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Something That Made You Frown Today...

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3:41 pm, Nov 24 2021
Posts: 1699

I slipped and fell comically on my butt, back, right arm, and right foot. Like those falls when someone slips on a banana peel. T-T

Post #793973
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11:30 pm, Dec 3 2021
Posts: 1150

Remembering a manga you haven't read in a while only to find out that there has been no new releases in the last year.

~4400 manga completed
~1700 ongoing...
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12:59 am, Jan 22 2022
Posts: 1699

It's so windy in Los Angeles right now. The wind was so bad that it knocked a palm tree down and smashed someone's car roof and trunk. It took the power lines down and there was a power outage for a while. The tree scrapped my car on the way down but at least my car didn't get smashed like the other person. My anxiety was 10/10 when I came out and saw the tree near my car lol.

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7:45 pm, Jan 25 2022
Posts: 335

Reading the syllabus for a course I've just started. Especially the part about having tests every week!

Post #797606
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7:48 am, Jun 1 2022
Posts: 1150

When there is an official english spelling for the name of a character and it is spelled that way because of story reasons, but scanlators change the name of that character for no apparent reason... Makes no sense.

Last edited by Aremon at 7:49 am, Jun 1 2022

~4400 manga completed
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Post #799040
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4:24 am, Sep 5 2022
Posts: 1150

When translators translate a term or a phrase in two or more different ways in the same chapter or even on the same page... Do certain translators even read what they are translating? It's tecnically not that common, but still... it boggles the mind.

~4400 manga completed
~1700 ongoing...
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