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Tell us all what is the closest phobia that you have
Acrophobia - Fear of heights
Aichmophobia - Fear of needles or pointed objects
Entomophobia - Fear of insects
Eremophobia - Fear of lonliness
Gerascophobia - Fear of growing old
Hadephobia - Fear of hell
Hamartophobia - Fear of sinning
Helminthophobia - Fear of being infested with worms
Hematophobia - Fear of blood
Herpetophobia - Fear of reptiles or creepy, crawly things
Homophobia- Fear of homosexuality or of becoming homosexual
Katagelophobia - Fear of ridicule
Lygophobia or Myctophobia - Fear of darkness
Mastigophobia - Fear of punishment
Necrophobia - Fear of death or dead things
Nosocomephobia - Fear of hospitals
Onomatophobia - Fear of hearing a certain word or of names
Panthophobia or Pathophobia- Fear of disease or suffering
Paraskavedekatriaphobia - Fear of Friday the 13th
Phasmophobia - Fear of ghosts
Pharmacophobia - Fear of drugs
Pupaphobia - Fear of puppets or dolls
Pyrophobia - Fear of fire
Scelerophibia- Fear of Criminals
Scopophobia or Scoptophobia - Fear of being seen or stared at
Taeniophobia or Teniophobia- Fear of tapeworms
Technophobia- Fear of technology
Virginitiphobia- Fear of rape
Xenophobia- Fear of strangers or foreigners
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11:06 pm, Nov 25 2008
Posts: 204

ummm this one > Autodysomophobia- Fear of one that has a vile odor.
LOL thats going to be my excuse from now on. ummm i voted fear of the dark, well im okay with lightish darkness but Pitch Black cant see my hand i in front of my face dark and ill freak out.... not scream my head off but ill start like hyperventilating. but more like ill kill you if you lock me i an dark room. prob. because my brother did it to me when i was 5. @_@ scarred for life. anyways i wish we could vote fo 2!!! since for some odd reason i like heights but then again i freak out if i look down and see high i am? it sucks big time, since i would like to sit on my roof an feel like a ninja. cool and throw stuff at ppl. XD like lemons or paper. and they would be like WTF?! why is there paper falling down @_@ jesus LEMONS? #@$% what is going on?

just found this one!!!>>> Cacophobia- Fear of ugliness. *Ahem* im sorry i have Cacophobia so your going to have to leave. BURN! and they wont even know it *_*

Last edited by Kittycat101 at 11:11 pm, Nov 25 2008

"Man, because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then he dies having never really lived."- Dalai lama
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12:19 am, Nov 26 2008
Posts: 367

Agoraphobia, I fear large open spaces, mostly places like museums or any kind of sports stadium / hall. I feel very uneasy in large open spaces especially when I'm alone and I always like being in confined spaces roll
Hydrophobia, I've always have a fear of drowning, ever since I felt like I was going to die (even though I wouldn't have died I still felt like it) two times from someone drowning me in the water, both in public swimming pools. Now I only swim in an controlled environment, no beaches or pools with crowds of people.
Vertigo, always feel uneasy with heights, there are times when I'm near heights that make me feel insecure I tend to go down on all fours and crawl instead of walk.

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3:27 pm, Nov 26 2008
Posts: 418

Acrophobia, especially when it comes to very tall heights.

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Lord of nonsense

3:48 pm, Nov 26 2008
Posts: 1310

Like someone already said, a PHOBIA is a irrational fear, and I don't have any of that...

But I do fear being in high places with little to nothing to hold in case I fall

so probably Acrophobia

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6:42 pm, Nov 26 2008
Posts: 435

needles...but now the flu shots can be taken as a nose spray thing if yr old enough smile

never fr0wn cause you never know whos in love with your sm smile e
Your mind is like a parachute it works best when its open
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8:56 pm, Nov 26 2008
Posts: 741

Scopophobia or Scoptophobia - Fear of being seen or stared at

Not a true fear that i have but I'm pretty shy so that's the closest. One time in class the person sitting across from me said something about my face. It was neither good nor bad just a random observation. It made me so self conscious of the fact that he had been looking at me so closely. I freaked out so much he went to the opposite corner of the room. It was only then that I calmed down.I felt bad because I don't hate the guy but I can't stand being stared at.

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9:03 pm, Nov 26 2008
Posts: 466

Acrophobia - Fear of heights!!!

When I don't find something to hold, That's make it more horrible!

Looking for this!!!

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10:08 pm, Nov 26 2008
Posts: 370


Last edited by bluegreenangel at 12:08 pm, Jul 12 2012

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10:16 pm, Nov 26 2008
Posts: 166

actually, i have a lot of phobias O_O but i picked acrophobia, b/c it's the strongest one. I once fainted from going up in a gondola thing, and since then, i can't go to the second stories of buildings without getting light-headed and faint.
but, i'm also afraid of the ocean (i've almost drowned multiple times) and of being alone >.<

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10:25 pm, Nov 26 2008
Posts: 112

Entomophobia - fear of insects...specifically ANTS urgh!

I read somehwere that someone died (it was long ago i guess) when ants that occupies 8 ant hills attacked him simultaneously. any truth you think?

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Post #233313 - Reply to (#231303) by hiyoko_sachi

11:43 am, Dec 2 2008
Posts: 370

Quote from hiyoko_sachi
Entomophobia - fear of insects...specifically ANTS urgh!

I read somehwere that someone died (it was long ago i guess) when ants that occupies 8 ant hills attacked him simultaneously. any truth you think?

i believe that, if that 10,000 ants swarm on you, biting spot of flesh of you at a time, yea thatll do the trick to the world of the dead.... and depends on the ant too, i mean army ants, itll take only 25~100 to kill u im pretty sure...

i wonder why people are afraid of insects? is it cause theyre dirty, or is it because they look very ambiguous, they they dont know what kind of things they can do to you, i mean i do know every insect has it's own thing, like killer bees, black widows, roaches, etc.... im more afraid or maggots, everytime i eat rice i try not to think about them, its hard to chew on those when ur thinking that you have dead decomposers in your mouth....

but yea, i do wonder why people find insects more threatening than raccoons or stray cats/dogs that may carry diseases such as rabiis.....

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11:51 am, Dec 2 2008
Posts: 114

Pharmacophobia - Fear of drugs I hate them can't stand them the only thing I do is drink and take the meds I NEED but I don't mind other people useing them.

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Black Angel

12:06 pm, Dec 2 2008
Posts: 336

To be honest I have Arachnophobia I don´t know really why but i have great fear of spider but really fear and not a disgust but it gets better

For the sane people I am insane,<BR>for me the sane people are insane!
Post #233330 - Reply to (#231303) by hiyoko_sachi
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12:21 pm, Dec 2 2008
Posts: 1901

Quote from hiyoko_sachi
Entomophobia - fear of insects...specifically ANTS urgh!

I read somehwere that someone died (it was long ago i guess) when ants that occupies 8 ant hills attacked him simultaneously. any truth you think?

Perhaps he had an allergic reaction.

People can die from one bee sting, getting swarmed with ant bites isn't very surprising.

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12:33 pm, Dec 2 2008
Posts: 76

i couldn't believe this wasn't on the list! arachniphobia! i am scared to death of spiders, and i will freak if i see one. its really bad, and after i have seen one, i have the "creeps" as i call it for a while.

case in point, the ending credits to VK guilty. at the end, there is a spider over yuuki. . . i put up my hand when i watch it, to cover the image. and, lord of the rings! shelob. i saw it in the theater first, and had my head between my legs, hands over my ears, waiting for it to be over. eek eek eek

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