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Post #772380
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5:53 pm, Oct 14 2019
Posts: 164

At some point a series uses a native expression that people won’t understand if translated literally. How should the scanlator/translator handle the expression?

-Translate it literally and leave a translation note
-Replace it with an equivalent in the target language

Post #772448 - Reply to (#771626) by Transdude1996
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11:25 pm, Oct 18 2019
Posts: 10691

Quote from Transdude1996
Do you prefer original works or adaptations?
-Original works
-Works based on pre-existing fiction
-Works based on real events


A just ruler amongst tyrants
Post #772560 - Reply to (#771751) by MaxieMan
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12:22 am, Oct 26 2019
Posts: 10691

Quote from MaxieMan
This type of question has been posed a few times before but hopefully this is a good spin on it:

What would you consider to be "too many chapters" for a series you'd otherwise be interested in reading?
-I only read short manga (1-24 chapters)
-50 Chapters
-100 Chapters
-300 Chapters
-500 Chapters
-1000 Chapters
-There is no such thing as "too many"
-I just read until I'm bored


A just ruler amongst tyrants
Post #772727 - Reply to (#772018) by Nekomikoto
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7:30 am, Nov 2 2019
Posts: 10691

Quote from Nekomikoto
If a completed series you like gets re-released in full color, would it make you want to read it again?


A just ruler amongst tyrants
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6:18 pm, Nov 4 2019
Posts: 1143

Warn: Banned

If you're growing bored of a series, and/or not enjoying it anymore, what do you do?
- Push on through all the way to the end
- Take a break and return to it later
- Drop the series altogether
- Skip to the end, skim the conclusion, and then make a decision

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Post #772845 - Reply to (#772152) by jacob66
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10:21 pm, Nov 9 2019
Posts: 10691

Quote from jacob66
You’re about to start reading a comedy manga; what other genre does the manga have?

-slice of life

Uhhh, sure

A just ruler amongst tyrants

3:08 pm, Nov 15 2019
Posts: 217

When a group continues a series that was previously worked on by someone else, how should they handle the spelling consistencies of names/fictitious proper nouns in a series?

*Always spell it the same way as the previous group, even if it is incorrect
*Have them spell it their own way and leave a note indicating the change
*Have them spell it their own way and let the readers figure out who/what they are referring to
*No preference

Post #772935 - Reply to (#772330) by ForeignerChan
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12:36 am, Nov 16 2019
Posts: 10691

Quote from ForeignerChan
This is something I'm curious about. I'm fond of realistic stories, but I know a lot of people like reading fantasy novels or comics to temporarily escape reality and find themselves in an epic atmosphere.

You usually prefer:
- stories that are as realistic as possible, without any supernatural elements.
- stories that are set in a completely different dimension and include fantastic elements.
- stories that have a realistic setting but also include some supernatural elements (e.g. a normal girl who lives in our world suddently acquires the ability to time travel).


A just ruler amongst tyrants
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8:21 pm, Nov 22 2019
Posts: 28

Heyy, this is something I think about a lot 😀 personally I feel very sad at many animes ignoring the great omakes...
Wording could be changed, or if you have more ideas I couldn't think of feel free to add them.

What things (that don't affect the plot) bothers you much in anime adaptations of manga:

-Character voice not matching what you imagined
-Changing some characters design (hair color or style, oppai got bigger, etc...)
-Character art isn't as good as manga
-Skipping/changing some scenes that you liked
-Adding extra "fan-service"
-Slow/dead animation without much moving
-Relating it to this era if it's an old manga (adding smartphones, LCD TVs, referencing new events, etc...)
-Background art isn't what I expected
-Lack of good OST
-Using different VA from drama cd to anime
-Ignoring the Omakes

Post #773049
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1:43 am, Nov 23 2019
Posts: 606

You hate a series' ending but everything before it was great. How do you rate the series?
And so on

Or similar question different answers

A series had a great run, but you hated the ending, does that effect how you rate the series overall ?
Depends on how bad the ending was

Are there anime songs in your playlist?
Have a playlist dedicated to anime

What's the main thing that makes your favorite series your favorite?
Character design
Fan service
Other choices that I'm to stupid to think of lol

Have you ever considered getting a job in the manga industry?
Currently working in the manga industry (eg working on webtoons, a paid translator, manga editor, etc)

Have you ever got interested in a subject (eg sports, acting, singing, cooking, games, etc) because you happened upon a manga on the subject?
I only read manga about subjects that I'm already interested in

How do you feel about authors adding onto a story (with extra chapters/omakes/spinoff) after the series had officially come to an end?
Its great! Will read it.
I enjoy them, only if the main characters are the same.
No opinion
I hate it, adds nothing new to the story.
Cool, but I won't be reading it.

Do you purchase fanart?
I can only afford fanart
I purchase a mix of official work and fanart
I only buy official works

Last edited by F_J at 12:56 am, Nov 24 2019


10:32 am, Nov 24 2019
Posts: 227

Do you prefer Soft or Hard Magic?
Don't read fantasy

Post #773106
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10:46 pm, Nov 26 2019
Posts: 164

Thought maybe we could start doing some poles based on various categories, especially the binary ones where it can be one or the other but not both. Here is one off the top of my head:

What is your favorite kind of fighting in a fighting manga?

-realistic fighting - fights that could actually happen in real life (example Angel Densetsu)

-unrealistic fighting - often with chi/ki or some kind of supernatural ability (example Shijou Saikyou no Deshi Kenichi)

Post #773119
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10:49 pm, Nov 28 2019
Posts: 606

You find out the manga you're reading is a novel adaptation do you go read the light novel?

Last edited by F_J at 12:01 am, Jan 9 2020

Post #773134 - Reply to (#772782) by Transdude1996
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10:55 pm, Nov 29 2019
Posts: 10691

Quote from Transdude1996
If you're growing bored of a series, and/or not enjoying it anymore, what do you do?
- Push on through all the way to the end
- Take a break and return to it later
- Drop the series altogether
- Skip to the end, skim the conclusion, and then make a decision


A just ruler amongst tyrants
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10:51 am, Dec 1 2019
Posts: 109

Are you a binge-reader?
- Mostly yes
- Mostly no

Last edited by ForeignerChan at 1:18 am, Dec 2 2019

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