct a few minor infractions that might otherwise deceive the populous into believing that Aki-Sora has a plot worthy of the term 'drama'. No, I'm mistaken. That sentence should have ended at the word "plot" as such a thing cannot be found in this mindless garbage.

See? There can't be a singular most "ridiculous thing" as the entirety of this manga is a ridiculous thing in and of it's self.

A few? You really do a shitty job at "biting your lip". It makes sense though: how would biting your lip prevent you from typing? You type with your face? I'd really like to see that. Next time, try biting off your fingers. That might work a little better and save everyone the hassle of reading all this grandiose posturing.

And the whole thing is ridiculous? Says who? [badkarma]? Small comfort.

Quote from badkarma
Sora cries after -any- mildly traumatic experience, and by "mildly traumatic" I mean any-fucking-thing he does other than his usual maid-work. Even completely consensual sexual encounters with Aki brings this little faggot to drain his crocodile tears, which in turn, makes his frequent bawling a thing of comedy, not drama.

Where does he cry needlessly? Nowhere. He may act like a little bitch most of the time, but really, he's only ever seriously cried two or three times in the series and not for "mildly traumatic" experiences, either. If you're talking about the little tear drops he has in his eyes when he's having sex with Aki, that's just the artist's style; everyone has them. For someone who claims to be so observant I can't see how you missed that.

[badkarma: A side] I was exaggerating. Lighten up. But since there's no plot, all tears, no matter how meaningful they may seem, are worthless.[/badkarma: A side]

Quote from badkarma
Actually, why isn't there a comedy tag on this series? I mean, granted, it makes me laugh in a way that has nothing to do with humor or wit, but nonetheless, it splits my sides in a way few comedy titles can.

roll eyes So says you. Not everyone is you. Get over it.

[badkarma: A side] Decimating this trash is the only way I derive pleasure from Aki-Sora.[/badkarma: A side]

Quote from badkarma
I bet that little prick's only real regret is that he's losing all his holes. He just lost hole Kana and hole Nami in some kind of demented sex showdown that, in Sora's defense, had rather unclear conditions for victory. Hole mom's seemingly uninterested and hole Runa never actually fucks him anyway. He's still got hole Alice, but it's questionable whether or not she and the gayly prancing midget who attends her are a figment of Sora's imagination, so that hole's somewhat unreliable.

Did you even read chapter 24+25 or the ones leading up to it? If you did, you'd know that Sora had an even better defense: he was never aiming for "victory" to begin with. He already had an idea that Nami and Kana loved each other, and this little event only confirmed/solved it. He was prepared to lose them both from the get go, knowing they can only be happy with each other.

But before that, no. Sora's crying because he finally realized how much he was taking Aki for granted after she was taken away. "You don't know what you have till it's gone?" was it? At least, that's how I'm seeing it. Maybe this will finally be the wake-up call Sora needs to stop whoring around, man-up, and tell Aki the truth.

And of course Alice is real! laugh

[badkarma: A side] I was exaggerating. Lighten up. Anyway, hooray for problems solved by penis. We're humans. Talk it out.

"Hey, Satsuki-san? How many licks does it take to get to the tootsie-roll center of a tootsie-pop?"
"Well, hows 'bout you take off your pants and we'll find out!"
"Yay! Wait, what?"
"Ha, ha, ha! No, it's not like that. I only need you to drop your pants for my own amusment, so don't worry too much ....because complete-stranger-san here will be the one to pop the center of this tootsie-roll!"
"Oh, I see. That's goo- WAIT, WHAT!?"
"Make sure to count the licks, Aoi-kun!~♥"

*cue porno music

"Y-yes Sora-kun?"
"Yeah, you know... I know you called me out here n' all, but I had kinda... what's the word... slippery? Yeah, slippery. I had a very... slippery day yesterday, so, I'm sorry, but I'm not in the mood to hang out right now. I'm really sorry."
"I see. Then I have just the thing!"
"?? What is it?"
"Your penis between my tits, obviously."

*more porn music

"Hey, Nami? Listen, about Sumiya-san, I-"
"N-nami? No, please listen! I-"
"Uwaa!! OK! I'm putting it in! I'm putting it in!"


Animals. I made the above cannon with the power of my mind. (not that the truth is much different)

*whew* It's reeeeeal hard to defend a pleasure competition as a serious "plot" development, even when I'm doing it in jest. My fingers suddenly feel dirty. Really.

Most unclean.

I'm not even gonna reply to my relpy. These chapters are so completely outside even the realm of manga plausibility, that doing so would only make it seem like they had a single redeeming quality, good or bad. I don't feel a thing when I burn my trash. Same difference. Probably.

It's like my favorite Orgazmo quote:
Lobstra: "And if you don't tell me where Orgazmo is, I'll... ... screw you to death!"
Choda Boy: "I'D LIKE TO SEE YOU TRY!!"

...actually it's not like that at all... maybe...

...Uwaaaa! I never meant for these A side thoughts to be all that long! Ughhhh... whatever.

Ah, about the reason for Sora's tears. I didn't add "he realized the gravity of his wrong doings (incest)" because it doesn't make sense. In the very least, getting caught fucking his sister didn't mean dick to him when Kana caught him pokin' Nami... Then again, I don't recall Kana uttering anything like "WHY ARE FUCKING YOUR SISTER!?" or "SWEET JESUS THAT'S FUCKING DISGUSTING!" or even <insert normal human reaction>, either. All she did was treat Nami like any other girl and... join in? Hmmmmm...


Quote from badkarma's comment
He's banging his "sister". So what? By now, if someone were to walk in on them while they're busy SCREAMING the play by play action to their "incestuous" hump-a-thon, rather than being disgusted at the sight and sounds, they'll probably just ask to join in.


But... why am I talking about Nami and Kana again? And I wonder if Sora can fuck a plothole? Why, he'd never have to worry about getting laid again!


Uuuuu.... damn you, A side. Anyway, have a spoiler:

(Note: This is an actual spoiler.)
Spoiler (mouse over to view)
About Sora getting a wake-up call or coming clean: it doesn't happen. Runa actually fucks Sora in Chapter 27. Moot. I'll explain later.

[/badkarma: A side]

Quote from badkarma
This is becoming a bit rhetoric, there is NO PLOT in Aki Sora. None. There's something that vaguely resembles a plot, but that's not really a story so much as an excuse used to give Sora an opportunity to empty his bottomless prostate; flippantly thrusting his grubby little penis into anything that has a pulse.

That is -NOT- a plot. It's an EXCUSE. It's something that's usually found in porn flicks to initiate action.

Again: your opinion isn't everyone's. Why even read something you don't like? roll eyes

[badkarma: A side] Nah, I'm not getting lazy in insulting myself (yet). I just can't counter this irrefutable truth without resorting to gushing about how "deep" the "plot" is, and-

No. I'll stop right there. I already feel sick thinking about it... So instead, I used the classic "Don't like it? Don't read it." ploy. An annoying mantra indeed. A phrase well suited to little kids who always get their way and throw tantrums when they don't.

And if I have to explain why I think that way about the phrase "Don't like it? Don't read it.", then you're probably a little kid who always gets his way and throws a tantrum when you don't.

Keh. [/badkarma: A side]

Quote from badkarma
I'm inventing a word that I hope will catch on, or better yet, be included in the tags: Light-saber Hentai.

It wont. wink

[badkarma: A side] Che... [/badkarma: A side]

Quote from badkarma
As a sidenote, I for one assumed the father was Sora, who unwittingly breached time and space through the sheer force of will that guides his penis to all those impossible holes he's so fond of. This theory is, of course, heavily flawed.

No, what makes it flawed isn't the time-bending penis or the paradox being your own biological father. Rather, the assumption that Sora could possibly impregnate someone is absurd. Then again, if he's able to load up his sisters (or the other holes that thoughtlessly line up to ride him) with gallons of semen without a single worry of the inevitable nine-month death-sentence he magically avoids, perhaps one can assume he knows, instinctively, the cycles of a woman that no man could ever fully comprehend.

That or else his affinity for holes is akin to say... Shirou, of Fate/Stay Night's affinity for swords, and said affinity allows Sora access to any hole he desires, even wormholes...

I had a parakeet once. Damn thing was dumber 'n shit and couldn't speak a word. That is, until my little brother decided to heed the challenge and teach it a most... inappropriate slur of obscenities. Hours and hours he spent meticulously repeating this phrase, almost as if appealing to the very God's of idiocy to learn this retarded bird a retarded line. The thought being that the stupidity of it all would become so intangible, it'd warp itself back into being smart. And it worked!

To this day, my parents never knew why Oscar kept squawking "IMA CHICKEN FUCKER" at guests and relatives at Christmas parties. We're so sorry, Uncle Albert; our tact be damned.

What does this story have to do with anything? Nothing at all. I just made it up. Took two seconds. Why? Take a look at the last quote. I only thought to match incoherent words with more incoherent words. A war of words that only allows text input via face-planting your keyboard would have more meaning. Observe:

v cgmnv cfgtyk tfygkvv vhv cgfygt

Deep, man.



Dammit. *manual reboot* [/badkarma: A side]

Quote from badkarma
...But that's a rant for another time. The problem at hand is the obviously-an-asshole father that'll never achieve his goals because his very purpose is only to give this "story" a false sense of relevance. It's obvious. It's so obvious that you've already pointed out how obvious it is even without me explaining it. How can something so blindingly obvious be dramatic?

Spoiler (mouse over to view)
It can't.

For God's sake, the title is AKI-SORA. Someone needs to tell Itosugi Masahiro to quit taking naming advice from Seo Kouji.

Suzuka? Boy, I wonder who the protagonist is gonna end up with? Truly a mystery.

I hate when people say this. Knowing the end doesn't kill the drama since the path to reach the end is where the drama lies, not so much in the end itself. (unless you're reading a mystery or thriller)

Yamato will probably end up with Suzuka. Big deal. All endings need a beginning, and all beginnings need a path to steer it the ending. A beginning without a bridge to the end has no meaning, and visa-verse. It's through that bridge that the characters are shaped, molded, broken-down and reborn. 'The end' is just that: the end result of the life-changing journey.

I suppose what I'm trying to say is the end result, while important, isn't everything, and knowing the dad was going to catch them doesn't delude the dramatic impact of this chapter. It's just the result of bad choices that'll ultimately lead Sora to greater enlightenment as he makes his way to the ending.

Nice fake spoiler box, by the way. Here's a real one regarding yourself:
Spoiler (mouse over to view)
You will die alone.

That's rude.

[badkarma: A side] True. Except for how it relates to Aki-Sora, that is. Stories that telegraph the end sell themselves on the journey. Take Titanic. Shit held a world record for ticket sales, yet 100% of the people knew precisely what was going to happen.

But the dad catching them isn't the -end- for Aki-Sora. It's just a plot point.

(Note: This is an actual spoiler.)
Spoiler (mouse over to view)
The end is already telegraphed: Aki-Sora, so tipping it's hand in the story phase really does take from the drama. It'd be different if there was any conflict in their relationship on the infidelity level because then, I could see it ending differently. Sadly, it never happened. The title Runa-Sora exists only in sweet doujinshi dreams, I'm afraid.

Completely unrelated, but Rika blew my mind:
(Note: This isn't really a spoiler, but it's interesting dialog that might make the chapter lose impact if you've read it. Rika chapter six: )
Spoiler (mouse over to view)
"Marriage is only something you do to make someone a part of your family. We're already family, so we don't have to bother with it."

... ... ...


I guess this is what they really mean by "let's move to where nobody knows us"? Uuu... I swear, I can be so slow sometimes.

Spoiler (mouse over to view)
[B side]You are slow.[/B side]

So rude! And I think that last rude spoiler box was a Triumph rip-off!

Che... oh well. I can't self-argue the next few paragraphs since I agree with them so heartily. So, to fill the void, here's a musical excerpt from the interactive moving picture show, de Blob.

de Blob - Euphoric

Shit, bro. That's funky, that's funky.

Ah, the funk seems to have jogged my memory. I said I would explain something later in a previous spoiler box, and that time would be most appropriate in the section that was omitted.

(Note: This is an actual spoiler.)
Spoiler (mouse over to view)
Yeah, so Runa. Chapter 27's encounter may seem as though it has meaning, which might make the statement "...the sex, or more specifically, the relationships Sora forged through sex are meaningless" seem false. After all, it's through Runa's sex that Sora comes to terms with his resolve to pursue his love for Aki, despite the immoral social implications. Wouldn't that mean that Sora DID make a meaningful relationship through sex - one that impacted him, and pushed him toward his ultimate goal?

I almost thought that too.

But then I asked myself: did it have to be Runa? Take chapter 27, insert <any> bimbo on the planet you want, flip around some dialog, and Sora reaches the same conclusion. Guaranteed. Whatever the case, it sure didn't make him any less of an organic blowup-doll, as he fucks a random miko in the following chapter.

Then he mans up, and yells at his father.

No, really. He does. Although, I didn't mention the part where his dad's now suddenly bed-ridden in a hospital with no way to physically reprimand Sora, as he previously did.

Manly, Sora. You bitch out that cripple. Go kick a baby too, while you're at it.

*squeeeeeeeee* So manly! so manly!

Guh...[/badkarma: A side]

Quote from badkarma
Do you see the delightful irony in this statement now? If not, that's to bad because it's -fucking hilarious-. The "MOST ridiculous" thing is what I think this story was LACKING. *snirk* The "MOST ridiculous" thing was that SORA GOT CAUGHT AND IT WAS DEALT WITH. *HahhhAHHhaA* That's rich! The "MOST ridiculous" thing was that for the FIRST TIME in the series, the SEX HAD REAL MEANING. *hahhahHAH haH* Oh! But there's more! The reason you thought it RIDICULOUS?

*maniacal laughter*


Wow, that's a whooooole lot of assumed words there. Hell, you put so many words in his mouth, you might as well have kissed him. Seijurou only said them fighting over Sora's dick was the most ridiculous thing in the series. That's it.

The other junk you mentioned is crap you spun from your own delusions and conclusions. He never said it was ridiculous that Sora got caught, only that the resolution of the conflict was ridiculous. And really, that last paragraph is practically agreeing with him, so chill out.

[badkarma: A side] Yeah... chill out! Also, that wasn't really the first time sex had meaning, but it certainly was the second, which is just as sad considering there's sex in all but one chapter.[/badkarma: A side]

<I can't self contest the rest without setting up major soft-balls to the A side, so it'll be omitted. Anti-climatic, yes, but...>

Quote from badkarma
  • Dick-girl(Sora) is crying because he lost all his holes.
  • Sora is Sora's biological father because his penis can time travel and fabricate reality. This is possible because his penis defies the very logic of it's own existence, thereby refracting the bounds of 4 dimensional space into conforming to the 3rd dimension.
  • The title of this manga needs a spoiler box.
  • Three of the five category recommendations lead to hardcore Yaoi manga. Which begs the question: How did Sora escape chapter 6 without taking a dick in the ass?
  • Aki-Sora would make more sense if it were a hentai.

  • Sora is crying because he realized what Aki meant to him when he lost her.
  • Frankenstein never scared me. <--Matching stupid words with stupid words.
  • Anything can happen at this point.
  • I.......would like to know that myself.
  • So says you.

[badkarma: A side]Ignoring the first point I begrudgingly typed, yea, even B side can't comprehend how Sora got through chapter six without someone, by accident or purpose, stickin' the dick to him. Gee, the author draws him cross-dressing more than in regular cloths, and when wearing male cloths he STILL looks like a girl... particularly the cloths he wore to the party. Someone even slipped him the roofies since he passed out from a thimble-full of his drink, too. AND NO ONE STUCK IT IN HIS BUTT?

Now THAT'S a plothole!

Whatever. Here, have some pointless filler:

How I would respond if I were a dolphin:

Quote from badkarma
*intentional logical fallacies*


EE EeeeEEEee eeEEE eEEEEeEE eE eE e E ee ee!


How I would respond if I were a cat:

Quote from badkarma
*Bullshit that has nothing to do with being fed, pet, or picking up my excrement.

Nyaa. (Read: who cares)

[/badkarma: A+B side]

  • Yeah. I know.
  • Is this masturbation?
  • The dolphin was perverted. /// <--blush
  • The cat wins.


Post #519248
user avatar

5:49 pm, Jan 25 2012
Posts: 79

Hmm... So I've been staring at this textbox for about half an hour now, thinking of what to write... This box is still blank, though, so I'm just going to write down my thoughts as they come to my head. Dude, you win. I don't know what you win, but you do. And to add to that, you rock, so it's probably not Emmy; might be a Grammy, though, but I'm not sure if you are mainstream enough. These two posts have made my day, despite it being 3:30 AM here. I was basically chewing and choking on my pillow in order not to awake my neighbours (walls sure are thin here...). I did wake up my roommate once, however; he was not happy. ...Breaking the stream of consiousness here since I got distracted and don't remember what I wanted to write next. Anyway, thumbs up, good job, and thanks for the awesome posts.

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✯ Sarcastic

3:57 pm, Feb 15 2012
Posts: 597

All right, 'BadKarma,' it took me about four different times to read what you posted. I wish I knew from the beginning there was an 'tl;dr' version. Oh, well, I am the type that reads apparently anyway. You did an ok job of replying to yourself, but this is not going to be a childish name-calling response.

First of all, thanks for ruining this chapter's discussion with your book-worth of sarcastic walls of text. I have read your comment before, and, although I disagreed with you, I didn't find it appropriate to respond to you there. As much as I laughed while reading what you said, since I like this series, I feel compelled to weigh in on this.

Yeah, the guy (Sora) is a fag, not arguing about that, but what is eating you is, in a nutshell, that Sora feels no remorse after being intimate with a few other girls, and that Aki has not found out yet. This is mainly what I am going to address here.

In case you haven't noticed, in every situation, Sora was either dragged against his will or he had no excuse to not be with other girls. By the latter, I mean that he can's just say, 'Sorry, I'm with sis at the moment.' He helped them, and what Aki does not know, does not hurt her. How? Let us look at every case separately:

'Chapter 6': Ah, the infamous 'chapter 6,' Sunday Lovers, where Sora unwittingly goes to an orgy. He fainted due to alcohol, and woke up in a dark room where everyone, himself included, was naked. In confusion, girls jumped him, and guys jumped the virgin Runa. After that, neither of them went back there again. No foul on Sora here, and even Runa did her part. I will talk more about her later.

Alice: A girl's boyfriend is impotent, so Sora is begged to help his friend, Mihara Miharu. He refused every time, but Miharu's crying got him, and eventually he helps the shota and Aki's rival, Hemikawa Alice, become closer.

The art club president: Runa dragged Sora(mi) once to cure a girl's hatred of men, and was successful.

Kana: Nami forced Sora to be with Kana, and helped set up their situation. When Sora expressed not wanting to be with Kana, Nami asked if he had his eyes on someone else. What would you have said? Either way, look how that turned out. Everyone is blissfully happy.

Nami: She is a babe with scissors. 'Nuff said.

Runa: Even though she had the least sexual contact with Sora, I always felt that Satsuki Runa had the highest chance of ending up with Sora after Aki, and indeed, she is the only one (so far) to discover his attraction to someone else. One should remember that she has never even kissed him. She is joyful by just being watched by him.

I know that you think that he shouldn't have sex with anyone other than Aki (too bad moralfags won't reach chapter 26), but think about how many people would have been negatively affected otherwise: Runa may have ended up with a douchebag, and perhaps even got pregnant, raped, or worse; Kana would continue to obsessively long for someone that she cannot reach; the art club president could have been removed from her position; Alice and Miharu would have remained in a depressing stand-still; and Nami might have fucking cut Sora's dick already. The end justifies the means.

You claim that Aki should have walked in on Sora with another girl, and that he should be depressed, regretful, and inhibited. Ironically, you then would have come here saying that the storyline is too predictable. I applaud mangaka who go out of the box (though not too much) and challenge the reader's psyche. Sora does not have to be hesitant about being with his sister, and he does not have to feel bad about sleeping with other girls. There are men who truly believe that they love their wives, yet they cheat once in a while. You may not like their thinking, but there is no set concept that every single person in the world must follow. That said, you might want to refresh your memory and reread chapter 1, Aki and Sora, where Sora clearly felt that it was wrong to think of Aki in a vulgar way; he just could not answer her question of why it is wrong, even by the end. His specific words were: 'Whether this was right or wrong . . . I did not know at the time . . . But I was certain of one thing . . . It felt good being held in Aki-neechan's arms.'

The story of Aki-Sora does not revolve around 'average character A,' it revolves around Aoi Sora, a boy who has romantic feelings for his sister. When all is said and done, there really is only one girl that occupies his mind all the time (refer to the chapter entitled After-School Sketch). Plus, there are times when she displayed jealousy of both Kana and Nami, respectively (the former was when Aki was sick, and the latter was when they went to a hotel). Yes, there is comedy, but overall, there are deep subjects, such as his aunt's secret and Nami's hidden feelings.

Also, I read that this title was cancelled due to the Youth Ordinance Bill, introduced by Ishihara, for having a heavy incestuous theme, so it is understandable if the later chapters dropped in quality. It was funny what you said about the father being drawn like an asshole, but I just love the way that he appeared at the very end of chapter 25 & the fifth folume.

I can see, in spite of your ridicule, that you were quite absorbed by the series, remembering the exact chapter numbers. It really is not as bad as you make it out to be. Anyway, you may be more comfortable reading A Wish of My Onee-chan, a similar manga by the same author about a cross-dressing boy who does his sister, except that one is explicitly hentai. It still has drama, a part of Itosugi Masahiro's style that I like.

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Seinen is RIGHT

6:02 am, Jan 17 2015
Posts: 2411

Bump. Badkarma wrote something good here. Check it out and our Aki Sora reviews while you are at it. Truly a masterpiece for the ages.
So progressive that it had to be killed by the japanese government ! Read the original hentai if you have the time. This is how all good manga are supposed to start after all.

I also read EU/US comics and am a librarian.
Manga-Masters, My ANN-Lists + Imdb
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