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Site Manga Poll Suggestions

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5:58 am, Aug 6 2019
Posts: 412

August 3rd was the first Saturday in August 2019. Did you notice when that day came and went without a new poll on MU?

Yes, as soon as Sunday arrived!
Well, after it was a couple of days late...
No, not at all
I don't pay attention to the polls

Post #770981 - Reply to (#770977) by hahhah42
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7:13 am, Aug 6 2019
Posts: 10691

Quote from hahhah42
August 3rd was the first Saturday in August 2019. Did you notice when that day came and went without a new poll on MU?

Yes, as soon as Sunday arrived!
Well, after it was a couple of days late...
No, not at all
I don't pay attention to the polls


A just ruler amongst tyrants

5:33 pm, Aug 6 2019
Posts: 195

How should amnesia tropes be used?
- Not at all
- In the beginning (e.g. Starting the story with no memory OR starting the sequel)
- In the middle
- When they finally confess their feelings
- At the end

Internet Lurker At Heart

12:55 am, Aug 8 2019
Posts: 21

First time that I visit and there's no poll. *goes to forum to see last poll*. Finds "we're running out of poll ideas".

So I read first page, see there are already 4 more pages. Already? That's fast... *clicks "Last".

171 pages!!? Lol From when is the first page? Hmm, 11 years ago.

(disclaimer: I don't normally visit the forums)

Post #771030
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5:37 am, Aug 8 2019
Posts: 345

What is the best implementation of beast ears (kemonomimi) in manga without counting the hair?

1. Beast ears on top and human ears on the side
2. Beast ears on top and no human ears
3. Beast ears on side and no human ears

Feel free to revamp and improve this idea mmm...
I got this idea from this image below and feel weirded a bit when I think about it mmm... 1eb2a90abf61584.png

I will change this world mmm...
So the world can change me mmm...
Post #771031 - Reply to (#771027) by youtakun
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7:10 am, Aug 8 2019
Posts: 10691

Quote from youtakun
First time that I visit and there's no poll. *goes to forum to see last poll*. Finds "we're running out of poll ideas".

So I read first page, see there are already 4 more pages. Already? That's fast... *clicks "Last".

171 pages!!? Lol From when is the first page? Hmm, 11 years ago.

(disclaimer: I don't normally visit the forums)

Well, I just forgot to make one in time this week. So I decided to just have no poll until around the weekend (when I normally have a new one)

A just ruler amongst tyrants
Post #771078 - Reply to (#770755) by Nekomikoto
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12:10 am, Aug 10 2019
Posts: 10691

Quote from Nekomikoto
How should translators deal with author self-censored curse words?

*Only censor part of the word (i.e. sh*t)
*Censor entire word (i.e. *bleep* or ****)
*Match how the author censored it (partly or fully censored)
*Use the actual curse word (i.e. shit)
*Replace word for a less harsh one (i.e. crap)


A just ruler amongst tyrants
Post #771137

9:54 pm, Aug 11 2019
Posts: 68

How do you feel about racist content in manga?
-It's as offensive as racist content found anywhere else
-It's a little shocking, but I understand that Japanese racial humor tends to be different from the rest of the world
-It's kind of funny/interesting, because Japan seems to come up with very unique stereotypes
-I feel indifferent

I'm sure many of you have crossed paths with something like this.

Some manga do get banned/censored/altered in certain countries due to racist imagery. What's seen as light-hearted humor in Japan could be regarded as offensive in other countries. For instance, the Viz Media version of Dragon Ball actually removed Mr. Popo's lips, due to the resemblance to "Blackface."

And compared to other countries, namely western ones, racial stereotypes actually are vastly different in Japan. Two very common stereotypes that I see in manga are that Chinese people supposedly end their sentences with "-aru," and that every black man is named "Bob."

Last edited by 8-3 at 5:35 pm, Aug 14 2019

If I've made a thread in the "I'm Looking For..." forum, I am only interested in Japanese manga. I am not interested in non-Japanese media at this time.
Post #771239 - Reply to (#770786) by VawX
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12:16 am, Aug 17 2019
Posts: 10691

Quote from VawX
What animals do you hate the most?

- Fly
- Mosquito
- Wasp
- Cockroach
- Spider
- Snake
- Rat
- Cat
- Dog

You might want change or improve this idea mmm...


A just ruler amongst tyrants
Post #771357

5:06 pm, Aug 21 2019
Posts: 2

which of the theory would you most agree with based on basic humanity identity?

-life is nasty ,in justify the means .Violent/paranoid
-life is quite pleasant, applied to positive .May there be few bad apples

Post #771400 - Reply to (#770997) by kurotaito
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1:10 am, Aug 24 2019
Posts: 10691

Quote from kurotaito
How should amnesia tropes be used?
- Not at all
- In the beginning (e.g. Starting the story with no memory OR starting the sequel)
- In the middle
- When they finally confess their feelings
- At the end


A just ruler amongst tyrants

6:38 am, Aug 25 2019
Posts: 54

You've dealt with SFX in polls twice, in 2009 and 2016, but in both cases I think the question didn't really get to the core of the issue. The general majority answer is that they're better left as notes, but what if readers are specifically asked about SFX in the context of scanlation pace? As a scanlator, I think that would be more informative. Also, in-bubble SFX aren't controversial, most groups typeset and redraw them. Off-bubble ones are the crux of the matter. How about this poll:

Which of the following statements best reflects your opinion on how scanlators should deal with off-bubble SFX?

a) SFX are part of the art and as such should be left in place, their translation being typeset in small size next to them or on the margins as notes.

b) Some SFX are needed to understand the context of a scene (like a door opening in off to signal a character has entered a room unnoticed). These should be typeset and redrawn. Everything else can be ignored or left as notes.

c) SFX significantly increase enjoyment of reading comics. They should be typeset and redrawn in all cases, so long as that doesn't compromise a regular, frequent release pace. (If that is even possible.)

d) SFX are essential for scanlation to be true to the original. They should be typeset and redrawn all the time, regardless of how it might affect release pace. I'm patient!

e) SFX are a distraction even as notes. After reading manga for a while, everyone can guess what they mean since they always repeat themselves. And most people turn them off in their brain anyway. SFX notes clutter the margins and panels, are a drag on the typesetter and even more on the redrawer. Scanlators should ignore them altogether.

For the record, we at Death Toll scans follow a) or, in some easier projects, b).

Post #771449
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9:41 pm, Aug 25 2019
Posts: 138

When would you prefer a character to be whisked away to a new world in an Isekai themed manga/series?

A) Right at the very start a series, where the MC is basically a blank slate.

B) After a brief introduction of the character and their real world circumstances.

C) In the middle/many chapters in, when the character, their circumstances, any conflicts and their relationships are established.

D) At the final chapter, when most of their real world conflicts are resolved.

feel free to correct any grammatical errors if you choose this idea, my brain is mush atm from a lack of sleep LMAO


9:40 pm, Aug 28 2019
Posts: 1

I'm curious if you guys feel the same about this.

Are you dissatisfied with the legal offering of digital manga? (That means if there would be no scanlation or illegal manga hosting site)

A) Yes, the manga industry has to work harder or innovate to also serve international demand.
B) No, I'm fine with using illegal content and not supporting the mangeka.

Post #771539 - Reply to (#771030) by VawX
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12:49 am, Aug 31 2019
Posts: 10691

Quote from VawX
What is the best implementation of beast ears (kemonomimi) in manga without counting the hair?

1. Beast ears on top and human ears on the side
2. Beast ears on top and no human ears
3. Beast ears on side and no human ears

Feel free to revamp and improve this idea mmm...
I got this idea from this image below and feel weirded a bit when I think about it mmm... 1eb2a90abf61584.png


A just ruler amongst tyrants
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