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Post #89775 - Reply to (#89692) by mugglezor
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7:02 am, Nov 9 2007
Posts: 872

Quote from mugglezor
I am not sure if jerking off teachs you anything about what you feel when you have sex and thus help you to not finish too early. What I feel when I jerk off is totaly different from what I feel when I make love.
First when I do it alone, I focus on my sensations while when I make love I focus on how my wife reacts.
Second, the feeling itself is completly different. My hand is dry and almost never touch the tip, while when having sex the head is continously stimulated. It's night and day.
Third, when I do it alone the whole scenario is in my head, while when with my wife it's the real thing, you can actually kiss and touch and you don't "write" the whole story, you recieves from time to time.
So I am not sure you can learn a lot about how to react during sex to prevent precocious ejaculation by doing it alone.
Ow, and sure women can have multiple orgasmes, but when in good shape I can going on after my first time and having it a second time. It takes me some stamina and even if I don't succeed, by the time I find out this time I won't be able to do it, my wife had three or four more orgasmes, so it is not useless...

I thought that was kind of fishy too... but the woman who sayd supposedly understand about stuff like that...

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5:44 pm, Nov 13 2007
Posts: 9

Here comes a reply from a 25 years old male virgin:

I'm what you could define as an hermit, i don't go out unless i have to...
i don't meet new people...
i only do my things (games, anime, manga) during my spare time and i don't get out very much, even with friends and coworkers...
I never had a grilfriend, never kissed a girl, never touched a girl in any ways that could be "sexual" ...
If my friends/cowerkers learn that i'm a virgin, all i can hear from them all day long is that i'm stupid for not ever having sex with a girl, that i should hire a prostitute or something to to change the situation i'm in...

I'd never dare approaching a member of the opposite sex, i'm scared of the reaction i would get if they would ever learn about my "situation"...

I'm doomed to become a 40 + years old virgin... (I even played with an 8-ball program one day on IRC, with the yes or no answers all the time, and it told me that i would be an old geezer that would need viagra to get it up for my first time bigrazz )

This is my case, I highly doubt that i'll ever have the guts to ever meet a woman that will take away that bag full of fears and pressure that is still being a fully inapt person in the love/sex department...

Anyway, my taughts on not having sex before marriage (i did read the full 15 pages of stuff before posting so i got plenty of time to write it up ^_^ )

I think the thing about staying a virgin till marriage would be a test about long-term relationship, if you can have a great time and never cross that barrier, it means that once you start having "fun" , you'll be compatible on much more than only a physical level... and the days that you won't have as much sex as you were in the beginning of your relationship will have less temptations when he'll still want his "fun" but his partner won't feel like it...

PS: Sorry if my english isn't very good, i'm french canadian...

Post #93383

5:05 am, Nov 14 2007
Posts: 189

Just go sit and be with them boy Mishotaki, you might find they are the same way at times.

love and peace
Post #93390
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The Gorilla King

5:27 am, Nov 14 2007
Posts: 1117

is something we shouldn't talk about in public.

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Post #93396 - Reply to (#93390) by ranmaru
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5:40 am, Nov 14 2007
Posts: 4030

Quote from ranmaru
is something we shouldn't talk about in public.

You're missing the whole point of the thread. Are you really okay with the skewed treatment of our society on the issue sexuality?

Post #93398 - Reply to (#93248) by Mishotaki
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5:43 am, Nov 14 2007
Posts: 872

Quote from Mishotaki
Here comes a reply from a 25 years old male virgin:

I'm what you could define as an hermit, i don't go out unless i have to...
i don't meet new people...
i only do my things (games, anime, manga) during my spare time and i don't get out very much, even with friends and coworkers...
I never had a grilfriend, never kissed a girl, never touched a girl in any ways that could be "sexual" ...
If my friends/cowerkers learn that i'm a virgin, all i can hear from them all day long is that i'm stupid for not ever having sex with a girl, that i should hire a prostitute or something to to change the situation i'm in...

I'd never dare approaching a member of the opposite sex, i'm scared of the reaction i would get if they would ever learn about my "situation"...

I'm doomed to become a 40 + years old virgin... (I even played with an 8-ball program one day on IRC, with the yes or no answers all the time, and it told me that i would be an old geezer that would need viagra to get it up for my first time bigrazz )

This is my case, I highly doubt that i'll ever have the guts to ever meet a woman that will take away that bag full of fears and pressure that is still being a fully inapt person in the love/sex department...

Anyway, my taughts on not having sex before marriage (i did read the full 15 pages of stuff before posting so i got plenty of time to write it up ^_^ )

I think the thing about staying a virgin till marriage would be a test about long-term relationship, if you can have a great time and never cross that barrier, it means that once you start having "fun" , you'll be compatible on much more than only a physical level... and the days that you won't have as much sex as you were in the beginning of your relationship will have less temptations when he'll still want his "fun" but his partner won't feel like it...

PS: Sorry if my english isn't very good, i'm french canadian...

You could have depression, it might not be as strong as thinking about killing yourself, but still not to interact well with people (your own gender or not) could be a slight case of depression. Don't lose you hopes, there might be a girl out there that knows exactly how to deal with you personality and if you do want to lose you niginity as soon as possible then go to Cancum, Ibiza or Rio de Janeiro - BR for canival, those places tend to get really wild.

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Post #93399 - Reply to (#93396) by amaranthine
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5:50 am, Nov 14 2007
Posts: 323

Quote from amaranthine
Quote from ranmaru
is something we shouldn't talk about in public.

You're missing the whole point of the thread. Are you really okay with the skewed treatment of our society on the issue sexuality?

I can understand what they're saying. It has to do with how their comfort level. I would not really discuss virginity with buddies, now I will discuss sex in some of my classes but it’s usually from an observing/abstract(?) postion. Usually about things like stds, rape or unplanned pregnancy.

Also, mishitaki you’re sorta like an ideal guy for me.
* but I agree with tps2 a bit you sound slightly depressed.

Last edited by kawaiiairbender at 6:09 am, Nov 14 2007

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined. ~ Thoreau

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Post #93405 - Reply to (#93399) by kawaiiairbender
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6:21 am, Nov 14 2007
Posts: 4030

Quote from kawaiiairbender
Quote from amaranthine
Quote from ranmaru
is something we shouldn't talk about in public.

You're missing the whole point of the thread. Are you really okay with the skewed treatment of our society on the issue sexuality?

I can understand what they're saying. It has to do with how their comfort level. I would not really discuss virginity with buddies, now I will discuss sex in some of my classes but it’s usually from an observing/abstract(?) postion. Usually about things like stds, rape or unplanned pregnancy.

Um, I'm sorry you missed the point as well. But I guess it isn't hard since we do deviate from the topic once in a while.

Post #93409 - Reply to (#93398) by tps2
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6:37 am, Nov 14 2007
Posts: 9

Quote from tps2
You could have depression, it might not be as strong as thinking about killing yourself, but still not to interact well with people (your own gender or not) could be a slight case of depression. Don't lose you hopes, there might be a girl out there that knows exactly how to deal with you personality and if you do want to lose you niginity as soon as possible then go to Cancum, Ibiza or Rio de Janeiro - BR for canival, those places tend to get really wild.

I don't think I am really depressed, I always had problem talking with people I meet. It takes a while for me to open up to anyone I meet, usually a couple months before I can start talking a bit about myself... If i'd be having a depression, it would be a 25 years long depression...but it's really hard to sound positive when everywhere you look at, you're the only one who seems not into the big "sex" thing. A women that still has her virginity at my age is seen as someone who keeps it for her "important" someone, a man is seen as a stupid guy who should get it rid of as soon as possible because you're missing out on the fun that every guy is talking about...

I can make some good male friends at work, but I suck at keeping up with friendship afterwards, I'm not confortable going out in new places, I don't enjoy drinking alchoolic breverages, I don't eat sugar because of my hypoglycemia, I don't do drugs.... I'm not a party person, I don't like loud music... approaching people to meet them for the first time is very hard for me...

So when I get asked to go to the strip club, I just say no everytime... What would I do there? drink water... try to talk normally with the other guys over the loud music... not daring looking at the undressed ladies doing their performance because I would be way too shy to "discover" the female body(well outside of the internet) in a place like that, in public with people I know...

I'd never want to simply "get rid" of this... the one thing that I really want, is to have my first time with someone that I would really care, maybe it's just a dream... but i really hope to meet someone, someday, that would lead me trough that experience...

Quote from kawaiiairbender
Also, mishotaki you’re sorta like an ideal guy for me.

edit: a typo and capitalising my many i...

Last edited by Mishotaki at 6:42 am, Nov 14 2007

Post #93461 - Reply to (#93405) by amaranthine
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9:38 am, Nov 14 2007
Posts: 323

Um, I'm sorry you missed the point as well. But I guess it isn't hard since we do deviate from the topic once in a while.

No, I understand the thread, but I can see their point too. It's something they don't talk about. So that's they're view about virginity.

I understand what you're saying. It's because alot of the time if your not outgoing then people think there is something wrong with you. roll eyes I also have no problem talking with people at work and school but then our relationship ends. I've never been overly social, but I did go through a depression like 5 years ago and after that because of certain things I stopped hanging out with people even more.

Eh, don't here alot of guys with your point of view it's very interesting.

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined. ~ Thoreau

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Post #93465 - Reply to (#93396) by amaranthine
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The Gorilla King

9:59 am, Nov 14 2007
Posts: 1117

Quote from amaranthine
Quote from ranmaru
is something we shouldn't talk about in public.

You're missing the whole point of the thread. Are you really okay with the skewed treatment of our society on the issue sexuality?

are talking about the US society? which society?
and what do you mean by skewed?

I'm from kuwait, i'll tell you what's the situation here. in kuwait there are many people who think of sex as a sacred thing only married couples would do.
but of course thats only talk as most girls and guys in kuwait have sex before marriage, but they always need to be hushed up, because in a small country like kuwait, the gossip flies~and the girl would never get married (probably) even the guy she went out with wouldn't marry her, she's probably be called a whore and if it got big then same goes to the guy.
people still use arranged marriage here, they ask around about the girl before visiting her family house to ask for her hand for there son.

well thats about how it goes here XD

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Post #93470 - Reply to (#93409) by Mishotaki
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10:11 am, Nov 14 2007
Posts: 872

Quote from Mishotaki
Quote from tps2
You could have depression, it might not be as strong as thinking about killing yourself, but still not to interact well with people (your own gender or not) could be a slight case of depression. Don't lose you hopes, there might be a girl out there that knows exactly how to deal with you personality and if you do want to lose you niginity as soon as possible then go to Cancum, Ibiza or Rio de Janeiro - BR for canival, those places tend to get really wild.

I don't think I am really depressed, I always had problem talking with people I meet. It takes a while for me to open up to anyone I meet, usually a couple months before I can start talking a bit about myself... If i'd be having a depression, it would be a 25 years long depression...but it's really hard to sound positive when everywhere you look at, you're the only one who seems not into the big "sex" thing. A women that still has her virginity at my age is seen as someone who keeps it for her "important" someone, a man is seen as a stupid guy who should get it rid of as soon as possible because you're missing out on the fun that every guy is talking about...

I can make some good male friends at work, but I suck at keeping up with friendship afterwards, I'm not confortable going out in new places, I don't enjoy drinking alchoolic breverages, I don't eat sugar because of my hypoglycemia, I don't do drugs.... I'm not a party person, I don't like loud music... approaching people to meet them for the first time is very hard for me...

So when I get asked to go to the strip club, I just say no everytime... What would I do there? drink water... try to talk normally with the other guys over the loud music... not daring looking at the undressed ladies doing their performance because I would be way too shy to "discover" the female body(well outside of the internet) in a place like that, in public with people I know...

I'd never want to simply "get rid" of this... the one thing that I really want, is to have my first time with someone that I would really care, maybe it's just a dream... but i really hope to meet someone, someday, that would lead me trough that experience...

Quote from kawaiiairbender
Also, mishotaki you’re sorta like an ideal guy for me.

edit: a typo and capitalising my many i...

About the depression normaly if you don't deal with it it will be with you for the rest of your life, you should try to go to a psychoabalist to see this. You kind of sound like me, from a class of 32 I only made 7 friends, I can somehow speak to girls, but I'm to slow to ask them out.. I have no problem with alcohol, but loud music sometimes is no good, since I speak too low. A friend of mine who is coursing psychiatry sayd that I have a slight case of depression given my personality, that is why when you descrived yourself I thought about that. She sayd it can be cured and maybe no drugs are required, if your case is depression I hope it can be cured without drugs as well.
As for waiting for someone special I think it realy is the right thing to do!

As for the reson of this topic I just came across this...
1 Timothy 2
11 - A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. 12 - I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent. 13 - For Adam was formed first, then Eve. 14 - And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner. 15 - But women[a] will be saved[b] through childbearing—if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety

1 Corinthians 11
7 - A man ought not to cover his head,[a] since he is the image and glory of God; but the woman is the glory of man.8 - For man did not come from woman, but woman from man;
9 - neither was man created for woman, but woman for man.

Leviticus 21
14 - He must not marry a widow, a divorced woman, or a woman defiled by prostitution, but only a virgin from his own people,
WTF... that helped a lot if not started this macho thought we have being discussing here.

Last edited by tps2 at 7:48 am, Nov 15 2007

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Post #93796 - Reply to (#93465) by ranmaru
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10:45 am, Nov 15 2007
Posts: 4030

Quote from ranmaru
Quote from amaranthine
Quote from ranmaru
is something we shouldn't talk about in public.

You're missing the whole point of the thread. Are you really okay with the skewed treatment of our society on the issue sexuality?

are talking about the US society? which society?
and what do you mean by skewed?

I'm from kuwait, i'll tell you what's the situation here. in kuwait there are many people who think of sex as a sacred thing only married couples would do.
but of course thats only talk as most girls and guys in kuwait have sex before marriage, but they always need to be hushed up, because in a small country like kuwait, the gossip flies~and the girl would never get married (probably) even the guy she went out with wouldn't marry her, she's probably be called a whore and if it got big then same goes to the guy.
people still use arranged marriage here, they ask around about the girl before visiting her family house to ask for her hand for there son.

well thats about how it goes here XD

eek Arranged marriage! >.<

Well, if the treatment to girls and boys who had slept around is equal, then that's nice.

Oh and not just US, but in most cultures, the way people see women who are even slightly promiscuous is different than if it's a guy.

Post #93814
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11:31 am, Nov 15 2007
Posts: 872

Taking from those bible passages I posted above you can see how infair it is.
By the way I think arranged marriage is wrong!

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Post #93817 - Reply to (#93814) by tps2
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11:43 am, Nov 15 2007
Posts: 9026

Quote from tps2
By the way I think arranged marriage is wrong!

I'm not saying I want it.. But arranged marriage isn't as evil as it seems.. Nowadays we marry for 'love'.. then they divorce a year later, but that's another subject.. laugh

Just watch Ae Fond Kiss.. The main character there has a hard choice to make.. Either he should marry the girl he 'loves', which they have no idea of how long this 'love' will last,.. and betray/hurt his family.. Or marrying the woman he was meant to since he was born and make his family proud, but losing the woman he loves..

Ah, I can't explain it.. >.>

source: animenewsnetwork

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