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5:30 am, Aug 9 2013
Posts: 50

Currently playing Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
It ain't bad smile

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5:42 am, Aug 9 2013
Posts: 1737

Mariokart 7 biggrin

Nulla in mundo pax sincera
"Always go too far, because that's where you'll find the truth." - Albert Camus
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6:05 am, Aug 9 2013
Posts: 167

replay Fallout New Vegas, this time, gonna play it thoroughly and as a hot female character too wink

Post #610355
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Nice desu ne

2:59 pm, Aug 9 2013
Posts: 1132

Fallout New Vegas, Warframe, LoL, and Dota 2 (but it wears me out)


3:49 pm, Aug 9 2013
Posts: 325

Tales of Xillia

Post #610491
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Resident Odd

11:05 pm, Aug 10 2013
Posts: 665

Finished the main story of Final Fantasy 13-2. Absolutely awesome game, but the ending was like a huge middle finger.

Anyhow, I'm doing the task of getting all 160 fragments for the game, and it's going well. The game just feels like a total improvement compared to its predecessor, Final Fantasy 13.

Post #613588 - Reply to (#19162) by daed
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4:45 am, Sep 6 2013
Posts: 3

I'm currently running Dangan Ronpa on PSP. It's okay i guess.

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Post #613593

5:41 am, Sep 6 2013
Posts: 25

Playing Digital Devil Saga 1 and getting my ass kicked by the demi fiend. I think I'll just give up if I die another 3 times.

Post #613595
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5:59 am, Sep 6 2013
Posts: 1150

Warlock - Master of the Arcane... Turn-based strategy. Been playing too much high-speed action games lately and I wanted something slow where I needed to use my brain a bit. biggrin Oh, and also Deus Ex: Human Revolution. (without using guns/killing anyone, takes forever too keep waiting for the energy to recharge... smile )

~4400 manga completed
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6:54 am, Sep 6 2013
Posts: 23

i was playing shingeki no kyojin
a game thats still in beta form but still a good game, check the website
this should definitley be played by the fans of the series biggrin eyes

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Life Puzzler

7:22 pm, Sep 6 2013
Posts: 152

Saints Row the Third. Trying not to get too far into the game since my co-op bud hasn't gotten her copy in the mail but man, it is mighty tempting.

Beavis: "Wait, what's pornography?"
Butt-head: "Uhh.. I think that's like, the study of porn."
Post #614507
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Resident Odd

5:07 am, Sep 14 2013
Posts: 665

Am about to start up Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix soon. I've never played these games before, so I'm pretty stoked. Saw a bit of the intro to Final Mix, and it looks splendid so far. Am really hoping to enjoy this particular title.

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Black Witch

5:19 am, Sep 14 2013
Posts: 381

Dark Souls Prepare to Die

If you want to succeed
Then you don't need Good Luck
You need the ability to overcome Bad Luck

Happines and Light needs a source to exist
Hatred fuels itself and Darkness exist where there is no Light

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† Lightmare †
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6:50 am, Sep 14 2013
Posts: 17

Nothing... waiting for Prey 2 or the next Fallout to come out, I'll probably wait forever.

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Out in Left Field

11:22 am, Sep 16 2013
Posts: 100

1) Borderlands 2 (PS3). With all its downloadable goodies, I can't stop.
2) Diablo 3 (PS3), the first Diablo on console in ages.
3) Dragon's Crown (PS3), which I had my doubts about, but is surprisingly good.

notes: that's a lot of co-op games recently and that makes me VERY happy.

4) XCOM: Enemy Unknown (PC), an absolute gem. (I've been watching my brother play The Bureau: XCOM Declassified and it looks like I'll get that one later too.)
5) The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim (PC), which I can't put down and suddenly came back in full force.
6) The Walking Dead (Telltale) (PC), though I can't make myself get past a certain point because it's all too stressful
7) Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY (PC), though I know what's coming up in that one and I I'm too chicken to play that part. Hint: Scarecrow.

Mind eraser, no chaser
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