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Post #795161
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11:04 pm, Jan 30 2022
Posts: 285

Edit 2: Ok it's definitely not the userscript because I turned it off and it's still happening. This problem seems to be reproducible when ctrl+clicking 5+ manga in rapid succession from the "My Lists" page. Am I somehow pushing the server too hard?

I keep getting Connection Failed errors when trying to browse the site. Tried it on 2 different browsers to no avail. I can't pin down what could be causing the problem.

On Firefox:
Secure Connection Failed

An error occurred during a connection to
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified.
Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.

On Chrome:
This site can’t be reached

The webpage at might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.

Last edited by Alimeru at 11:15 pm, Jan 30 2022

Post #795162 - Reply to (#795150) by Xunu
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11:06 pm, Jan 30 2022
Posts: 2667

Quote from tanukischarm
I think there's problem with searching with original title.
I've tried experimenting different titles:
1) ツワモノガタリ - show up nothing, I should type the romaji
2) アルキメデスの大戦 - not on the list, I should type the romaji
https://www.mangaupdates ...


We didn't change any of the UTF-8 handling.. so I'm a bit confused about what's going on here .. I did a little local testing and added ツワモノガタリ to a random series.

On my local dev machine, it's:


On MU, the hex is (spaces added to emphasize difference):
E38384E383AFE383A2E3838EE382AC E382BFE383AA

I'll double check the searching code tomorrow to make sure it's using the same normalization...

Edit .. turns out the way we do normalization has changed a bit .. I'll have to investigate this more tomorrow.

Last edited by Manick at 11:21 pm, Jan 30 2022

Post #795164 - Reply to (#795135) by Manick
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11:18 pm, Jan 30 2022
Posts: 93

Quote from Manick
OmNom, would it be enough to add a search feature?

I mean it’d be more convenient to have one rather than not, but i think not being able to browse an entire list in one go would be a big hassle in many ways. Is it impossible to allow both interface options (one that separates a list’s entries into multiple pages and one that contains them all in one go) and let the user customise as they wish?

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Site Admin

11:30 pm, Jan 30 2022
Posts: 59

This is an admin problem, but when viewing the edit log when it comes to categories it always says "removes" then shows all categories, I'm quite confused with this, because even when adding the same thing shows up

Post #795168 - Reply to (#795162) by Manick
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Site Admin

11:49 pm, Jan 30 2022
Posts: 168

Ok. I'd like to add one more because it seems to happen randomly.
I tried "死神に育てられた少女は漆黒の剣を胸に抱く" and it could popped up first.

Post #795169
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12:35 am, Jan 31 2022
Posts: 3

There is error when I searched for title contains the word "egg" and this message appears: "A system error has occurred. Please try again later. If this continues to happen, please notify an administrator." And the new releases haven't shown up in the Latest Release(s) section when I click to the new series.

Post #795175 - Reply to (#795108) by Manick

2:23 am, Jan 31 2022
Posts: 8

Is there any other possible fix? I tried changing icons several times but it still didn't work

Post #795176
Site Admin

2:41 am, Jan 31 2022
Posts: 21

After adding release (and I see it in my profile), can't access series' page ( ) with error: "A system error has occurred. Please try again later. If this continues to happen, please notify an administrator." Not sure if it's related to update, but...

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4:03 am, Jan 31 2022
Posts: 23

I was adding categories to a series and noticed that we can't remove the ones we've previously added anymore.

Post #795179 - Reply to (#795175) by EmEm

4:32 am, Jan 31 2022
Posts: 2

Quote from EmEm
Is there any other possible fix? I tried changing icons several times but it still didn't work

I have the same issue. Icons for wish-list and reading-list is visible, but icon for unfinished lists (blue cicrcle) isn’t showing

Post #795191 - Reply to (#795179) by kalich411
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Lone Wanderer

5:52 am, Jan 31 2022
Posts: 2127

1) For me, icons just show up randomly, and not always for the same series. For example, when I refreshed the releases page, a previously, marked title was unmarked and another one was marked, both from my reading list. Unfinished list items, however, never show up with the blue circle.

2) Genre-associated colours on the release list also seem to be out of order for some genre. For me it seems to be supernatural (blue) and mecha (turquoise). I know some people have had this issue since earlier, but I never had a problem before today.

Post #795192
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6:02 am, Jan 31 2022
Posts: 4

When I try to click the buttons to add +5 chapters (or any of those buttons to change how many chapters Ive read) it wont show until I reload the page so its a bit of a bother. 😔

Post #795194 - Reply to (#795192) by Karekon
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6:16 am, Jan 31 2022
Posts: 2667

Quote from Karekon
When I try to click the buttons to add +5 chapters (or any of those buttons to change how many chapters Ive read) it wont show until I reload the page so its a bit of a bother. 😔

Can you PM me the specific series that isn't working?

Post #795195 - Reply to (#795166) by Lovelyspacepanda
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6:18 am, Jan 31 2022
Posts: 2667

Quote from Lovelyspacepanda
This is an admin problem, but when viewing the edit log when it comes to categories it always says "removes" then shows all categories, I'm quite confused with this, because even when adding the same thing shows up

Do you have a specific series you can refer me to?

Post #795196
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6:43 am, Jan 31 2022
Posts: 2

Not sure if it's still in investigation or it's not the same bug as others reported, but I can't see any of my list icons on release page. I see new chapters, but none of them have my lists icon (and I have 28 lists created so every day I saw at least a few things from my lists updated 🙂 ). Now I can't really see what of my bookmarked stories were updated, I must read titles to find anything from my list - and when I find it and open it in new tab, they have my list icon near they title, but it's still not visible on release page.

Another issue that appears randomly - when I try to add another number of read chapter to my bookmark ("You are reading this. ( up to v.X c.XY +10 -5 "😉) sometimes site move story from my created list to generic "reading list" and I have to move story back to my created list. I think it mostly happened to my stories that I had pined as a tab in my browser (they open automatically when I open my browser) - but it not happens to all of them, only a few had this problem, the rest of them were fine. No idea if it can be checked as a bug, but I wanted to mention it to let you know 🙂

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