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Post #151336 - Reply to (#151334) by cano435
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12:34 am, Apr 7 2008
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Quote from cano435
Quote from ahoaho
Quote from cano435
yea thats one thing I dislike about greats projects right now. When the sci fi/fantasy stuff starts getting thrown in there it just starts going all over the place.

I will give you that one. But, it was open to supernatural occurances from the beginning, with the Ryuugan and what not.

oh no i agree, not saying it wasnt, its just, when he keeps the sci fi to a minimum like the early parts of TT and AG its alot more enjoyable. Sometimes it seems like stuff is just thrown in to keep it running.

I see that. I.E the thing in the last chapter

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1:39 am, Apr 7 2008
Posts: 12

I read it simply because it's enjoyable. While AG and TT are both out there, considering that you have to throw some of logic away to enjoy a lot of manga, it's still a good read. The plot lines are slightly above average I.M.O.

And no, I don't read it for the boobs. I read it for the awesome fight scenes and characters; though the boobs do help.

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2:34 pm, Apr 9 2008
Posts: 492

i watch/read TT..for teh boobs. what other reasons are there? lol

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Post #152259 - Reply to (#152253) by lightning90
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3:03 pm, Apr 9 2008
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Quote from lightning90
i watch/read TT..for teh boobs. what other reasons are there? lol

Teh 3p1c lulz?

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Post #153869
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9:26 am, Apr 14 2008
Posts: 172

Well I finally got around to catching up to the manga about 3 weeks ago. And I'd also say that I'd read it for the story, the echinness though is a welcome bonus. I'd have to agree with ahoaho in saying that the story is quite good. It does get really really confusing in the previous 4/5 volumes but one main factor behind that is because the manga isn't finished yet. I'm almost sure that things will clear up by the end of it's run. I'm definitely gonna keep reading this.

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Post #154300 - Reply to (#146517) by Phayt

5:22 pm, Apr 15 2008
Posts: 122

Quote from Phayt
Well, I've read the first twelve volumes, at least, and really... anyone who has trouble with the plot... I dunno. I don't mean to be cruel, but frankly, you're mentally disabled. Everything's pretty straight forward. Unless it goes absolutely NUTS in the next few books, I can't understand what the problem is.

As for the story, it's also fine. It's nothing to write home about, but it's certainly decent. I'd say it's a cut above things like Naruto, and its ilk. It's kinda silly and contrived, and unrealistic, sure. But this is manga. Realism is secondary to entertainment value.

And Ten Ten doesn't fail to entertain. Plenty of action, great artwork, enjoyable and often badass characters(with the notable exceptions of Aya and Soichiro, mind you...), and yeah, the chicks are blazing hot. But really, if you're "just reading it for the girls," then either get your head out of your ass, and realize that it's a good(not spectastic, but certainly good) series, or else go pick up some hentai.


TRSI saw fit to finally deliver me some packages, and now I'm up to the end of volume 16.

It's still pretty straightforward.

Silly? Perhaps. Confusing? No.

The dragon eyes and Reiki provided us with a vision of the past, providing us with origins of some of the bad guys, and some of the conflict. Easy stuff.

More confusing: Mitsuomi, why did you take off those earrings? You got those from that dead chick! Don't you like them anymore? Hell, I know she liked Shin better than she did you, but... who doesn't like Shin better? He was much better looking, and had a much cooler school uniform than... anyone else. And he was a pirate. Those are just insurmountable odds, really.

Post #154310 - Reply to (#154300) by Phayt
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5:56 pm, Apr 15 2008
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Quote from Phayt
More confusing: Mitsuomi, why did you take off those earrings? You got those from that dead chick! Don't you like them anymore? Hell, I know she liked Shin better than she did you, but... who doesn't like Shin better? He was much better looking, and had a much cooler school uniform than... anyone else. And he was a pirate. Those are just insurmountable odds, really.

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Pirates are win.

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Post #154316
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6:16 pm, Apr 15 2008
Posts: 14

I started reading it 'cuz I liked the story bigrazz but then it just kinda turned into a story with a very confusing plot-line filled with boobs and ecchiness... none

Lost interest.... but I still read the some of the chaps (after 5 months none) it didn't improve much... sad

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2:11 am, Apr 17 2008
Posts: 2

Watched the anime, confusing as hell... not sure if the manga will do better or not. Also, some company censored it for those of us in the US... so I see panties and bras.

The story was doing fine until they switched it completely to the older siblings and their past.

Post #155452 - Reply to (#154699) by pappy1024
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10:26 pm, Apr 19 2008
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Quote from pappy1024
Watched the anime, confusing as hell... not sure if the manga will do better or not. Also, some company censored it for those of us in the US... so I see panties and bras.

The story was doing fine until they switched it completely to the older siblings and their past.

Well, read the scans. Uncensored, and the full story as well.

Don't base your opinion off the anime. It stops before any of the real action or development starts. It gets better, trust me. Also, start from the beginning, as there is a bunch of stuff that is left out.

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2:00 pm, Apr 21 2008
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well i mainly started for the ecchi-ness but stayed for the phenominal art work

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2:41 pm, Apr 21 2008
Posts: 90

The boobs were the bait, but Oh! Great weaves such an awesome storyline and artwork that you just get hooked. And then there's even more T.A.P. just to keep you stayin' for more.

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Post #155848

2:59 pm, Apr 21 2008
Posts: 640


Last edited by Nashnir at 3:03 am, Jul 29 2020

Post #155849 - Reply to (#155848) by Nashnir
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3:07 pm, Apr 21 2008
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Quote from Nashnir
hmmm. Any romance( light romance is fine with me) in this series or is just plain action ?

BTW is there a single main character or many. If it is single is it male or female ?

( I have already read Battle Vixens! and didn't like it that much )

There are many main characters, with the main two being a male and a female. There is some heavy romance, several instances of tragic romance too. It's nothing like Ikki Tousen.

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Post #155851

3:09 pm, Apr 21 2008
Posts: 640

Something like Sekirei ? ( I mean the comedy and other stuff in the Romance like Rosario )

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