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PE (physical education)

(when you were in school), what is your opinion it?
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Post #360266
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8:16 am, Feb 27 2010
Posts: 1027

Loved all the ball involving team sports, football, basketball, handball, volleyball...even played for my school on regional tournaments...didn't like track and field so much...I was pretty good on 400m but I always lacked the motivation to just run.

The only time I didn't like PE was in my third year of HS, when we got a substitute teacher that for some reason thought we should only do gymnastics and that damned obstacle track.

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8:56 am, Feb 27 2010
Posts: 458

I don't like it because
A. I'm way too lazy to run
B. I have P.E. in the middle of the day
C Even if we're playing a fun sport, everyone is to busy talking to their friends than actually playing

Post #360301
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11:03 am, Feb 27 2010
Posts: 2342

We had fitness "tests" to do that was ministry standard. These things were so damn hard on some people they fainted, or vomited.

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2:56 pm, Feb 27 2010
Posts: 776

I almost failed PE once...although, that was because I had a broken wrist and couldn't participate.

I hated PE growing up and that was the class I looked forward to dropping the most once I reached high school. I remember 1 decent PE class and that teacher would do six-week units on sports people actually played, things like bowling and swimming.

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Post #360363
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2:59 pm, Feb 27 2010
Posts: 1975

Meehhh. It's probably my most hated class.

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Not Very Tasty

3:11 pm, Feb 27 2010
Posts: 117

I don't really care either way.
On one side. its an easy class that gives no homework, and you get an excuse to exercise.

On the other, I usually had it in the morning, which sucked, and the teachers often graded based on your performance, not participation. Which meant the faster people got the better grades, and since I'm not a morning person I always got a solid B.

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3:44 pm, Feb 27 2010
Posts: 228

Did not like it. Still don't like it.

However I'm considering doing some jogging in the morning. Probably won't happen anytime soon since it's still hard for me to wake up early in the morning since I love sleeping a lot.

Does not compute.
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5:22 pm, Feb 27 2010
Posts: 741

Sometimes it was fun and most times it felt boring and pointless.
Every school I went to always insisted on square dancing. No idea why.
One year I had a teacher who always made degrading comments about me just because I wasn't very good at sports. none

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The Gorilla Killa™

5:27 pm, Feb 27 2010
Posts: 3229

PE was awesome for me. I usually played basketball, baseball, and kickball.

Now Health Ed, that was something I didn't like. All of those graphic pictures shown to you at a young age... dead

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Post #360401
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6:04 pm, Feb 27 2010
Posts: 321

I liked PE because I like sports but it got annoying at one point because since my PE wasn't co-ed, I was stuck with so many girls that only wanted to talk about boys and do nothing else. They weren't really even trying to play.

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6:11 pm, Feb 27 2010
Posts: 536

lol gym in the MORNING.. and i still lvoe it but not when the grass wet... ewww
but when its sunny its great.. then i play soccer at lunch and that was a dam exercise everyday i sweat!!!

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Lost In The Sky

6:12 pm, Feb 27 2010
Posts: 81

I didn't hate it or liked it. What I didn't like was playing with the guys because they took it too seriously. I also never liked dodgeball. Whenever we played I just walked around until I got hit so I could go sit down 8D. It was a good waste of time, especially if you had friends in the class.

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Artificial Life

6:18 pm, Feb 27 2010
Posts: 1591


we had to do what u call "suicide" where u have to run back and forth the gym when the thing beeped.
and it goes faster and faster, who ever can't keep up has to drop and give like 20.

AND they have this stupid rule of if u can go to school you can go to gym... i mean if i have a cold or fever or even if i broke a leg i can still go to school but that doesnt mean i can run around.

i had to do my "exam" when i was running a fever, they didnt let me rest from one thing to another, i almost fainted and they were like, well your at school so it cant be that bad. ( i dont leave school when im sick, if i do, then i wouldnt be there for more than 3/4 of the time.)

another reason why i hate P.E. all of my classes were either first thing in the morning, right after lunch or last class of the day. i had the WORST schedule EVER. sad

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6:25 pm, Feb 27 2010
Posts: 448

I'm lazy and so naturally I hate it. It also bored the heck out of me. People always took everything way too seriously. I didnt care and no amount of bitching from my teachers or classmates was going to make me care. It got to a point I would just climb to the top of the bleachers and sleep. Those teachers who say gym is important are all liars anyway.

I also hate the fact mine was co-ed. Normally and for a long time it didnt bother me. But then this freak who would stare at me ended up in my class. Then he ended up being my partner. Things didnt end well for either of us is all I can say about that one. He always wore bummy ripped clothes and smelled like garlic chips. God I hated him.

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8:13 pm, Feb 27 2010
Posts: 774

I love playing around for fun... so PE in elementry school was the BOMB.
Playing dodgeball? Chyeah. Awesome.

And then in HS suddenly I had to like... run for no reason.
And they made me use weights and all that blah stuff.

I think the real end of my PE career was when on the final stretching test in grade 9, I FAILED because I couldn't even reach the thing you have to push to measure your flexibility. That's right. I got NEGATIVE flexibility.

I'm glad I'm naturally stick thin, cause honestly I'd be screwed. biggrin

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