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Your greeting ways

So which one do you use more often?
I bow (You arrow!)
Kiss (on the cheeks)
Kiss (not on the cheeks)
Wave my hand.
Just yell something ("Hi!" included)
Something else.
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Post #335986
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9:02 pm, Nov 18 2009
Posts: 3503

Well, another one!

I usually give handshakes, around the city I currently live it's kiss on the cheek regardless the gender (It was kinda akward to greet guys with a kiss at first, ha ha). And if it's when I'm walking around I just wave.

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Post #335987
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9:03 pm, Nov 18 2009
Posts: 3120

A salute/wave thing
Or a shout

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9:05 pm, Nov 18 2009
Posts: 458

I like to jump up and down yelling hey/hi to my friends. Sometimes I like to walk up and just say 'yo' though

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Rebel Rebel

9:09 pm, Nov 18 2009
Posts: 1230

I do a nod sometimes, or one of those raise-my-eyebrows sort of thing with a nod.

But usually just a wave with a smile. A hug if I know them more personally. And a handshake for professional people (boss, professors, etc).

Post #335998

9:11 pm, Nov 18 2009
Posts: 1762


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9:13 pm, Nov 18 2009
Posts: 2028

A greeting, or the nod if I already know them.

Handshake and a hi of first meeting

Post #336003
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Tea Leaf

9:16 pm, Nov 18 2009
Posts: 192

uh i usually smile or wave at them as i pass by them but i guess thats less noticeable than saying hi in my already soft voice.......
ill say hola, hello, hi, yo if i want to talk to them

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9:17 pm, Nov 18 2009
Posts: 1698

I voted for "something else" since I do more than one.
With acquaintances, I wave my hand and/or say hi.

With some of my friend's parents, I actually had to do this kiss-both-cheeks-but-not-really-have-contact greeting. Basically, just kinda like a kissing movement on both cheeks, but you don't really kiss them. O_O;

Handshakes are kind of formal and such. I give handshakes in business related greetings and sometimes to relatives or friend's parents as well.

With good friends, I hug them. Or simple, "hello."

With really close/best friends,
I don't need to greet them (properly bigrazz )!
Heck, I can just be rude and stuff. embarrassed

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9:23 pm, Nov 18 2009
Posts: 6221

They either come up to me and I pat them on the back, give them a hand shake then say hi or I completely ignore them. (low attention span + bad eyesight) laugh

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Sweetly Macabre

9:25 pm, Nov 18 2009
Posts: 1005

I used to live in a place where I greeted friends/family with cheek kisses, so I still do that to close friends sometimes.

Most often, I say hello and give with hugs.
In a formal setting, I do handshakes and eye-contact.

Post #336055 - Reply to (#335996) by MasamiAkane
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9:52 pm, Nov 18 2009
Posts: 360

Quote from MasamiAkane
I do a nod sometimes, or one of those raise-my-eyebrows sort of thing with a nod.

But usually just a wave with a smile. A hug if I know them more personally. And a handshake for professional people (boss, professors, etc).


Although I do try to avoid handshakes. If you have a bad handshake it's all I will be able to think about for the remainder of our conversation...nothing is worse than having a "old lady/loose hand" handshake, especially when it comes from a male.

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Monkey. :B

9:58 pm, Nov 18 2009
Posts: 1966

When I first came to the states I would always bow, people looked at me weird. O_O But for normal greetings I usually just wave and smile away.

For family members and friends- hugs and kisses. XD

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Rebel Rebel

10:03 pm, Nov 18 2009
Posts: 1230

Bae's post reminded me that when I was younger, if was respectful to put your elders' hands/knuckles on your forehead. I haven't done that sort of greeting in a so long though.

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10:08 pm, Nov 18 2009
Posts: 741

My general greeting is a wave and a smile.
Sometimes I hug my friends if I feel like it.
Kiss on the cheek for relatives outside of my immediate family plus some other people who don't mind if i do so.
Since masami mentoined it, hand on the forehead for the elderly ones.
Handshakes reserved for introductions and sometimes my sister. We are close she just doesn't like hugs and such.

Last edited by waftingwish at 10:14 pm, Nov 18 2009

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A Person

10:13 pm, Nov 18 2009
Posts: 2126

Depends if they're close or far away. Or if I know them or not.

Generally, a wave if I know them really well; maybe a hug. A handshake if I don't know them.

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