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someone explain to me why naruto is so higly anticipated around here?

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Post #64644 - Reply to (#64641) by xissix6
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10:34 am, Oct 3 2007
Posts: 323

Quote from xissix6
LOL i did the same thing with Harry Potter books! Thought that it was stupid because a boy is suppose to save everyone from and evil wizard that's older than him?!... well, i still think that... but it's an amusing book and plot!

hmmm about naruto... i just like it.

I did that with Harry Potter too. XD I just watched the movies like this summer and I will start the books when ever I remember. It's actually pretty interesting but not my fave fantasy but still really good.

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Post #64645 - Reply to (#64644) by kawaiiairbender
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10:39 am, Oct 3 2007
Posts: 194

Quote from kawaiiairbender
Quote from xissix6
LOL i did the same thing with Harry Potter books! Thought that it was stupid because a boy is suppose to save everyone from and evil wizard that's older than him?!... well, i still think that... but it's an amusing book and plot!

hmmm about naruto... i just like it.

I did that with Harry Potter too. XD I just watched the movies like this summer and I will start the books when ever I remember. It's actually pretty interesting but not my fave fantasy but still really good.

hahaha, same here! HP is not my fav fantasy book but it's still good!

anyway, as for Naruto, it's quite interesting.. but you know right now in the manga, the story is really unfolding well!! everything is about Naruto and sasuke... even a little bit of itachi too...

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10:44 am, Oct 3 2007
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Maybe a bit overrated but still definately good manga. I think the story and characters are very interesting. Well some fights continues for too many chapters though.

Post #66139
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11:26 am, Oct 7 2007
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Quote from timduncan1
coz hxh

>_> Because of HunterXHunter? >_> Edit your post and explain please.. considering spam >_>

I'm not the type of fan who watch and read Naruto everyday and follow every episode.. :] But i'd say Naruto is very interesting ^^ Watching an episode of it can keep you entertain :]

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Post #77023 - Reply to (#49049) by otakubaybay
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6:23 am, Oct 27 2007
Posts: 151

Quote from otakubaybay
I think it's actually pretty good (I read up to about the 11th or 12th volume), but then it began on airing on TV in the US and it all went downhill from there dead ...

Narutards surfaced (they were much more obscure before) and all of a sudden Naruto was being called the best show EVER liek OMigod!!!1111


I couldn't handle the wearing of headbands at conventions (and calling it cosplaying) or the little kids jumping for joy at ninjas dead (You'd think Naruto was dubbed by 4Kids or something!) The overratedness became too much for me and I began to distance myself *especially from narutards*

When people say they are proud to be a narutard, it's basically an invitation for me to punch them in the face smile

Was I a bit harsh? I apologize ^_^;; (but I don't think I'll be taking anything back without good reason)

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Were you ever a fan of the show? I've never understood the concept behind people claiming to like a show and then when they see others liking it, they hate the show. The writing didn't change, the concept didn't change, NOTHING CHANGED. Its like you never liked Naruto, you just took pride in something that you thought was unknown to the general public.

The more people that watch the show, the more money the creators can get and the more successful anime is. The more successful it is the more shows get made and bought over to the US. How can you be an anime fan but wish for the failure of all anime?

Post #77029
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6:29 am, Oct 27 2007
Posts: 9026

I kinda agree with what sickvisionz says.. Where I'm at, Naruto isn't that known, and I liked it from the very first ep. I saw..

And even if lots of 'narutards' would show up.. It's not like I care.. I would just ignore them and still like the series.. I don't find that it's a good enough reason to suddenly hate Naruto..

source: animenewsnetwork

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Post #77042 - Reply to (#77023) by Mr. sickVisionz
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6:48 am, Oct 27 2007
Posts: 439

Quote from Mr. sickVisionz
Quote from otakubaybay
I think it's actually pretty good (I read up to about the 11th or 12th volume), but then it began on airing on TV in the US and it all went downhill from there dead ...

Narutards surfaced (they were much more obscure before) and all of a sudden Naruto was being called the best show EVER liek OMigod!!!1111


I couldn't handle the wearing of headbands at conventions (and calling it cosplaying) or the little kids jumping for joy at ninjas dead (You'd think Naruto was dubbed by 4Kids or something!) The overratedness became too much for me and I began to distance myself *especially from narutards*

When people say they are proud to be a narutard, it's basically an invitation for me to punch them in the face smile

Was I a bit harsh? I apologize ^_^;; (but I don't think I'll be taking anything back without good reason)

(1000th post! Woohoo~)
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Although I'm falling behind cry

Were you ever a fan of the show? I've never understood the concept behind people claiming to like a show and then when they see others liking it, they hate the show. The writing didn't change, the concept didn't change, NOTHING CHANGED. Its like you never liked Naruto, you just took pride in something that you thought was unknown to the general public.

The more people that watch the show, the more money the creators can get and the more successful anime is. The more successful it is the more shows get made and bought over to the US. How can you be an anime fan but wish for the failure of all anime?

lol i think he is trying to put the concept of "selling out" in the manga/ anime realm.

"Let's put a smile on that face."
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7:40 pm, Oct 28 2007
Posts: 151

But how has Naruto sold out? Its more to selling out than having people like your show. He's mad because he went to an anime convention (which in general is a place for people who have more than a casual interest in anime) and saw people that liked Naruto. As soon as he found out that the show was more popular than he originally thought, he hated it.

The writing didn't change. The animation didn't change. The story didn't change. They didn't fire all the voice actors in exchange for cheaper ones in order to get more profit. Nothing at all changed except its popularity level in his mind.

Post #78167 - Reply to (#78165) by Mr. sickVisionz
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7:54 pm, Oct 28 2007
Posts: 911

Quote from Mr. sickVisionz
But how has Naruto sold out? Its more to selling out than having people like your show. He's mad because he went to an anime convention (which in general is a place for people who have more than a casual interest in anime) and saw people that liked Naruto. As soon as he found out that the show was more popular than he originally thought, he hated it.

The writing didn't change. The animation didn't change. The story didn't change. They didn't fire all the voice actors in exchange for cheaper ones in order to get more profit. Nothing at all changed except its popularity level in his mind.

It's a she not a he what you wrote should look like this. smile

Quote from This is how is should look
But how has Naruto sold out? Its more to selling out than having people like your show. She's mad because she went to an anime convention (which in general is a place for people who have more than a casual interest in anime) and saw people that liked Naruto. As soon as she found out that the show was more popular than she originally thought, she hated it.

The writing didn't change. The animation didn't change. The story didn't change. They didn't fire all the voice actors in exchange for cheaper ones in order to get more profit. Nothing at all changed except its popularity level in her mind.

Post #78182

8:19 pm, Oct 28 2007
Posts: 7

everybody loves ninjas or would like to be one or master some tecnics so no mater if it is naruto or other ninja series live or manga.
People thinks that having super powers is unreal but being a ninja, magian, pirate is something that you can copy and learn you can buy weapons, magic stuff and so more.
Most of the real leyends or miths acept their existence so lots of people think that all these really existed and continue now a days
All the main characters are kids or good people that chalenge the bad guys that kill peole and don't enjoy the adventure of fighting for something or someone important
Ninja Rocks just like being a magian like Harry Potter or being a Pirate like Luffy D. Monkey or Jack Sparrow.

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9:07 pm, Oct 28 2007
Posts: 1191

Thanks, fig smile

I am in fact a girl, cano435 and Mr. sickVisionz.

Quite obviously I was a fan at one point. Otherwise I wouldn't be putting my opinion of it here.

I was happy that it was becoming more popular until it became flat out overrated. I just can't stand that dead There are a bunch of other anime out there that deserve recognition, not just Naruto.

Quote from Mr. sickVisionz
How can you be an anime fan but wish for the failure of all anime?
Quote from Mr. sickVisionz
He's mad because he went to an anime convention (which in general is a place for people who have more than a casual interest in anime) and saw people that liked Naruto. As soon as he found out that the show was more popular than he originally thought, he hated it.

Excuse me? Now you're just putting words in my mouth. I never said anything about wishing for the failure of all anime. And don't go assuming I just turned against Naruto like that all of a sudden no

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Post #78313 - Reply to (#78201) by otakubaybay
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3:37 am, Oct 29 2007
Posts: 911

Quote from otakubaybay
Thanks, fig smile

I am in fact a girl, cano435 and Mr. sickVisionz.

Quite obviously I was a fan at one point. Otherwise I wouldn't be putting my opinion of it here.

I was happy that it was becoming more popular until it became flat out overrated. I just can't stand that dead There are a bunch of other anime out there that deserve recognition, not just Naruto.

Quote from Mr. sickVisionz
How can you be an anime fan but wish for the failure of all anime?
Quote from Mr. sickVisionz
He's mad because he went to an anime convention (which in general is a place for people who have more than a casual interest in anime) and saw people that liked Naruto. As soon as he found out that the show was more popular than he originally thought, he hated it.

Excuse me? Now you're just putting words in my mouth. I never said anything about wishing for the failure of all anime. And don't go assuming I just turned against Naruto like that all of a sudden no

Again I understand what you mean, there are anime out there that are just as good as Naruto but people haven't heard of them because they haven't Dub them yet. (n_n)

Post #78331 - Reply to (#78201) by otakubaybay
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4:08 am, Oct 29 2007
Posts: 151

Quote from otakubaybay
Excuse me? Now you're just putting words in my mouth. I never said anything about wishing for the failure of all anime. And don't go assuming I just turned against Naruto like that all of a sudden no

"The Narutards surfaced (they were much more obscure before) and all of a sudden Naruto was being called the best show EVER liek OMigod!!!1111


I couldn't handle the wearing of headbands at conventions (and calling it cosplaying) or the little kids jumping for joy at ninjas (You'd think Naruto was dubbed by 4Kids or something!) The overratedness became too much for me and I began to distance myself *especially from narutards"

These aren't your words?

"The overratedness became too much for me and I began to distance myself *especially from narutards"

You equate it being overrated with its level of popularity, no? You went to an anime convention and saw people cosplaying and started to distance yourself from it, no? We can agree that if more people watch a show, its more successful than if fewer people watch it, no? The show become popular (and by default more successful) and you distanced yourself from it, no? Not because anything about the show changed, but simply because it had a larger fanbase than you once thought it did, no? I'm still looking for the part where I put words in your mouth.

What did you like about Naruto that changed and warranted your newfound dislike for it outside of an increase in popularity and level of success? In your post thats the ONLY thing that you bought up.

Last edited by Mr. sickVisionz at 4:15 am, Oct 29 2007

Post #78334

4:12 am, Oct 29 2007
Posts: 226

i dun think she meant it THAT seriously.

back to topic: around here meaning this website or what? nvm, that doesn't really matter. hmmmmmm. cause overall naruto's a good manga? laugh

Post #78346
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5:32 am, Oct 29 2007
Posts: 74

I read some of the Naruto manga that came out in Shonen Jump, but I watch the anime more. For me, I like Naruto because it's funny and interesting. I'll tell you now, it wouldn't have this kind of fan base if there wasn't something appealing to it. The filler episodes (over 100 eps!!) could have easily killed the fan base. Most of the fillers were pretty lame, but a few, like ep 101 where they try to get Kakashi's mask, were pretty good. Right now, I'm getting a little annoyed with the Shippuuden eps because they are just dragging things out. The first ep of Shippuuden had me all excited because I thought the show was really going to get good.

As for it being the best show ever, I think some of the hype is coming from the U.S. companies. The more hype they give the show, the more money they make. Just think of Dragon Balls, Pokemon and Yugioh. Those shows proved just how much money could be made by pitching it to kids. Older fans, like me (21) tend to think twice before blowing our money on a headband and figurines or textbooks.

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