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Why do you hide your manga list and why?

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Yours Truly,

8:35 pm, Dec 10 2008
Posts: 2050

I don't hide mine..but I'm really shocked to find out that most of the mangas in my list are shoujo mangas O___o;;;

I never really noticed that I read too much shoujo
(considering that I'm very much an Anti-shoujo-loveydovey-Cutesy-LOLOLOLOLLAMEshoujoisLOL-p erson)
...i guess the reading list doesn't really accurately tell about anyone's reading preference.

but yea, it does help in keeping track with mangas and letting other members to knoe what you have read when you're looking for some manga titles in "I'm looking for thread"..

Last edited by Hermit-chan at 8:42 pm, Dec 10 2008

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The Hidden Agenda=Gol.D.Ace

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8:44 pm, Dec 10 2008
Posts: 884

I only hide my wish/unfinished/on hold lists cuz then it accuratly shows what my top three genres are. And if I showed my wish list yaoi wouldn't be the top one 8D

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Local Prig

8:45 pm, Dec 10 2008
Posts: 1899

I hide my on hold / dropped lists because a series being on that list is somewhat offensive to its fans. Sort of a courtesy thing. I'm so abrasive about taste most of the time anyway, that I have to be nice somehow laugh

Though I have been clearing out my reading list of late, since I'm beginning not to have the time to read all the series I want to. Have to prioritize, and the organization is handy...[/slightly offtopic rant.]

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9:14 pm, Dec 10 2008
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I'm guessing people hide their lists more out of habit than anything else. Same reason they hide their gender, birthday and any other personal info from the internet. In my case though, I'm just plain paranoid.

It may seem silly but the idea some bastard would use info as trivial as manga lists against you someday really is in the back of a lot of people's minds. One day you mark a few hentai, yaoi or yuri in your list and the next thing you know, the police busts down your door, confiscates your PC and tosses your ass in a holding cell. Thank goodness I don't live in Iowa.

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Demented Octopus

9:17 pm, Dec 10 2008
Posts: 737

I only hide my wish list. I don't really know why exactly, it's just titles that look like they might be good if they were being scanslated. I guess it's because I don't know enough about the titles to publicly support them.

I don't hide my other lists because I don't care if people see them, and I want people to see them when I make I'm looking for... threads.

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9:40 pm, Dec 10 2008
Posts: 1034

i dont hide mine, it's too helpful to be able to keep track of what i've read thats the whole point of the site right?, specially if i need help finding something to read.....

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10:26 pm, Dec 10 2008
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Never made a list. And if I did it would take me quite awhile to do it if I were to add all the manga I've read. If someone really wants to know what manga I've read or am reading, they can just ask.

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10:29 pm, Dec 10 2008
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I use to hide it, 'cause it's long and a bit embarassing? Like I read too much manga.
But well, I unhid it. And left it public for a few months already.

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Lowly Member

10:27 am, Dec 23 2008
Posts: 3888

Mine are public.

People hide their lists because:
-They don't want people to know they read hentai
-They don't want people to know they read yuri/yaoi
-They're hiding the fact that they are pedo's who love shota and loli


Just kidding(Though it's highly possible that my theories are true! embarrassed )

bigrazz biggrin

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Post #240528 - Reply to (#240242) by StarlightDreams
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Yours Truly,

12:08 pm, Dec 24 2008
Posts: 2050

Quote from StarlightDreams
Mine are public.

People hide their lists because:
-They don't want people to know they read hentai
-They don't want people to know they read yuri/yaoi
-They're hiding the fact that they are pedo's who love shota and loli


Just kidding(Though it's highly possible that my theories are true! embarrassed )

bigrazz biggrin

Oh lolololol!!1
laugh laugh

My wish list has some hentais in it but Shoujo dominated ALL!

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The Hidden Agenda=Gol.D.Ace

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Black Angel

12:47 pm, Dec 24 2008
Posts: 336

I don´t hide my list
I read what I want and even if i read hentai or elese i dont have to list them if I dont want to know from someone (to be honest i only read one hentai laugh )
I am more into Yuri biggrin
But most of my list is shonen around 65%

Last edited by DarkBlade at 12:53 pm, Dec 24 2008

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Post #240540 - Reply to (#236695) by alexpwnsjoo
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1:22 pm, Dec 24 2008
Posts: 2342

Quote from alexpwnsjoo
I only hide my wish/unfinished/on hold lists cuz then it accuratly shows what my top three genres are. And if I showed my wish list yaoi wouldn't be the top one 8D

I just tried that and my top three didn't really change.

cry Why is comedy my number one?

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2:04 pm, Dec 24 2008
Posts: 105

i hide my 'cos im slightly paranoid that my family is going to have a look what im readin and my friends. Because my list is full of yaoi and i think just 1/4 is something else (shounen, shoujo..)
That's why i keep it hidden biggrin

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Madame Red

2:42 pm, Dec 24 2008
Posts: 2172

i only hide my unfinished and on hold lists because they don't really show what i like. though i think only my reading list shows the stuff i really like.

Post #240555
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2:51 pm, Dec 24 2008
Posts: 14

StarlightDreams theories are definitly right. I myself don't see a reason to hide my mangalist.

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