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Favorite Class?

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12:31 pm, Oct 5 2010
Posts: 32


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the fork of truth

1:07 pm, Oct 5 2010
Posts: 254

Music, i just love singing, currently we're dealing with expressionism(?), piano pieces of that period are just incredible eyes

Art, two hours, that save my boring thursday.

Philosophy the teacher's just amazing and we're always having nice discussions^^

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1:14 pm, Oct 5 2010
Posts: 1439

I know the topic says "Favorite Class," but I had several... (oh how I miss undergrad):

General Chemistry Labs - especially when liquid Nitrogen is involved (awesome TAs were a bonus)

Organic Chemistry - I love Carbon and fun names like quinoline and squalene (and learning about Fugu morgues)

Naturalized Epistemology and the Social Sciences - one of the most mind-boggling classes ever taken + 2 of the wackiest professors teaching/discussing with a class of 200 students!

Multivariable Calculus - good ol' blackboards came back with a visiting French professor... also a week's substitution by a German professor?

Molecular Biology of Cancer - super Chinese professor with NO accent... that was mind-boggling itself... (oh, and I love studying about viruses...)

Signal Transduction in Mammalian Cells - quirky, nerdy professor who loves PI3K... best notes ever...

Virus Engineering Lab - another quirky, fun, virus-loving professor and an awesome TA

I know... total nerd, right? eyes

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1:18 pm, Oct 5 2010
Posts: 140

The lunch break is my favorite time of the day.

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Post #412741 - Reply to (#412737) by Maxlurifax
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trenchcoat baby

1:48 pm, Oct 5 2010
Posts: 143

Quote from Maxlurifax
The lunch break is my favorite time of the day.

I don't think that is considered a class... but I think everyone would be making in 'A' if it was :-)

I also have to add that I like my math class... it's my shortest class that I take and it's not to difficult.

Last edited by plumcrazy926 at 4:23 pm, Oct 5 2010

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"We know a little about a lot of things,

just enough to make us dangerous."

Because the world needs more babies in trenchcoats.
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4:28 pm, Oct 5 2010
Posts: 1096

My video game animation class is definitely my favorite. I only hope that my team will get to complete our level before the semester ends.

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4:45 pm, Oct 5 2010
Posts: 874

English Literature

No one gives a shit what trite garbage you write here.
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Lone Wanderer

5:00 pm, Oct 5 2010
Posts: 2127

1. Chemistry - General, Organic, Industrial...everything, actually smile

2. Physics - I suck at this and my marks are terrible, but I still love it...Even I don't know why! laugh

3. Mathematics - Just lovely - and so very fun!

I like these subjects because of the material and coursework - not because of the teacher. All my profs are nice guys, but I can't imagine why anyone would enjoy a subject just because the teacher's likeable!

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6:10 pm, Oct 5 2010
Posts: 560

Graphic Design

But I don't take it anymore sad

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6:41 pm, Oct 5 2010
Posts: 112

I'm really digging my Windows Server 2008 class, cause we're virtualizing the 2008 OS and I'm having a lot of fun. I also really like my Dark Day Ahead class (elective) cause we sit around, talking about dystopian futures in societies from novels and films. Also, the slew of novels and films to read/watch I love, so it's all win.

I personally can't wait for my Networking Security class next semester. We're gonna be learning how to exploit weaknesses and hack and make viruses =D

Post #412855
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6:56 pm, Oct 5 2010
Posts: 417

Right now I'd say Pharmacology - this class will run the remainder of the school year (2 semester class); probably the most interesting class I'm taking / I've taken. Definitely what I had in mind when I entered my program.

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7:06 pm, Oct 5 2010
Posts: 1036

Geometry was amazing. <3

And biology. Fungi are so exciting~~

Last edited by drolemil at 8:09 pm, Oct 5 2010

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7:19 pm, Oct 5 2010
Posts: 4917

I love history.

Post #412872
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8:13 pm, Oct 5 2010
Posts: 50

Legal and Ethical Environment of Business - I had a really funny old lawyer for the professor who made the class interesting, that class made me really interested in perhaps pursuing a legal career down the road.

New Product Development - We read two books over innovation then spent the whole semester working on a group project designing and bringing a new product to the market.

My capstone marketing class was pretty enjoyable as well. We read a whole textbook in one week, took a test the second week, then spent the rest of the semester pretty much doing group projects and presentations.

I also had really good teachers for the three statistics classes I took. One was an old senile professor who always lost track of what he discussing and would go off on some tangent about some life's lesson. Another was a really quirky Russian professor who was really funny. And the third was an ex-opera Tenor who always loved to talk about singing. I had good times in those classes...

My least favorite classes were my two accounting ones. I HATE ACCOUNTING!!! The poor excuses for professors didn't help either. I don't think accountants can teach!

Post #412874
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8:15 pm, Oct 5 2010
Posts: 1975

That would be Photography. (:

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