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Favorite Class?

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Post #412446
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6:54 pm, Oct 4 2010
Posts: 2050

So... what is your favorite class in school? It can be a college/university course or high school one. :]

Mine is... trigonometry! Woohoo~ :3

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Quote from LawX
You are like the dense main character in a shoujo manga.
Quote from Crenshinibon
And you will murder someone one day, pika. If you're my daughter.
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Slumbering Remnant

7:00 pm, Oct 4 2010
Posts: 657

Studio Art or History
umm..I like math and science but I'm not good at it...

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I hear you say "Why?" Always "Why?" You see things; and you say "Why?" But I dream things that never were; and I say "Why not?"
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7:03 pm, Oct 4 2010
Posts: 807

My 3 hour cluster class. It's fun, even if we have to do labs we come up with ways to make it interesting. smile

Post #412455
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Couch-Fu Master

7:05 pm, Oct 4 2010
Posts: 160

Haha mine was always guitar. Best excuse to get blazed at lunch and do nothing for an hour or so. It was so sweet. I also liked history, but I usually had teachers that were really boring or really into their work. Never the cool middle ground.

Insert Catchy Signature Here.
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trenchcoat baby

7:14 pm, Oct 4 2010
Posts: 143

psychology 200... It's super easy. I made a 95 on the last test and I only studied for about 10 minutes.

Other than that I really like my English Comp. 2 class, the teacher skipped class about 4 or 5 times already (he even missed the first day of class), and we haven't even hit midterms yet! I love it when teachers are lazy >__< even thou I know thats not at good thing! <3

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"We know a little about a lot of things,

just enough to make us dangerous."

Because the world needs more babies in trenchcoats.
Post #412465 - Reply to (#412460) by plumcrazy926
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7:23 pm, Oct 4 2010
Posts: 2050

Quote from plumcrazy926
Other than that I really like my English Comp. 2 class, the teacher skipped class about 4 or 5 times already (he even missed the first day of class), and we haven't even hit midterms yet! I love it when teachers are lazy >__< even thou I know thats not at good thing! <3

I can't wait till college.......! ;____; I took a really basic psychology class, but it wasn't AP, so there weren't that many interesting things. I do love psychology, though.

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Quote from LawX
You are like the dense main character in a shoujo manga.
Quote from Crenshinibon
And you will murder someone one day, pika. If you're my daughter.
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The Shorty

7:34 pm, Oct 4 2010
Posts: 330

my fav class is KINDERGARDEN!!!

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7:37 pm, Oct 4 2010
Posts: 27

Biopsychology! The prof talks about his patients so makes memorizing brain parts much more interesting. biggrin

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7:42 pm, Oct 4 2010
Posts: 40

Ironically my favorite class is public speaking right now and i know how much it kills people to stand in front of their fellow classmates and present... I really really like the class because of the professor. She is definitely the best, funniest, and nicest professor I've ever had. She is a part time stand up comedian and is currently working with HBO on her own show ^^

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9:16 pm, Oct 4 2010
Posts: 774

Right now? Uhm... I'm actually enjoying Sound Class.
I thought I'd like Directing more, but that teacher is irritating.
In sound I really love the mechanics of getting the perfect sound. Using all the cool equipment and learning the terminology is fun too! Never thought I'd get so into it. smile

&&my teacher is pretty freaking awesome. He plays reggae as bg music in every class!

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9:22 pm, Oct 4 2010
Posts: 262

High school favourite classes: Sports, P.E, Art and English

Simply another normal human being...
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insomniac Kagehime

9:59 pm, Oct 4 2010
Posts: 2707

i love to write storys amd i always get an A in them

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currently reading: Nyotai-ka
please support me
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10:09 pm, Oct 4 2010
Posts: 1698

Art, Psychology, Music, & Astrophysics.

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10:30 pm, Oct 4 2010
Posts: 74

Math, Chem, French

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10:34 pm, Oct 4 2010
Posts: 146

Biology and Japanese are the classes that I can enjoy working on, so that must mean they're my favorites haha.

Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the fire that burns against the cold, the light that brings the dawn, the horn that wakes the sleepers, the shield that guards the realms of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch, for this night and all the nights to come.
-Oath of the Night's Watch, A Song of Ice and Fire
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