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What's your "type"?

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3:26 am, Mar 27 2011
Posts: 1205

Understanding with a good voice and nice smile.
Physically tall and elegant.

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Post #456903
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5:11 am, Mar 27 2011
Posts: 176

... Moms, primarily. Yup. Soccer moms. Single moms. Nascar moms. Any type of mom really.

Post #456905
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5:38 am, Mar 27 2011
Posts: 129

A guy who's taaalllll.
Like 6 foot or taller tall. I'm only 5'5" so maybe thats why x3
and long dark hair. And nice hands x3 I love messing with people's hands.
And has to be pretty-ish, I think I'm actually very picky about things.

Personality wise, bit geeky, honest, open minded, bit perverted, but I want someone that's going to look after me and understands why I'm sensitve about things.
(My boyfriend is 6'6" and has hair longer than me, a bit too geeky with talking about things I don't understand, but otherwise I think he's amazing :3 )

If it was a girl, I want someone about my own height or slightly taller, smaller build than me, dark hair, pretty much the same as I'd want the guy, but I'd want to look after her more.

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In hibernation.

6:41 am, Mar 27 2011
Posts: 315

When judging from past experiences, I fall for bisexual men. Well, three out of four men I've fallen for have been bisexual (I didn't know from the start, found out later on...). But I don't want to limit myself because of past experiences, so what's my type?

I like boys to be anything but buff. I'm rather slim myself, and when I'm surrounded by buff men I feel like a child. That's not nice... Appearance-wise I'm rather open-minded aside from that. Of course the person has to look cute/handsome, but I can appreciate many kinds of appearances, so it's hard to be specific.

But personality-wise, the person has to be as quirky as me (that is very quirky) and be able to tolerate me dancing around, singing, lolling and making slightly weird comments (compared to the norm). He has to be creative in some way, since that means a lot to me. And it wouldn't hurt if he liked anime/manga and art...

*Looking around in real life*, oh, no one around huh.

Edit: nerdishness doesn't hurt either. bigrazz

Post #456911
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6:46 am, Mar 27 2011
Posts: 321

Girls who are short. Mmmmm daddy likes :3

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7:45 am, Mar 27 2011
Posts: 937

After thinking a bit, I reliased - my type is anyone whom I'm attracted to (pretty rare) and who can handle crazy 'ol me. And I am crazy, to a certain extent biggrin

There are times when you will miss what you never had. I wonder how you will find what you so desperately need.
Post #456971
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It's him!!

12:16 pm, Mar 27 2011
Posts: 617

I want a girl with a mind like a diamond,....

Do but despise reason and science,
The highest of all human gifts -
Then you have surrendered to the Devil
And must surely perish. - J.W. von Goethe
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