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Site Manga Poll Suggestions

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Post #773841

12:53 pm, Jan 18 2020
Posts: 8

Is it important to you that your partner is into manga/anime?

- Yes and they have to like similar things as I do
- Yes but it doesn't matter what they like, as long as it's manga/anime
- No, it doesn't matter at all
- I prefer them to not like manga/anime

I'm not sure if someone has suggested this. I did a quick search in old polls but didn't find it.

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6:25 am, Jan 21 2020
Posts: 2

What is a criteria that mostly influences you starting a manga series?

-Story synopsis
-A certain mangaka
-Art style
-The attractiveness/coolness of certain characters
-Peer recommendations
-Having already seen the anime/OVA adaptation

Not sure if anyone made a poll like this before as I'm somewhat new to the site.

Post #773920 - Reply to (#773106) by jacob66
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9:04 am, Jan 25 2020
Posts: 10689

Quote from jacob66
Thought maybe we could start doing some poles based on various categories, especially the binary ones where it can be one or the other but not both. Here is one off the top of my head:

What is your favorite kind of fighting in a fighting manga?

-realistic fighting - fights that could actually happen in real life (example Angel Densetsu)

-unrealistic fighting - often with chi/ki or some kind of supernatural ability (example Shijou Saikyou no Deshi Kenichi)


A just ruler amongst tyrants
Post #773924
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10:44 am, Jan 25 2020
Posts: 164

Which would you say is creepier/weirder? A Brony or a furry?

-About the same
-I don’t know what those are
-I am a brony/furry so I refuse to answer

Post #774034 - Reply to (#773119) by F_J
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11:40 pm, Jan 31 2020
Posts: 10689

Quote from F_J
You find out the manga you're reading is a novel adaptation do you go read the light novel?


A just ruler amongst tyrants
Post #774145 - Reply to (#773152) by ForeignerChan
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11:15 pm, Feb 7 2020
Posts: 10689

Quote from ForeignerChan
Are you a binge-reader?
- Mostly yes
- Mostly no


A just ruler amongst tyrants
Post #774283 - Reply to (#773183) by jacob66
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1:14 am, Feb 15 2020
Posts: 10689

Quote from jacob66
What do you think is the best way to do an anime adaptation of a long and currently ongoing series?

-A single constantly airing anime with filler, recaps and delays to stay behind the the source material (example: One Piece)

-One individual anime with sequel animes/seasons when there is enough new material (example: Hajime no Ippo)

-Individual animes with reboots of a longer length (with more material) every few years (example: Hunter x Hunter)


A just ruler amongst tyrants
Post #774391 - Reply to (#773234) by zeazea
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8:27 am, Feb 22 2020
Posts: 10689

Quote from zeazea
How many pages (on average) should a monthly series have?
< 20
20 - 29
30 +

Alternatively, how many pages (on average) should a weekly series have?
< 10
10 - 19
20 +

We asked a similar question years ago, and I feel like it was asked in a better way back then, so I'm gonna re-use the old version instead

A just ruler amongst tyrants

7:16 pm, Feb 27 2020
Posts: 217

How should the Japanese "tsu" in the middle or end of a word be split/hyphenated? (ex: Katsu)
*Split it based on the Japanese reading (ex: Ka-tsu)
*Split it based on English rules (ex: Kat-su)
*No preference

This is in context of if the bubble is too small and you have to split the word up into another line, what would be the best/correct way to do so?

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10:00 am, Feb 28 2020
Posts: 27

How about this?

In a romance based story, who should confess first?

•The guy
•The girl
•Depends on the story

I don't know if this works since it came to my head a minute ago.

Thank you 🙂

Post #774514 - Reply to (#773355) by F_J
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11:30 pm, Feb 28 2020
Posts: 10689

Quote from F_J
Thoughts on groups that skip chapters (eg. Ch 6 release and next release is Ch 10 then the release after is Ch 8)?

-eh, its whatever
-never encountered it
-it is necessary evil for the sanity of the scanlation group

Any other opinions here lol


A just ruler amongst tyrants
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7:34 pm, Feb 29 2020
Posts: 140

Not sure if this has been done lately:

What kind of phone do you have?
- Android
- Apple
- Something else
- I don't have a phone

Post #774627 - Reply to (#773355) by F_J
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10:41 am, Mar 7 2020
Posts: 10689

Quote from F_J
Thoughts on groups that 'stake claims' to mangas by translating the prologue/first chapter but leaves the series untranslated after months?

-eh, its whatever
-never encountered it
-it is necessary evil for the sanity of the scanlation group


A just ruler amongst tyrants

11:30 am, Mar 12 2020
Posts: 1

Is translators Not using honorfics(-san, -chan, senpai, etc.) racist?


Last edited by RanmaChaos at 11:41 am, Mar 12 2020

Post #774794 - Reply to (#773502) by Transdude1996
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10:58 pm, Mar 13 2020
Posts: 10689

Quote from Transdude1996
Regardless of context and a character's sex, when does ecchi content "go to far"?
- There is no such thing, show me everything
- Sex is fine as long as their privates are not shown
- Anything more detailed than the basic outlines of the act is too vulgar
- Nudity is fine, but sex is too much
- No actual details of the character's body should allowed
- Nothing bare should be shown that's below the waist
- Underwear should be as far as it goes
- "Skimpy" outfits should be as far as it goes
- Characters should be wearing (regular) clothes all the time
- ANY part of the skin and body showing is complete heresy


A just ruler amongst tyrants
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