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New Poll - Disliking Stereotypes

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12:06 am, Jun 2 2012
Posts: 10683

This week's poll is from our member fantas-ie. Out of the provided list of stereotypes, which one do you dislike the most? And if you're most hated stereotype isn't on the list, post it in the comments below!

You can submit poll ideas here (and try to keep them manga/anime-related):

Previous Poll Results:
Question: How do you feel about time skips in a series?
I tend to like them - votes: 4551 (34.4%)
I tend to dislike them - votes: 3346 (25.3%)
I don't care - votes: 5067 (38.3%)
I've never encountered one - votes: 274 (2.1%)
There were 13238 total votes.
The poll ended: June 2nd 2012

The reason I don't like "I don't care" options is because they don't tell you much and usually a lot of people like to vote for that option...

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Post #554113
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12:07 am, Jun 2 2012
Posts: 705

All of the above. The way they are worded... all of the above.

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12:10 am, Jun 2 2012
Posts: 2

didn't vote in the last one, it's to dependent on the story.

This one is missing the Tsundere, and/or "stupid" girl trope.

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12:36 am, Jun 2 2012
Posts: 48

This is a hard one lol

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1:03 am, Jun 2 2012
Posts: 354

Can't vote b/c my sister already voted. But none of the options up there are what I dislike the most.
Honestly, the question and the choices for the question are kind of confusing though.

Stereotype I dislike: Americans=blond and "open minded" eg "overly friendly" greetings if you know what I mean.'s annoying when I read about it.

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his and her sonnet

1:31 am, Jun 2 2012
Posts: 1127

voted for "The shy, innocent, and cute character" they annoy me to no ends

Post #554124
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A talking rock

1:43 am, Jun 2 2012
Posts: 383

Honestly, the one that I find most disturbing is the main character's possible love interest who end up hitting the mc for stupid reason for every chapter. This case is usually found in moe-centered-harem manga, with Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu as a perfect example.Its not a problem if the mangaka able to deliver it nicely tough.

Ah, one more- the gossiping troops.

Post #554130
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2:07 am, Jun 2 2012
Posts: 344

That's why I need "I don't care" option since if the mangaka decided to write that kind of character then that's it, I'll accept it mmm...

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Post #554131 - Reply to (#554117) by mysstris
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2:11 am, Jun 2 2012
Posts: 380

Quote from mysstris
Stereotype I dislike: Americans=blond and "open minded" eg "overly friendly" greetings if you know what I mean

Yep, that's a good one. A character gets nearly assaulted and he/she says "No, it's normal. That's how they say hi! in the USA/Europe." lolwut?

Last edited by Pebble_ at 1:27 pm, Jun 2 2012

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Post #554132
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Is a female

2:12 am, Jun 2 2012
Posts: 3457

This one is hard, but I went for the flowery dazzling character in the end. Especially the male ones. No no no no no.

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2:28 am, Jun 2 2012
Posts: 23

That last choice isn't even fair. It's like putting your grandma next to Elly Tran Ha and Lyna Tran (google image them, you'll thank me) and being asked which you find the least attractive. The choice is obvious. So instead of that one, I chose the shy character, but the flowery one can also really annoy me.

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Mad With a Hat

2:48 am, Jun 2 2012
Posts: 4764

The one who "suddenly acquires skills/powers and becomes the best in that field".
I just hate these characters so much.
They basically have opportunities fall into their lame, undeserving laps.

I'll vote "the perfect character" since perfection annoys me the most.

lol so much anger...

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3:10 am, Jun 2 2012
Posts: 448

I voted the evil and sly rival. I always find those types so annoying. Its like they are hateful just because.

The dumb guy who always gets the girl scored high.. laugh Tbh I like some dumb male characters. Like Tamaki from Ouran High School Host Club. They make me laugh. This is one of my favorite scenes. I rather have these types get the girl.

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Smiling Bastard

6:08 am, Jun 2 2012
Posts: 13

Dang, if you're a normal guy (or a big bro, probably) obviously you will pick the last one (Dumb guy who gets the girl). In my case, if my little sister has one like that, I will immediately kick his a*s out from my house.

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A Person

7:51 am, Jun 2 2012
Posts: 2126

The one I hate the most isn't on here- the idiotic and completely childish shojo lead who believes that to make her life worthwhile she has to have a boyfriend.

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