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One Piece 580

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Black Monster

1:04 pm, Apr 1 2010
Posts: 275

I wonder how the story will progress after a week break.
I loved how Mihawk said he was willing to fight WB but not Shanks. laugh
I wonder if the remaining WB pirates will help Luffy find his crew and become PK.
And Boa running to catch Luffy smile wink grin

Post #368403 - Reply to (#368046) by ronaru09
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8:29 am, Apr 2 2010
Posts: 418

Quote from ronaru09
a beautiful,magnificent,exiciting,tragedy and full of surprise arc finally end....though i really do want to see how Shanks n his crew fight n to know what are their abilities but hey,save the best 4 last right....

Now,whats next.....?!
- How Garp further reaction to Shanks (Shanks being the trigger 4 Luffy to become a pirate)..?
- What become of Hancock if she succeeded chase down Luffy,is she gotta stay awhile with Luffy n teach him how to use the Haki or will 4ever join the crew....?
- And what become of Jimbei now that he's not a shichibukai anymore,is he gonna join the Luffy crew?
- What become the rest of the Whitebeard crew that survive,are they gonna join the Red Hair Pirates or Straw Hat Pirates (such as Marco,Jos n the other captain) or they'll just disband n part of them make another pirate group....?
- How will the Straw Hat crew regroup again in Shabondy n their reaction of whats going on these past days,knowing that Luffy's brother Ace is dead n he's the son of Roger,Whitebeard dead n what will they do to console n encourage Luffy 4 Ace's death...??

the proses of the next arc will be really100x super amazing thats 4 sure!! Cant wait 4 the next chapter....? Banzai Oda-sensei!!!

I think I know what might happen based on your questions:

1.) If Garp meets up with Shanks again, he'll probably assault him for "poisoning" Luffy's mind, only to be surprised by the Yonkou shrugging the whole thing off, even laughing about his misfortune with the Vice Admiral. I think from there, it'll be more of a war of words than fists.

2.) Don't know whether she'll teach Luffy Haki or simply join his crew. Either sounds good, of course.

3.) I don't think Jinbei will be joining the Straw Hats, but he'll probably tag along with them and, along with Hatchan, will lead them to Fishmen Island, where, after some hostility (due to his association with WG), probably gain their trust back and most likely be the island's protector (due to Whitebeard's death).

4.) I don't think the Whitebeard crew will disband nor will they joing Shanks' crew or the Straw Hats. Simply put it, I think Marco will take the helm as their new captain. Of course, that's just my opinion.

5.) I honestly don't know how the Straw Hats will be reunited again, but Oda-san is probably finding a way. I could expect them to be shock by Ace's relationship with Gold Roger (along with his and Whitebeard's death) and how they're going to cherr up Luffy will be more than just meat.

These, of course, are speculation, but I would be a bit surprised if some of them actually happens. biggrin

See ya!
Post #368506 - Reply to (#367833) by Dr. Love
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10:54 pm, Apr 2 2010
Posts: 166

Quote from Dr. Love
Blegh, you just know that they missed a great opportunity to take down Blackbeard once and for all now that he's weaker. He'll come smirking back as the jerk he is on top of all the good guys. sad

Very true. Shanks should've taken him down when he hasn't mastered his DF abilities. But that would defeat the purpose of creating the ultimate villain for Luffy's growth and goal. Besides, I can't wait to see the next arc. 2 more weeks biggrin

Anyway, I like the way this arc ended. I'm very satisfied; I haven't seen an all-out battle focusing on multiple people like this one, and a well-executed one at that. I'm tired of all those one-on-one battles that take forever to shift to another battle.

One more thing. Even Sengoku showed respect for Shanks and agreed to end the war as he said. Just shows how great Shanks is. smile

Post #369335
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10:18 pm, Apr 6 2010
Posts: 258

That was a good ending to the arc, though i can't help but laugh at the scene cuz when Red Hair enter the scene, it kinda looks like some crazy ossan scolding some kids fighting at the playground and everybody has like this "i'll get you next time" look and disperse after a good scolding laugh

Awesome, simply great, can't wait for the coming chapter to come out, hopefully we'll be able to see the progress of the other Straw Hat crew, it's been too damn long without them, i'm beginning to miss Brooke's skull jokes like the out of nowhere 45 degree angle, Nami Beri sign eyes, Usopp crazy joke Sanji stupid lovestruck face, Chopper hiding, Robin boobs, Zorro awful sense of direction and finally Franky tasteless pose biggrin

Right, on to the new world Straw Hat, i mean, on to the next release embarrassed

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