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What do you hate about yourself

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Post #441284 - Reply to (#440228) by forror

7:23 pm, Jan 19 2011
Posts: 184

Quote from leloMew
I should show a little more consideration/emotion toward others. I do care, but I'm just far too awkward as to display any signs of affection or care. People take that as being cold and aloof.

I sometimes walk around the house like an old man - according to my mum.

Finally, I hate my lack of exercise and crappy diet. Luckily my body's perfectly fine right now - on the outside at least - but I know it's gonna get back at me later on in life...

Sounds like you should walk around the house with your shoulders pulled back. It's better for your back and you won't look like an old lady that way. smile

If it's convenient and safe (if you live in relatively wealthy suburbs, for instance), taking a walk once in a while doesn't hurt, if you're worrying about exercise. I don't know about you, but it gives me a moment to think efficiently.


7:32 pm, Jan 19 2011
Posts: 61

Right now my inability to remember algebraic equations in the long term

saranghae SHINee <3
Post #441289 - Reply to (#440485) by ShadowSakura

7:33 pm, Jan 19 2011
Posts: 184

Quote from ShadowSakura
this thread is making me kind of depressed.
what i absolutly forgot to write is that i forget many things.


That's cute.

Post #441751 - Reply to (#441287) by chaos7angel

3:29 pm, Jan 21 2011
Posts: 3

Quote from chaos7angel
Right now my inability to remember algebraic equations in the long term

I'll give you the same advice i gave my friend with the exact same problem; you don't need to know the answers to algebraic equations when your stacking beans on shelves at your local supermarket.

Post #441798

8:27 pm, Jan 21 2011
Posts: 32

I hate that I get extremely nervous in front of groups. I end up stuttering and even find it painful to listen to myself.

Post #442434

1:36 pm, Jan 24 2011
Posts: 89

I'm really, really indecisive. sad

And I have a strange nervous laugh.


1:59 pm, Jan 24 2011
Posts: 73

I hate how I can't trust anyone. But I also hate how I trust people too much and end up getting hurt.

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2:33 pm, Jan 24 2011
Posts: 247

I'm so arrogant that it's ridiculous.

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Post #442447 - Reply to (#442438) by iheartramen

2:43 pm, Jan 24 2011
Posts: 184

Quote from iheartramen
I hate how I can't trust anyone. But I also hate how I trust people too much and end up getting hurt.

Take things in moderation, so you don't have to go through extreme cycles.

If you trust people too much and get hurt, you'll stop trusting people completely... then when you rebound, you trust people more than you should. Take it in moderation. Try to trust certain people, but take precautions. Use common sense... For instance, don't put yourself in a position where your life will be over if someone doesn't behave how you're expecting them to. (Don't give away your bank account; don't completely trust anyone to keep a life-changing secret; etc.)

The same logic applies to almost everything. Extremes are bad.
- Extreme political parties (both sides) are bad. Once people get screwed over by one side, they'll wildly swing to the other, and piss off more people, and the cycle eventually spins out of control.
- Extreme moods are bad. An individual that is manic all the time has a high chance of burning out and crashing, then he/she fails in the expectations others have of him/her and becomes extremely depressed. Maybe when they swing back, they try too hard, and become manic again, and start burning themselves out. Lot of "bipolar" people are like that.

Quote from TheShawn
I'm so arrogant that it's ridiculous.

Nothing wrong with being arrogant. smile

You're not hurting anyone or putting them down, are you?

There are even advantages to being arrogant and overconfident for some people.

It tends to raise people's expectations of you... and if you're the type that hates to disappoint people, it provides you with a lot of pressure and motivation to perform.

Post #442487
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5:21 pm, Jan 24 2011
Posts: 377

I hate how I never get to sleep on time, theres always something better to do, so I stay up till 2am instead of 11pm when I have to get up at 6 in the morning...

Post #442489
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5:24 pm, Jan 24 2011
Posts: 1668

Warn: Banned

Nothing wrong with being arrogant

WELL...I mean there's nothing wrong with being confident, but always a bad thing. A lot of people confuse the two. See confidence is often backed by facts, like you got the magic hand as a surgeon. While arrogance is mostly unsupported, like you tell people you are the best surgeon in the world when you are perhaps just average.

Gay book discussion thread
Quote from you_no_see_me_
this is not about cannibalism...please get back on topic

Quote from Toto
I think it is exactly the topic. I see nothing wrong.
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5:29 pm, Jan 24 2011
Posts: 247

It has nothing to do with whether or not the attitude is supportable, it has to do with the degree of it. A confident person believes himself capable of something. An arrogant person blatantly displays that confidence.

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Generic Noob

5:42 pm, Jan 24 2011
Posts: 23

I'm ridiculously lazy, seriously, if I was being chased by a serial killer I'd probably run for about 30 seconds before giving up and letting myself ge killed, needless to say its done wonders for my health. I also have very bad memory.

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El Psy Kongroo.

6:57 pm, Jan 24 2011
Posts: 968

Lazy, randomly violent (only at home with siblings), computer-addict, lazy, don't have George Clooney-looks, borderline anti-social, and lazy some more.

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Zombie Porn!

7:04 pm, Jan 24 2011
Posts: 334

im terrible at making new friends in an environment where i don't really know anyone. i just clam up and sit and try to look cool as everyone else is having a fun time.

[img][/img] A senpai tried to violate me after hearing about my transfer. BUT I RAPED HIM INSTEAD.
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