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Recruiting for Editors and Kor-Eng translators

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Post #16774

10:05 pm, May 28 2007
Posts: 79

^ Hi there, yes we are. I'm going to PM you.

I also go by amatsu.
Post #16802 - Reply to (#16725) by luisalirio84
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3:19 am, May 29 2007
Posts: 79

Quote from luisalirio84
Why don't you just merge with us then you can leech off amatsu's translators and she can't say no. lol. Downside is I might eat you or something or make you my slave. Just Kidding smile No seriously i'll help you if you're still new tutorials are good but sometimes you learn a lot more by just doing and feeding off of other's experience. They can pass on tips and tricks. Also I'm learning colouring right now so maybe nodame and addicted curry will have some coloured paes from me in the future. Also still learning Japanese so I can be the one man scanlation team and rule the world. Mwahahaha. Joking again. Seriously drop in sometime I like talking to other editors and finding new runarounds and ways to get things done faster and better smile

...luis, all our translators are busy on other projects atm we can't do TBotW. You are not in the manhwa section, so you wouldnt know bigrazz Just keep to NC and ATC. bigrazz
This goes to RCxFace, we aren't planning on continuing TBotWG, plus our translators are pretty busy with their own assigned projects. Sorry but thank you for suggesting on merging, maybe we could merge in the near future, but atm our staff is really busy smile.

Last edited by x91 at 3:31 am, May 29 2007

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3:25 pm, May 29 2007
Posts: 19

Thank you luisalirio84.

That is a very nice offer you put up.. thank you ^^
lol, but to be honest i dont use photoshop.
I'm still in the process of learning it for my school's yearbook
team, but i rather use the program im most comfortable with.
and since i scan only licensed mangas
i dont believe in doing HQ scans for them.
so there really isnt a need for me 2 learn beyond yet.
but i appreciate you offering, and for now,
i have found myself a korean translator ^^
so we will pick up on TBOTWG. =]

and ps.
the person who ran away with your raws, can u tell me their name.
i would like 2 watch out for them 2... so i dont become ><.
hmmm honestly i hope u dont pick that person back up...
dishonestly like that is pitiful.

"The thing women have yet to learn is nobody gives you power. You just take it. A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle."
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10:09 am, Jun 11 2008
Posts: 1

Hi there. I have just one simple question:

Are you still in need of editors? eek confused

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