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New Poll - Reading New Series

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11:43 am, Jan 8 2011
Posts: 10689

The poll this week is the brain child of our members crossyuuki and Lightmare. The key to the question is usually. May be a little difficult to quantitatively answer, but do your best.

Finally, we have a poll where you can discuss it on our forums here:

You can submit poll ideas here (and try to keep them manga/anime-related):

Previous Poll Results:
Question: Do you make New Year's Resolutions?
Yes - votes: 3066 (27.1%)
No - votes: 6879 (60.9%)
What are those? - votes: 1356 (12%)
There were 11301 total votes.
The poll ended: January 8th 2011

So resolutions are falling out of fashion?

A just ruler amongst tyrants
Post #537095

12:53 pm, Jan 8 2011
Posts: 13

About the old poll, never done, but maybe it will be a good idea.
About the new poll, well I pick up new manga when I'm bored, so I watch the cover and if I like it I read the summary. If I can't find anything I pick up something randomly, and wish it's good.

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1:17 pm, Jan 8 2011
Posts: 287

The majority must not care about New Year's Resolutions anymore.

"to the world you may be one person,
but to one person you may be the world."

"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so" (from Hamlet, Wm. Shakespeare; Act II, scene ii)

(Even though the quote above is from Hamlet, I first saw it in a Final Fantasy Versus XIII trailer on YouTube ^o^)
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2:48 pm, Jan 8 2011
Posts: 107

There are many reasons why I would try a new series, not just one. The most common reason is because I've caught up or finished reading the many series I started. I chose "The summary looks interesting" because that would be the most common reason to try a new series, out of the choices in the poll. Many of the other choices also apply to me, I usually search for a new series through genres, ratings, mangaka's older or newer works and simply clicking on it from the "releases" page. This poll is a bit too broad and there's no "all of the above" choice.

Post #537098 - Reply to (#537096) by ichigo_daisuki

3:20 pm, Jan 8 2011
Posts: 12

For me New Year's Resolutions are just an excuse to procrastinate - if you think you should change something about yourself/your life, then do it, don't wait weeks or months until the next year before attempting to change it.


4:14 pm, Jan 8 2011
Posts: 6

Why doesn't the poll have the answer "because it's my favorite genre"? THAT'S the reason why I read new series. I always only read shoujo/josei/romance series. And I usually give chance to ALL new series of those genres. smile

Post #537100 - Reply to (#537099) by bluesonnet
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5:51 pm, Jan 8 2011
Posts: 2506

I usually pick things based on genre as well: Comedy. If I see a new series or one-shot in the releases page with the comedy genre tag, I usually check it out.

This signature was recovered from Hades to serve in my rotting armies.

7:13 pm, Jan 8 2011
Posts: 14

For me it's a mixture of art (cover page) and the summary. Impossible to choose between the two. If the summary is good but the art looks horrible then I may skip over it (and the reverse is true as well).

Post #537102
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all hail schneizel

8:37 pm, Jan 8 2011
Posts: 196

I usually read a new series (taking new as in I've never seen an anime of it either) because the summary makes it sound interesting. It's usually anime that tricks me with the art.

Post #537103
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Super Lazy

8:42 pm, Jan 8 2011
Posts: 149

Abt the new series, I didn't reply bc there isn't option "I collect everything from this genre/scanlation team". For me this is the reason that drives me reading a new title.

Abt the old poll, I really don't know what these New Year Resolutions are but I suppose they are kinda promises ppl make to themselves.

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Ruler of the Yaoi world
Post #537104 - Reply to (#537099) by bluesonnet
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11:53 pm, Jan 8 2011
Posts: 33

This. Shounen/Romance/Comedy for me.

Post #537105 - Reply to (#537099) by bluesonnet
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Super Lazy

4:00 am, Jan 9 2011
Posts: 149

Same to me. I read only BL and I collect everything yaoi/shounen-ai. Even the titles which art is not much in my taste.

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Ruler of the Yaoi world
Post #537106 - Reply to (#537103) by veve

4:21 am, Jan 9 2011
Posts: 214

1. cute girls
2. cute girls
3. cute girls
4. summary sounds interesting

Post #537107
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Super Lazy

4:18 pm, Jan 9 2011
Posts: 149

With usually as a key to the question I voted "It's the same author of a series I like". I think this answer is the most right for ppl who choose a title bc of the genre they

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Ruler of the Yaoi world
Post #537108 - Reply to (#537106) by sakura8429
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Super Lazy

4:20 pm, Jan 9 2011
Posts: 149

Hohoho, as I see my reasons with only the gender changed.biggrin

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Ruler of the Yaoi world
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