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Something That Made You Frown Today...

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6:23 pm, Aug 24 2019
Posts: 1143

Warn: Banned

Daily Mail: Is it time to drop the cannibalism taboo? Psychologists say eating members of the same species is natural and we could 'adapt to human flesh if need be'
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And then one day, for no reason at all, people voted Hitler into power.

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Post #771421 - Reply to (#771419) by Transdude1996
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Seinen is RIGHT

6:45 pm, Aug 24 2019
Posts: 2421

Seeing this is what made me frown today. You don´t link to the primary source which has the title "Cannibalism is common in the animal kingdom – here’s why for humans it’s the ultimate taboo" while linking to a tabloid that sensationalizes the reports. Yet BOTH come to the same conclusion:

"For now, we’re as happy as you are to continue accepting the “wisdom of repugnance”: human flesh, despite its biochemical similarities to that of other mammals, shall remain firmly off limits."

Funny how that is buried... And we even get the usual Nazi "joke" that has no understanding of history. The Treaty of Versailles from 1919, the failed Weimar Republic of the 1920s and the worldwide economic collapse of the late 1920s and early 30s put Hitler into power. In conclusion: Someone here doesn´t know how to read, how to troll, how to use sources and even failed to grasp the most important event of the 20th century. Ohh wee.
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I take it back. I should have used the made me smile thread instead.

I also read EU/US comics and am a librarian.
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Post #771422 - Reply to (#771421) by residentgrigo
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7:40 pm, Aug 24 2019
Posts: 1143

Warn: Banned

So, you don't find it disgusting that they're even discussing the idea? Or that, while going "Good thing this isn't something we have to consider...yet", they're turning around and going "but you're still going to be eating insects"?

EDIT: By the way, this is beyond just tabloid talk.

Last edited by Transdude1996 at 9:00 pm, Aug 24 2019

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Seinen is RIGHT

4:10 pm, Feb 10 2020
Posts: 2421

I just realized that Ivanka Trump is old enough to run for president. She will do it 2024. Mark my words. The first female president may be a Trump!?!
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🤣 😕 😐 🤢 😐 😕 🤣

I also read EU/US comics and am a librarian.
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6:39 pm, Feb 11 2020
Posts: 1143

Warn: Banned

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Seinen is RIGHT

9:20 am, Mar 18 2020
Posts: 2421

Covid-19 is what it is but the STONKS market is looking worrisome. It will only tank worse... and soon too. Can´t wait for that death spiral and we can´t have another great depression after only 12 years. Here is what Germany did in 1923 to get out of the big one:
The at first VERY successful move also tried to combat rising fascism. About that... read on. The irony hurts.

I also read EU/US comics and am a librarian.
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Post #774885 - Reply to (#774884) by residentgrigo
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10:34 am, Mar 18 2020
Posts: 1143

Warn: Banned

Quote from residentgrigo
Covid-19 is what it is but the STONKS market is looking worrisome. It will only tank worse... and soon too. Can´t wait for that death spiral and we can´t have another great depression after only 12 years. Here is what Germany did in 1923 to get out of the big one: ...

You're seriously holding up the Wiemar Republic as an example of what to do?

Of course the market is going to tank, no question about it, because just about everything from electronics to pharmaceuticals to clothing is produced in China. That's what happens when NONE of your industries are produced domestically. The only thing that's going to fix it is to rely less on importing and more on domestication. However, even then, that's going to take a good long, hard year at best as just about everything in the world is shutting down, with politicians everywhere telling people to adopt the NEET lifestyle, and companies having to build and/or restart factories in whatever country they're located in.

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Post #775219
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8:20 am, Mar 25 2020
Posts: 1150

Just did a quick search through my downloaded manga... 2866743 files in 120463 folders for a total of 1040 gb of manga... (I might need to start to look for a new external hd)

~4400 manga completed
~1700 ongoing...
Post #775246 - Reply to (#775219) by Aremon
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7:53 am, Mar 26 2020
Posts: 612

Quote from Aremon
Just did a quick search through my downloaded manga... 2866743 files in 120463 folders for a total of 1040 gb of manga... (I might need to start to look for a new external hd)

Wow nice archive.

1st: Death Note
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Weird Chic

4:27 pm, Apr 1 2020
Posts: 10

Having to be an adult and working!
Dealing with the situations you don't want to but have to to pay bills sucks! 😢

Post #775560
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3:52 pm, Apr 5 2020
Posts: 612

Sad news about Corona virus around the world.

1st: Death Note
Post #776476
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6:34 pm, Apr 24 2020
Posts: 648

Brutal day at work 😩 My boss is a master at 1) Pointless bureaucracy 2) Technological ineptitude

Post #776569
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8:13 pm, Apr 27 2020
Posts: 775

Continuing the conversation about difficult bosses... We've been scheduled to move to a new office for two months now (bad time to do it, I know), and I told my boss last month that he had to be the one to book the moving truck, etc. and he agreed. Lo and behold, we're in the last week of our lease, and my boss apparently completely forgot we even had this conversation!! (Multiple times!! I texted him two weeks ago to remind him!!) At least I extracted a promise from him today that he's absolutely, definitely going to rent a truck this week.

Also ran myself ragged today moving boxes of documents over. :<

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HanaTsuki Hime

2:07 am, Apr 28 2020
Posts: 262

Just read on the news that in USA there are people as stupid as Trump and they actually did inject themselves with disinfection I shouldn't be surprised 'cuz they're the ones who elected that moron, but still...just how stupid would they have to be to actually do it?
As if there aren't already enough people dying due to Covid19's complications, now the poor hospitals' staff have to deal with these morons on top of it, like they don't already have their hands full (-_-)

~Nothing is Eternal but Eternity~
Enjoy life as much as you can and do whatever you want, because it may be only one.
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Seinen is RIGHT

11:40 am, May 15 2020
Posts: 2421

The US president thanked, and I quote, his "Keyboard Warriors" today. What is even happing in 2020 anymore!?! I think we are done. Deus Ex Machina needs to unplug the Matrix.
This cycle failed! It doesn´t mean what he thinks it does. Trump called his own supports, well: 20Warrior

PS: Those Matrix sequels and canon game spin-offs are WILD. I´ll watch Matrix 4 (to 6?) week one but... good luck.

Last edited by residentgrigo at 11:47 am, May 15 2020

I also read EU/US comics and am a librarian.
Manga-Masters, My ANN-Lists + Imdb
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