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Tell us all what is the closest phobia that you have
Acrophobia - Fear of heights
Aichmophobia - Fear of needles or pointed objects
Entomophobia - Fear of insects
Eremophobia - Fear of lonliness
Gerascophobia - Fear of growing old
Hadephobia - Fear of hell
Hamartophobia - Fear of sinning
Helminthophobia - Fear of being infested with worms
Hematophobia - Fear of blood
Herpetophobia - Fear of reptiles or creepy, crawly things
Homophobia- Fear of homosexuality or of becoming homosexual
Katagelophobia - Fear of ridicule
Lygophobia or Myctophobia - Fear of darkness
Mastigophobia - Fear of punishment
Necrophobia - Fear of death or dead things
Nosocomephobia - Fear of hospitals
Onomatophobia - Fear of hearing a certain word or of names
Panthophobia or Pathophobia- Fear of disease or suffering
Paraskavedekatriaphobia - Fear of Friday the 13th
Phasmophobia - Fear of ghosts
Pharmacophobia - Fear of drugs
Pupaphobia - Fear of puppets or dolls
Pyrophobia - Fear of fire
Scelerophibia- Fear of Criminals
Scopophobia or Scoptophobia - Fear of being seen or stared at
Taeniophobia or Teniophobia- Fear of tapeworms
Technophobia- Fear of technology
Virginitiphobia- Fear of rape
Xenophobia- Fear of strangers or foreigners
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Post #235418 - Reply to (#235416) by kikaru
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2:09 pm, Dec 7 2008
Posts: 1668

Warn: Banned

Quote from kikaru
I'm afraid of parasites. Mostly the worm kind. Just he thought of them... wiggling around in your skin, or in your intestines... urg. I also have a fear of tornadoes.

would you feel better if I told you there probably are those ones in your system, we just don't tell you about it so some people don't start tearing themselves to peices? They are mostly harmless, some beneficial laugh

Gay book discussion thread
Quote from you_no_see_me_
this is not about cannibalism...please get back on topic

Quote from Toto
I think it is exactly the topic. I see nothing wrong.
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2:32 pm, Dec 7 2008
Posts: 63

I don't see Arachnephobia bigrazz

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6:10 am, Dec 8 2008
Posts: 1698

None of the above. But sometimes, what gives me the chills is Heights.
But anyways, I'm afraid of maggots.
I'm terrified of twitching skin for some reason. I feel disgusted looking at someone's heartbeat through the skin. o_o

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6:11 am, Dec 8 2008
Posts: 1901

Anyone with Pupaphobia should maybe never come to my house.

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6:12 am, Dec 8 2008
Posts: 9026

So you don't want to be confronted with the mortality of humans, eh.

Yeah, I don't like being aware of my own heartbeat either. :/ Makes me feel so vulnerable. As if one jab can make the difference.

source: animenewsnetwork

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Post #236158 - Reply to (#235618) by Dr. Love
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5:42 pm, Dec 9 2008
Posts: 741

Quote from Dr. Love
So you don't want to be confronted with the mortality of humans, eh.

Yeah, I don't like being aware of my own heartbeat either. :/ Makes me feel so vulnerable. As if one jab can make the difference.

One jab is all it takes. smile wink grin

I fear that one day I will wake up and look like I'm 80. It's the fear that I'll age suddenly rather than gradually.

Looking for... shoujo with a canned peach confession. Don’t English me I’m panic.
Post #236168
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5:59 pm, Dec 9 2008
Posts: 29

I answered "panthophobia" but I don't really fear illness, just the suffering part. More accurately I fear pain of any kind. I don't think that's highly irrational in itself, but my reaction to the concept of pain is pretty irrational. And the way I tend to exaggerate it in my mind. Because in my experience when I'm actually in pain it usually isn't as bad as I think it's going to be.

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Dog Talker

1:55 am, Dec 10 2008
Posts: 55

The fear of ugly animals. You know like Turkeys, Ostriches, Sloths... anything like that and I would just freak out. I don't mind eating turkeys but if I ever saw one come near me I'd just run.

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Madame Red

2:13 am, Dec 10 2008
Posts: 2172

Herpetophobia and Entomophobia => even while writing this i get the chills. dead

Post #236371 - Reply to (#236327) by MadameRed
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5:59 am, Dec 10 2008
Posts: 1901

Quote from aneste
Herpetophobia and Entomophobia => even while writing this i get the chills. dead

My sister has herpetophobia, and so when I was little I would purposely change the wallpaper on the computer to one of an alligator, or like print pictures and put them on the ceiling so she'd see them when she woke up.

Wow I am such a prick.

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Post #236373 - Reply to (#236371) by shaggievara
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Madame Red

6:03 am, Dec 10 2008
Posts: 2172

Quote from shaggievara
Quote from aneste
Herpetophobia and Entomophobia => even while writing this i get the chills. dead

My sister has herpetophobia, and so when I was little I would purposely change the wallpaper on the computer to one of an alligator, or like print pictures and put them on the ceiling so she'd see them when she woke up.

Wow I am such a prick.

yeah you are! dead i can't even imagine the horror of that moment dead i would die of shock i think.

Post #236374 - Reply to (#236371) by shaggievara
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2nd wave MU user

6:03 am, Dec 10 2008
Posts: 7784

Quote from shaggievara
Quote from aneste
Herpetophobia and Entomophobia => even while writing this i get the chills. dead

My sister has herpetophobia, and so when I was little I would purposely change the wallpaper on the computer to one of an alligator, or like print pictures and put them on the ceiling so she'd see them when she woke up.

Wow I am such a prick.

You were just putting her to rehab of fear. laugh

Post #236376 - Reply to (#236374) by Mamsmilk
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Madame Red

6:05 am, Dec 10 2008
Posts: 2172

Quote from Mamsmilk
Quote from shaggievara
Quote from aneste
Herpetophobia and Entomophobia => even while writing this i get the chills. dead

My sister has herpetophobia, and so when I was little I would purposely change the wallpaper on the computer to one of an alligator, or like print pictures and put them on the ceiling so she'd see them when she woke up.

Wow I am such a prick.

You were just putting her to rehab of fear. laugh

dead that is not rehab, that is plain torture.

Post #236436 - Reply to (#236376) by MadameRed
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10:41 am, Dec 10 2008
Posts: 1901

Quote from aneste
Quote from Mamsmilk
Quote from shaggievara
Quote from aneste
Herpetophobia and Entomophobia => even while writing this i get the chills. dead

My sister has herpetophobia, and so when I was little I would purposely change the wallpaper on the computer to one of an alligator, or like print pictures and put them on the ceiling so she'd see them when she woke up.

Wow I am such a prick.

You were just putting her to rehab of fear. laugh

dead that is not rehab, that is plain torture.

Yeah I am pretty sure I just had mal intent. none

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Post #236437 - Reply to (#236318) by prmaster92
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10:42 am, Dec 10 2008
Posts: 412

Quote from prmaster92
The fear of ugly animals. You know like Turkeys, Ostriches, Sloths... anything like that and I would just freak out. I don't mind eating turkeys but if I ever saw one come near me I'd just run.

Sloths are cute! X3

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