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Site Manga Poll Suggestions

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8:09 am, Feb 9 2008
Posts: 10709

Here's the deal, we're running out of ideas for good polls (as if you couldn't tell), so I'm gonna open it up to you members here. If you got a great poll that everyone in the community can participate in, post it here. Mind you, it must be manga related and should NOT deal with a single series (like which character in Bleach is best or whatever).

Last edited by lambchopsil at 8:43 pm, Feb 16 2008

A just ruler amongst tyrants
Post #121658
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Smooth Operator
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10:39 am, Feb 9 2008
Posts: 5329

Well is there a place where there is a list of past polls? Don't wanna suggest something thats been done before

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Post #121671
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11:19 am, Feb 9 2008
Posts: 279 does an interesting poll once in a while that could be done on BU. Its called character battle, they take various character (both protagonists and antogonists) and put them in a tournament style braket. Since there are so many characters in gaming they hold 8 divisions. Each division is broken down into four rounds with four characters in each round. Meaning it is a tournament with 64 contestants.

Each day a round goes to the polls and the best two from each round move on. All types of characters are included, both new and old. I figured the same could be applied to manga.

The link above is division 7 of the character battle so you can have a visual of what I'm talking about.

Sites for reading manga

Thanks, for everyones help, that should be enough site. biggrin Remember manga is a joy to be shared with everyone.
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2:48 pm, Feb 10 2008
Posts: 288

I'm not sure if this has been done before but maybe what-else-besides-manga-does-Japan-offer-to-you type of thing? ._.

Such as the fashion, the music, the technology, artwork etc...

Or what your favourite japanese magazine is. =)
Cheese!, Sho-comi, Lala etc..

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3:52 pm, Feb 10 2008
Posts: 786

Uh wat kind of polls do u want cause it could be a yes or no Question or multiple one

Post #122398

4:04 pm, Feb 10 2008
Posts: 1650

How about "In real life, do your friends also like manga?"

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A Person

4:18 pm, Feb 10 2008
Posts: 2126

Not sure if you've done it before, but you could do a poll like..

"What do you like to do, aside form reading manga?"

Or something similar to that.

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Post #122405 - Reply to (#122402) by Dragonfiremule
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4:19 pm, Feb 10 2008
Posts: 2581

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Quote from Dragonfiremule
Not sure if you've done it before, but you could do a poll like..

"What do you like to do, aside form reading manga?"

Or something similar to that.

Already on like that: what%20do%20you%20do

Glados is a bitch. She made me kill the companion cube, the only friend I'll ever have. :cry:

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4:29 pm, Feb 10 2008
Posts: 786

"Do u read Doujinshi"
"Do u care about manga chapter quality?"
Or how about "what do u use this site for" but its probably already done

Last edited by rockstar72 at 4:39 pm, Feb 10 2008

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sleepy ghost

4:36 pm, Feb 10 2008
Posts: 1140

Probably done before but what about:
"What demographic do you belong to? (NOT what you prefer reading)"

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11:02 pm, Feb 10 2008
Posts: 186

I don't think a poll should be a big deal. Just throw out random questions like the ones suggested above, and change it every week or so. It doesn't need to be profound or super-important or anything. Something like how does their poll of the day. ^^ It's simple, it's fun, and people visit the site everyday just to vote on the poll of the day. XD

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6:39 am, Feb 13 2008
Posts: 475

If you worked on manga officially which job would you do?
Story/Script Work

Post #123584
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Streamyx SUCK ASS

6:49 am, Feb 13 2008
Posts: 476

"Who's your favourite manga updates member"
"How many time you read H-manga per week"

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6:50 am, Feb 13 2008
Posts: 475

"Who's your favourite manga updates member" = one bigass poll choices. laugh

Post #125005 - Reply to (#123579) by reanimated838uk
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8:43 pm, Feb 16 2008
Posts: 10709

Quote from reanimated838uk
If you worked on manga officially which job would you do?
Story/Script Work

I decided to use this one in the end.

And keep the suggestions coming! I think I'll try to do a new poll every week (for now at least).

A just ruler amongst tyrants
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