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Something That Made You Frown Today...

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Post #685518 - Reply to (#685515) by Baalzebup
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8:34 am, Nov 9 2016
Posts: 145

Quote from Baalzebup
Now, the silver lining in this is that he is very unlikely to actually do all of what he said ...

Exactly! He's just all talk and said whatever the people wanted to hear. But what makes me sad is that this will encourage Trump votes to be more racist, sexist, etc. because they got their way and so will feel encouraged. Just how when England wanted to leave the EU. So many of them came out with racist and hurtful remarks.

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Seinen is RIGHT

10:21 am, Nov 9 2016
Posts: 2408

There is a silver lining for German politics with Trump. Chancellor Merkel (her unstoppable reign looks better and better as the years go by) has been being over backwards to please the US, as we are an export nation, but her open borders policy is the direct opposite of what he wants. I now finally get to see what solely Europe facing Germany will look like. Another positive is 4 years of President Garrison on South Park. That poor team now has to rewrite the upcoming ep. with 24 hours... No 1st gentleman for the US.
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Buckle up, buckaroo!
Trump also proved that the US election isn´t "rigged" and people will now finally understand how Putin and Hitler got voted to power.
PS: Is he the worst US president since Nixon? But you also wanted 8 years (!) of Bush, so reap what you have wrought.

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3:10 pm, Nov 9 2016
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More like cry a bit than frown because of course, Trump. Why?!!!!! And he didn't even win the popular vote, Clinton won that. It's ironic that we lost the presidency to a demagogue with/because of a system made specifically so demagogues wouldn't get elected. no

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Post #685525
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3:15 pm, Nov 9 2016
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I did more than frown today when I learned Trump won the election.

Post #685526 - Reply to (#685512) by residentgrigo
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3:31 pm, Nov 9 2016
Posts: 774

Quote from residentgrigo
How the fuck did you people vote for Trump? (This is a US site.) Was it another Brexit, where the young and "intelligent" decided that it could never happen anyway, so everyone stayed home? I was prepared though.

There's a lot of different reasons: our terrible electoral college system, Clinton ignoring a huge part of the voting demographic (whites in the Midwest and the South, of any age/gender, of any class), media over-reporting of Trump as a serious candidate, the superdelegates choosing Clinton as the Democratic nominee in the first place even though Sanders polled better against Trump in the primaries, the fact that this is the first time we're voting in an election with a gutted Voting Rights Act protection so voter suppression was a record high... And more.

I even ran some numbers based on polling results (CNN's, cross-checked with Politico's), and Trump won 25 states (+ part of Maine) and 220 electoral votes in a landslide. Clinton won only 13 states (and DC) and 182 electoral votes. The remaining states were all swing states and could've gone either way.

So a Trump presidency was actually not an accident. A whole lot of people liked how racist/sexist Trump was and voted for him. This election has revealed a lot of terrible things about America that the moderate liberals have been trying to ignore for years...

And, yes, in keeping with the topic, I was sad, then angry, that Trump won.

Post #685527 - Reply to (#685526) by Suxinn
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3:47 pm, Nov 9 2016
Posts: 1737

Quote from Suxinn
There's a lot of different reasons: our terrible electoral college system, Clinton ignoring a huge part of the voting demographic (whites in the Midwest and the South, of any age/gender, of any class), media over-reporting of Trump as a serious candidate, the superdelegates choosing Clinton as the ...

Yup. This made me very sad. My professors, too, for several of them cancelled class today due to shock and sorrow.

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Post #685528 - Reply to (#685526) by Suxinn
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4:20 pm, Nov 9 2016
Posts: 291

Quote from Suxinn
the superdelegates choosing Clinton

Just had to say that Clinton would have won without the superdelegates, I personally think it was more about Sanders not getting enough exposure in key primary states and not really being able to reach older voters.

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4:52 pm, Nov 9 2016
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Decades of civil rights legislation is going to be reversed over the next four to eight years. Goodbye voter's rights, abortion rights, gay marriage, equal employment opportunity, and any semblance of actual repercussions for bigotry. The GOP clowns who destroyed our unions and middle class were handed the majority by the very people they cheated, and our system of checks and balances will be practically obsolete. Our electoral college once again proved to be an obsolete system, silencing the voices of the majority of voters and giving power to the type of demagogue it was designed to prevent.

I didn't just frown today. I fucking cried.

Post #685530 - Reply to (#685526) by Suxinn
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Seinen is RIGHT

5:05 pm, Nov 9 2016
Posts: 2408

It wasn´t an "accident" and i never saw Trump as a joke. He became a billionaire on his own, what more can i say. Michael Moore even made a (good) documentary about why he could win this very year. He was one of the few who saw the danger (and a renascence for his career). That Putin, the man who destroyed my former country, now congratulated Trump is all you need to know about him. Their relationship will still sower quickly and read up on Trump´s proposed policies (his ideas on taxation are... wild).
Fascism never look more like your drunk uncle than now! Who was never a politician too...

America will now have to live by it´s decision, for up to 8 years, and what needs to change is the system itself, that only let´s you realistically vote a douche or a turd sandwich.
Thus it may need to burn to the ground for real change to occur. The popular vote should be the deciding factor too, what sort of 19th century crap is this 21th century system running on? (Obama was decent though, a "real" politician with a broken senate that consonantly derailed him.)
PS: Where exactly is his child rape accusation going? It´s his 3rd (!) and Hillary was another mess, but what a harmless Mussoliniesque alternative.

Edit: Our prime fascism party Afd just congratulated Trump and promised to aggressively pursue the next election cycle roll . We also have the Npd, who are straight out nazis.
Let´s see what they have to say, as the US KKK officially supported Trump.

Last edited by residentgrigo at 5:37 pm, Nov 9 2016

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Post #685535 - Reply to (#685530) by residentgrigo
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3:49 am, Nov 10 2016
Posts: 774

Quote from mikako17
Just had to say that Clinton would have won without the superdelegates, I personally think it was more about Sanders not getting enough exposure in key primary states and not really being able to reach older voters.

I feel like if some (or even all) superdelegates had supported Sanders, he could've won. But, yeah, I agree with your other points. Sanders definitely didn't get enough mainstream media exposure during his campaign.

Quote from residentgrigo
It wasn´t an "accident" and i never saw Trump as a joke.

That comment wasn't directed at you. It's just been a common refrain I've been seeing from U.S. mainstream news media since the results came through. The news treated Trump as if he was a joke and kept giving him media attention, certain that he wasn't going to win. When he did, they tried to explain his win as if it was a twist of fate, an accident. But it isn't. Trump earned every single one of those votes, and he earned them because his terrible, fascist rhetoric resonated with entire groups of people. That is scary. And it is scary that our news media isn't really acknowledging that.

Another thing that made me frown today: I still have to finish up grad school apps, even as I'm still reeling from this entire farce of an election. /sigh

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Seinen is RIGHT

5:40 am, Nov 10 2016
Posts: 2408

28,5% of all eligible voters skipped the last Bundestag election in 2013. (It´s the 2nd worst turnout in history, 2009 was slightly worse.) 46.6% didn't vote in the US election dead .
This is 100% worse than Trump wining and a leading reason why he won. He had a "personality" that galvanized people, his voters then came. The other choice was just unsellable (yet tolerable and having a woman run and win would have set a decent example. Better people would have picked up the mantle after seeing that it can be done.)

Here is the turnaround in numbers and Trump will get way more things done than Obama, just look at the stats. Don´t hold your breath on that multi billion dollar wall though, much needed that one. Oh ´Merica...
I truly hope that some of you had a wake up call (i voted in every major election i could) and that all of you US citizens will bother to grab the voting booth by the pussy in 2020.

PS: The KKK is celebrating his victory right now. Like for real, look it up none . n-leader-congratulates-trump--and-thanks-wikil/
(He would have won without Wikileaks though.)

Last edited by residentgrigo at 8:16 am, Nov 10 2016

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Post #685538
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6:48 am, Nov 10 2016
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While I'm sure a lot of people didn't vote due to apathy, there's an equally large amount of registered voters that couldn't vote because of new voting restrictions.

Our Voting Rights Act was recently gutted, allowing a lot of conservative states to restrict access to voting, with new voter ID laws being the prime example. For instance, in Texas, you can vote with a handgun permit but not a student ID. (A very deliberate attempt to prevent young folks, who traditionally skew more left, from voting.) And North Carolina even bragged about how successful they've been in keeping people from voting. There was also a lot of documented voter intimidation (meaning: folks with guns hanging around and looking threatening at the polls) during the actual voting day too.

So, yes, people who can vote should be going out there to vote. But there were a lot of people who went out to vote and found that they couldn't.

Yet another thing whose reminder makes me frown.

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Seinen is RIGHT

10:36 am, Nov 10 2016
Posts: 2408

Here is how the Electoral College works. What sorcery is this? Which century do we live in?

Edit: Trump won 306 to 232. Obama had 365 to 173 in 2008 and 332 to 206 in 2012.
Bush is the most interesting modern president. He won 271 to 266 in 2000 and 286 to 251 in 2004. No wonder he was so unpopular (and i hate personally).
More people wanted change in 2008 than whatever we are getting now, that needs to be remembered for 2020.

Look up the landslide victories by Ronald Reagan btw. Truly the last popular republican president.,_ 1980

Last edited by residentgrigo at 11:05 am, Nov 10 2016

I also read EU/US comics and am a librarian.
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Post #685546 - Reply to (#685545) by residentgrigo
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Slightly obscene

11:04 am, Nov 10 2016
Posts: 498

Haah, you should see the next video (The Trouble with the Electoral College) as well. The US brand of "democracy" is really something else.

Edit: Yeah, I've seen the whole "trilogy." Watched it a few weeks ago.

Last edited by Baalzebup at 1:02 pm, Nov 10 2016

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Post #685547 - Reply to (#685546) by Baalzebup
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Seinen is RIGHT

11:28 am, Nov 10 2016
Posts: 2408

There is a secret 3rd part! It´s the most confusing too: (This is never going go be reformed, is it? Oh America.)
Aren´t we both glad we are part of the EU?

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