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Why do you hide your manga list and why?

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6:29 pm, Jan 19 2009
Posts: 150

I've been to lazy to make it public....*should do it now*
Gender-wise, for privacy's sake.

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Post #250048 - Reply to (#249897) by Liria
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7:53 pm, Jan 19 2009
Posts: 513

Quote from Liria
Quote from kiddo
i hid my wish list to save people from headaches since i have 345 series, but i opened it. my other lists were already open. i don't get why you'd want to see what i've read if i don't ask for reccomendations. you can get enough info about me through my posts. and viewing my wish list is even more pointless.

anyways, all's open for you to pick at, if anyone does this.

While your wish list might not be useful, if I happen to find someone who seems to have similar taste as me, looking at the things they've completed (and rated) or recommend, etc. (especially now that custom lists are available) can be handy.

hmmm yes, the customizing IS very handy! biggrin i guess i wrote the question incorrectly. i meant for it to deal with why the OP wanted to know why people hid their lists, but it turned into something else. there's not much to guess about, unless a lot of people think like Sagaris... smile
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it makes me feel mysterious, sorta like batman or a ninja...

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7:10 am, Jan 20 2009
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Dont hide mine's...But I doubt anyone would venture into so much Romance laugh esp my kind is mixed...

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Post #250433
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10:14 pm, Jan 20 2009
Posts: 51

I don't hide my lists (except my on hold list) and even my gender bigrazz
Yeah, first it's full of shoujo and now it's dominated by yaoi, whatever... smile wink grin

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Post #250506
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4:16 am, Jan 21 2009
Posts: 822

I'm keeping a list pretty much to keep on track of what I'm reading. I think they're public though. But I'm missing so many mangas from the list, so I'm adding them little by little.

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5:14 pm, May 6 2009
Posts: 245

I don't really hide my lists. I recommend manga a lot on other sites and it's easier to link people to the lists. The ones that are hidden are the ones that I don't think will help others.

And I'm not worried about stalkers so up goes my gender. Female. rawr.

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Housecat Incognito

5:19 pm, May 6 2009
Posts: 314

Because mine is embarrassingly short because I don't update it XD

Seriously someday I'm gonna do it though...

Post #285353 - Reply to (#285350) by sefinalishehalif
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5:19 pm, May 6 2009
Posts: 123

I don't have any lists.

Quote from sefinalishehalif
And I'm not worried about stalkers so up goes my gender. Female. rawr.

I'm so going to stalk you now.

Post #285354

5:21 pm, May 6 2009
Posts: 1762

Most of my lists are public, a few are private. Those are the ones that I don't see a point in sharing, nothing of too great an interest on them.

My gender is public as well, although one could probably tell from most of my posts that I'm female.

Post #285356 - Reply to (#249197) by Sagaris
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5:37 pm, May 6 2009
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Quote from Sagaris
it makes me feel mysterious, sorta like batman or a ninja...

Pretty much this.

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5:42 pm, May 6 2009
Posts: 830

I don't. I only hide the wish list and unfinished lists. Mainly because I don't want them interfering with my stats as unfinished manga are ones I didn't like and I have so many on my wish list it's a gurantee I won't like them all.

I don't hide my gender either, just my birthday for security reasons. But age, gender, location etc are open for anyone who cares enough.

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6:45 pm, May 6 2009
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I just don't see any reason to make it public.

Post #285370 - Reply to (#285369) by razornoir
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6:49 pm, May 6 2009
Posts: 3120

Quote from razornoir
I just don't see any reason to make it public.

it makes recommendations far easier as then people can see what you've read and what you're planning to read so they won't repeat those series

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6:51 pm, May 6 2009
Posts: 75

For me it's not a conscious decision to hide it. It's rather a matter of being lazy I think. I've got my completed manga made public but as for the reading and wish lists I see no use in publishing them. The series I've got there will show up on the completed list when they're completed so to say.

As for my gender I don't hide it. Would be pretty silly considering my nickname here on MU, I think smile. I only hide my birthday (not age though) because I don't feel that's important information.

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Post #285417
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I am the Devil

9:30 pm, May 6 2009
Posts: 2081

all my lists are public although i am embarrassed by the amount of stuff i am not up to date with

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