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Super Smash Bros. Brawl

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Post #150283 - Reply to (#149193) by drunkguy
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1:15 pm, Apr 4 2008
Posts: 345

Quote from drunkguy
Gameplay has significant lag on my end also. I only played on random though so I wouldn't know if that had an affect. The only time I don't notice lag is when I'm just observing matches. Hopefully this problem will be resolved soon.

edit: In my case I'm more annoyed at that the cheap third party Gamespot controller I bought to play Brawl broke already. Bought it since I didn't want to shell out $100 for another Wii mote w/ nunchuck, classic controller and rechargeable batteries. I didn't expect it to last but I thought it would have lasted at least four months or so. It hasn't even been a month damn it. My stingy nature overrode my common sense again.

Just get a Gamecube controller. They are very sturdy and pretty much the best controller design for the game to begin with.

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5:15 pm, Apr 4 2008
Posts: 838

I'm actually debating with myself whether to get the old one or spring for the classic wii controller. Does anyone here have any experience playing SSBB with the classic controller attachment for the Wiimote?

Post #150393 - Reply to (#150334) by drunkguy
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7:49 pm, Apr 4 2008
Posts: 2506

Quote from drunkguy
I'm actually debating with myself whether to get the old one or spring for the classic wii controller. Does anyone here have any experience playing SSBB with the classic controller attachment for the Wiimote?

Yes. Since I'm more used to the gamecube set up, though, I find that easier to use. The classic controller would be just as good if I got used to it though.

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11:24 pm, Apr 4 2008
Posts: 838

Good to hear about the classic attachment. Guess I'll be flipping a coin to decide which I'll get. It would be so much easier to decide if there were more multiplayer Wii games I was interested in.

On control, how many people here customize their controls for SSBB? With the GC controller I've changed (occassionally) the c-stick to special attack after seeing its effects in the air on youtube. The guy called it wave bouncing if anyone cares to look it up.

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1:01 pm, Apr 5 2008
Posts: 345

I havent bothered to customize too much. The only change I considered making was making it so you cant jump with the Control Stick, but there are times when that is sometimes useful, so I havent decided yet.

Looking at the classic controller I would think it might be a bit harder to use, but then again Ive used the gamecube controller for so long nothing else seems to fit my hand anymore.

I dont think the wave bouncing looks useful for most characters, especially when you consider how effective it is to air dodge now since you can do it multiple times, though you dont get the change in direction it used to give.

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10:51 pm, Apr 5 2008
Posts: 838

Damn. I missed the option to turn off jumping with the control stick. I screw up the up tilts way too often because of it. Thanks for the info. What use does jumping with the control stick have other than as a panic movement?

I figured wave bouncing was of limited use to most considering how small of an effect it has on most characters. I seldom use the c-stick for smashing or DI though (too slow and awkward) so I find it an interesting option.

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1:37 pm, Apr 6 2008
Posts: 345

Im not exactly sure that I remember when I found it to be useful, I think it may have been trying to cancel a dash by jumping or something like that. I did an experiment earlier trying to make a configuration for Snake since his tilts are more useful than his smashes so I had the C-Stick set to do basic attacks, it almost worked, except that he would randomly jump when using the C-Stick and he couldnt turn around and do an attack (did the standard attack instead) so all in all that ended in utter failure.

I also wanted to try setting the D-Pad to do special attacks, but it just functioned as another B-Button and I couldnt make use of its directions at all (and I was hoping to be able to try out B-Sticking and still retaining my smash attacks on the C-Stick).

Overall I dont see too much use in being able to configure the can even set the C-Stick to roll dodge...every direction just shields.

That said I am proud to announce Im like 10 stickers and 10 trophies away from having them all.

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5:52 pm, Apr 6 2008
Posts: 838

Wow. The only thing I can really say is that I have 9999 coins as a result of continuous two man brawls with my bro. For a while I tried to get rid of them by playing the coin toss but my endurance gave out at around 4k. A week or so later and it's back to 9999. dead

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8:45 pm, Apr 6 2008
Posts: 345

Well I decided to use a couple hammers to get rid of the 100 hours and 2000 KO challenges. So now I have like 3 challenges left. I also just managed to get 100% on subspace emissary as well (and the game didnt even bother to recognize that accomplishment sad )

I also learned how to dodge Tabuu's ultimate attack (3 well timed side steps, its the ONLY thing I found to work) when I was capturing him, but its still kind of hard to do.

I tend to use my coins as soon as I get them (in groups of 300-2000 at a time)because I would say I am definitely obsessed with getting 100% completion on this game. Though I am not sure if I am still missing any of the random trophies, if I do happen to have them all, then I probably shouldnt bother (since I can get far more stickers from my factory level), but the thing with random trophies never know if you have them all, especially with this new setup (at least the lottery in Melee let you know when you had them all).

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1:00 pm, Apr 7 2008
Posts: 838

Ugh. Going for 100% on a game nowadays usually drives me to the brink of sanity. I actually used to stay overnight at a friend's house playing Melee to do just that. 48 hour stretches of continuous play is not fun. Sadly I never managed to get it. I was missing maybe three or four trophies myself. I should ask if they ever managed o finish it. Probably not though since they weren't half as obsessed as I was.

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1:11 pm, Apr 7 2008
Posts: 345

I got all but one trophy on Melee, but it was one you had to go to an event in order to get so I didnt beat myself up over it. It really wasnt that difficult getting them all, except beating All Star on hard/very hard mode with no continues, that was tough, but only because you couldnt use the C-Stick in single player for Melee (and those damn exploding capsules).

I still have to capture Meta Ridley...its a pain especially because of that time limit. Plus he hangs out over open space, so I either have to dive after the trophy (which is hard as hell, even with Fox) or wait until he is over the ship during an attack to get him (which often runs me out of time).

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1:40 pm, Apr 7 2008
Posts: 838

Damnit. I hate how Nintendo makes event only unlockables in their games. It still bugs me that I never got a Mew in my pokemon yellow cartridge. They don't have event specific unlockables for Brawl do they?

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1:43 pm, Apr 7 2008
Posts: 345

None that are listed in the challenges. If they will do something like that or not though, we wont find out for a while.

Post #153342

6:13 pm, Apr 12 2008
Posts: 1650

I think that I managed to get 270/300 trophies on melee, and I definitely don't have the time to do the equivalent on Brawl. but anyways, I love the game. It's the best friends-party games I've every played.

I turn the shake smash on, and whenever I'm in a tough spot, I flail my right arm to get out of it. It's fun.... and I use Link, so I don't know if it works with anyone else.

Post #153344 - Reply to (#153342) by Xeronia
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6:32 pm, Apr 12 2008
Posts: 345

Quote from Xeronia
I think that I managed to get 270/300 trophies on melee, and I definitely don't have the time to do the equivalent on Brawl. but anyways, I love the game. It's the best friends-party games I've every played.

I turn the shake smash on, and whenever I'm in a tough spot, I flail my right arm to get out of it. It's fun.... and I use Link, so I don't know if it works with anyone else.

Well you can feel better knowing there was only a couple over 290 trophies in Melee.

I have yet to really try playing without a gamecube controller. Though that has its own unique playing style since you can do what is called b-sticking (set the c stick to do B attacks) with some characters, its amusing if your the type to attack from a distance and then back away quickly, try looking it up on youtube if you want to know a little more, I didnt find it useful, though it was fun.

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