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Did Ichigo get a lot stronger?

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Post #20274
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6:50 pm, Jun 16 2007
Posts: 224

In the latest chapter, 279. I guess this is spoiler stuff if you aren't up to date with it so...

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Ichigo is fighting Grimmjow fairly evenly in Bankai so far. The first time they fought Grimmjow completely wiped the floor with Ichigo even though he was giving it his all. Then next time, which was not long ago in the story I think, Grimmjow was taking what Ichigo threw at him in Vizard form yet he only had one arm then and I don't think he had his sword out, maybe he did though.

Either way it just seems like a pretty big jump in power for Ichigo to be fighting evenly while only in Bankai and with Grimmjow fighting at full strength. I musta missed something. I know he got stronger in that he can use his Vizard form but I didn't realize his base strength increased so dramatically.

I guess Grimmjow could be toying with him again though, giving him false hope. I just thought that speech about fighting at full power meant they were both going all out.

Oh well, I just thought it was a little odd.

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10:22 pm, Jun 16 2007
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The missing factor before was Orihime. Once she was taken his determination was given a kick in the pants, and now that she's standing rhigt in front of him what better chance to end this get her to save Rukia and get the hell out of Dodge.

Not sure if that would count as one but better to be safe. Either way that's my opinion.

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2:30 am, Jun 17 2007
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I don't think determination alone can make up a gap as big as the one Pritcher was talking about.

I think that Ichigo in his bankai form has no chance in defeating grimmjow, or any other espada at all. If that's proven to be incorrect, the mangaka has a lot of explaining to do in my opinion smile

Ichigo'll probably have to find a way to keep his hollow mask on for a much longer period if he wants to win this fight.

Well I atleast expect him to find a new, stronger power, method or upgrade because after grimmjow, he will have to face ulquiorra again, or someone even stronger.
And it seems even if he manages to stay hollow-ised for the entire battle his chances are slim for the fourth arrancar, not to mention the 3 other stronger ones, and then the aizen-gang offcourse.

Last edited by lambchopsil at 7:30 am, Jun 17 2007

Post #20359
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4:03 am, Jun 17 2007
Posts: 224

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Yeah, I don't think the determination thing is really cutting it for me. I can see that making him fight a little harder or whatever but not for such a massive power gain.

I don't think Ichigo will beat Grimmjow in bankai I just thought it was strange that he was doing as well as he is with it. If he does beat him in bankai then I'm writing this series off for good. I'm already thinking about dropping it anyway, but just for maybe a few months to let some back issues pile up because I can't stand how little story is actually in a single chapter.

I don't really think Ichigo is going to win this fight at all, I think the fight will be interrupted. Either some good guy reinforcements are going to show up, or Ulquiorra is going to break out of that place Grimmjow sent him to or some other person(s) from Aizen's crew will show up and Grimmjow and Ichigo will end up with a sort of temporary alliance.

I've been saying for a while that I think Grimmjow will end up defecting at some point and he's already started down that path by going against Aizen's orders (again) and by attacking Ulquiorra. What's he going to do even if he wins against Ichigo? Probably won't become a real good guy but I think he'll split off from Aizen's group. Or die, but he's a popular character so I dunno bout that.

If Ichigo just "gets stronger" again and starts beating everyone then that's going to be really disappointing for me. For a while now I've been wondering just how the hell they're going to get out of all this. They seem to be in way over their heads and I've been expecting some sort of twist. A bad guy changing sides, or a surprise attack by Urahara and crew maybe, or reinforcements from Soul Society. Something more interesting than simply Ichigo saving the day.

Last edited by lambchopsil at 7:30 am, Jun 17 2007

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7:31 am, Jun 17 2007
Posts: 10691

Guys, there's a spoiler tag for a reason

A just ruler amongst tyrants
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8:05 am, Jun 17 2007
Posts: 272

Yes, but since the whole thread is about the latest chapters of bleach, I thought I were to be expected that each and every single post here would be a spoiler for anyone who isn't up to date with bleach.

But since there isn't any spoiler indication in the thread title I guess you're right smile My bad! *Gomennasai*


Yes Pricher, I totaly agree with you about the small chapters of Bleach biggrin But that could change though.

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I do think Ichigo will defeat Grimmjow, but now you started talking about those alliances I'm doubting the fact that Ichigo will actualy also kill Grimmjow. I say: Ichigo defeats Grimmjow, when the part commes where he has to decide to kill or not to kill Grimmjow, Ulquiorra appears and they both have to flee. And then hopefully it'll go a bit like you said.

But Ichigo must get stronger. I'm the kind of guy that still likes his protagonist to be the best. I mean he can't even defeat the fourth arrancar ?! He's probably the weakest member of the vaizard and there's no way he's as good as aizen. Remember that Ichigo in his Bankai form couldn't even lay a scratch on Aizen, and Aizen stopped his blade with one finger without going bankaï or hollow. So there must be something else I think. Something that perhaps only Aizen (and his crew) has mastered.

I'm convinced that there'll be another 'upgrade' part soon. Ichigo is still to weak so perhaps he gets to meet his hollow again in that special world of his. Mabye it'll go like "I though you were going to be my horse but you're acting more like a cripple donkey biatch" biggrin

Last edited by Zacharias at 8:22 am, Jun 17 2007

Post #20400

8:06 am, Jun 17 2007
Posts: 486

who are aizens crew?, i thought the espada are his crew confused

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Post #20405 - Reply to (#20400) by Sakuya
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8:18 am, Jun 17 2007
Posts: 272

Quote from Sakuya
who are aizens crew?, i thought the espada are his crew confused

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Aizens 'top minions' = Espada
Aizens 'minions' = Arrancar
Aizens 'crew'= Gin and the black blind guy (thus meaning the three guys from soulsociety that went over to the other side)

These are offcourse non-official names, just something that could describe the structure of their orginasation

Post #20408

8:25 am, Jun 17 2007
Posts: 486

thanks for clearing that up smile

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Post #20471
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3:53 pm, Jun 17 2007
Posts: 224

Quote from lambchopsil
Guys, there's a spoiler tag for a reason

Sorry bout that. It was like 7 in the morning and I hadn't slept; my poor brain reverted to the dark days of other boards. Not used to using that tag, thanks for editing.

Don't get me wrong, I definitely think Ichigo will still get stronger.
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I just don't want him to get that strong so fast. If he gets strong enough to take on every Espada, not to mention Aizen and his crew, then that's just too much. I think aside from regular training improvement it's too soon for another 'upgrade', he just got vizard form and still hasn't mastered that yet.

Maybe around the time of the winter war he can get another power or whatever, but for now I think it would be better to resolve the Hueco Mundo arc in a way other than Ichigo saves the day.

Post #20475
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4:20 pm, Jun 17 2007
Posts: 439

i see the ending of this current arc by either the shinigami come to help finally since he saved soul society earlier or the vaizards coming and ichigo finally joining them since he finds out that the top 5 espada are a bit too strong. asides for that, the only other thing i can see is ichigo getting controlled by the hollow form and tearing up the place. sorta inuyasha demon form thing.

"Let's put a smile on that face."
Post #20564

11:54 pm, Jun 17 2007
Posts: 486

it would be interesting to see the extent of ichigo's hollow form vs the esapda

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12:31 pm, Jun 18 2007
Posts: 1130

Here's to hoping something happens that causes Ichigo to snap and lose control of his Vizard form and have the hollow take over and kick some espada tail.

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Post #23112
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5:34 pm, Jul 4 2007
Posts: 50

That's an interesting question..I saw the battle and thought this is typical Bleach 5 yr old storytelling...Ichigo gets beat down and then miraculously pulls power out of nowhere. That said and as much as I think this manga is meant for kids..I still keep hoping something good will come of it to make it deserving of being considered part of the big 3 (naruto, One Piece and then far below..Bleach) and seeing more of the Hollow---which is one fo the more interesting angles to Bleach could be good.

Post #23136
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7:39 pm, Jul 4 2007
Posts: 1574

id like to see the hollow ichigo surface a little bit, he's pretty badass

But didnt he train w/ the vizards after the second time he fought grimmjaw? I thought he did anyway...

Hopefully it the battle won't end with ichigo becoming a shinigami who uses hollow powers who uses arrancar powers! or something ridiculous like that

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