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Post #754496 - Reply to (#754490) by gormadoc

1:04 pm, Feb 18 2018
Posts: 439

Quote from gormadoc
Poisons are simply substances which are bad for your health in high doses.

By that definition, water would count as a poison
...and it's clearly not.
And it actually can cause tissue damage, most notably in the eyes.

...which will not happen, from eating food, with the substance in it.
At least not, for most people.
I don't know how you eat...
I'm glad you agree that it can be bad for you in high doses

Yes, but only at very high doses, which most people will never be exposed to.
At lower doses, it causes no harm, whatsoever. It does, however, have various positive effects.
Thus being pretty much the opposite of a poison.

Alcohol, however, has detrimental effects, at any dose (the severity depending on the dose, of course) ...and no positive effects, whatsoever.
Cinnamaldehyde is what I was referring to

That's the first major compound I found ...but I assumed you meant coumarin, as I couldn't find any trace of anything, indicating that cinnamaldehyde, would be toxic, in any way.

Your linked study, indicates a (largely negligible, and counteracted by the body, thus resulting in no actual harm) genotoxic effect ...and it's just one single paper and you've shown no information about it having been reproduced.

Either way, the negative effects are non-existent, in general (non-obviously extreme) cinnamon consumption, but it does, however, have various positive effects.
See the above comparison of menthol vs alcohol.

I'm not entirely sure about coumarin. The info is a bit scant.
All of what you eat contains poisons.

Aside from, arguably, coumarin being negligibly toxic, you have stunningly failed to show this to be anywhere near being true, so...
Normal fruit juice often contains a small amount of alcohol

...which you think is comparable, to drinks where you have knowingly created an intentional high amount of alcohol?
There are good reasons to eat fruits.
But beer? Wine? Vodka?
(also, why should I believe your cited alcohol level, for orange juice? ...which, BTW isn't a fruit. It is a fruit product. Not particularly more healthy, than stuff like Coke, Pepsi or Fanta)
It seems that you may think that because the above poisons

You have not shown that they are poisons.
it is an antidote to methanol poisoning, and when used in such a manner, has no bad long term effects.

That is not a beneficial effect, of normal ethanol consumption.
That is a beneficial effect, in a specific medical situation, and only that situation.
That doesn't count.
(just as some of the benefits from menthol or the other substances above, don't count, for the same reason ...but they still have various benefits, even in normal consumption)

Ethanol also has various other benefits, such as being part of antiseptic hand sanitizers, a fuel or a solvent ...none of which, has anything to do with consuming it.
Thus, those benefits aren't relevant to this discussion and do not count as benefits, for our purposes.

Last edited by zarlan at 2:12 pm, Feb 18 2018

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