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Why do you hide your manga list and why?

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Post #249197
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1:41 pm, Jan 17 2009
Posts: 3120

it makes me feel mysterious, sorta like batman or a ninja...

Last edited by Sagaris at 2:13 pm, Jan 17 2009

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1:42 pm, Jan 17 2009
Posts: 15

I don't really understand what's embarrassing about it? Even if you read hentai, I don't see what's so horrible about that. Different people enjoy reading different things. I don't judge someone based on what they read, and I think people who do judge are shallow.

Though I understand why some people don't have their lists public. Some people are lazy and just haven't changed the default options, others don't know how/that you can.

Personally, I keep my lists public. At least everything except Wishlist, I think, simply because I haven't bothered to mark that one viewable to the public. Not because I care if people see.

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Post #249201
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1:59 pm, Jan 17 2009
Posts: 103

Maybe because people have their guilty pleasures, and it wouldn't be as pleasurable if everyone knew about it? confused

Last edited by kaeleer at 2:11 pm, Jan 17 2009

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2:01 pm, Jan 17 2009
Posts: 87

My lists are public. How else would I show off I've read too much manga? I'm not ashamed about all the yaoi either. :3 *shrugs* I'm female and over 18.

Post #249205
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2:10 pm, Jan 17 2009
Posts: 596

It was public before but when some site changes were implemented it turned private...I never bothered changing it back again...

I discovered this feature only this summer. I never made use of it until one day I actually decided to put something in the lists...After an hour I gave up. dead Too bothersome for me...I'm just randomly adding a manga or two every now and then but I don't really obsess over it.

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Post #249402 - Reply to (#105938) by CalĂ­bre
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9:28 am, Jan 18 2009
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Quote from Caliber
Quote from AuraBlaze
Just wondering why people hide their manga list and why?

Why I hide my list and why?
Your asking me the same question twice...

I think she means "Do you hide your manga list? If so, why?"

For me, I like to read Fullmetal Alchemist doujinshis, of which most of them are yaoi, and I'm not really reading it for the yaoi, and I don't want it to say on my profile "Juliab's favorite genre is yaoi"... I guess that's kind of a silly reason bigrazz

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7:09 pm, Jan 18 2009
Posts: 14

Well, I don't hide my manga nor my anime. What I do hide is my real identity online smile

Fu fu fu.

It is because of my line of work, if people were to learn that I read manga or watch anime, I would lose a lot of face/reputation. And for me my face/reputation means everything T_T

Sad but I need the money to keep on feeding myself and living, if you know what I mean.

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Post #249698 - Reply to (#249689) by Ararara-ra
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7:30 pm, Jan 18 2009
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Quote from Ararara-ra
Well, I don't hide my manga nor my anime. What I do hide is my real identity online smile

Fu fu fu.

It is because of my line of work, if people were to learn that I read manga or watch anime, I would lose a lot of face/reputation. And for me my face/reputation means everything T_T

Sad but I need the money to keep on feeding myself and living, if you know what I mean.

I really want to know what you do for a living now. none

Post #249725 - Reply to (#249698) by KennEH!
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8:17 pm, Jan 18 2009
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Quote from KennEH!
I really want to know what you do for a living now. none

Um... I will say only this much... I teach for a living.


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Post #249862 - Reply to (#249725) by Ararara-ra
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9:11 am, Jan 19 2009
Posts: 2342

Quote from Ararara-ra
Quote from KennEH!
I really want to know what you do for a living now. none

Um... I will say only this much... I teach for a living.


Yea hiding your real name is a good idea.

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The Coolest

9:26 am, Jan 19 2009
Posts: 891

i dont hide my list...theres no point to it

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Post #249876
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10:14 am, Jan 19 2009
Posts: 513

i hid my wish list to save people from headaches since i have 345 series, but i opened it. my other lists were already open. i don't get why you'd want to see what i've read if i don't ask for reccomendations. you can get enough info about me through my posts. and viewing my wish list is even more pointless.

anyways, all's open for you to pick at, if anyone does this.

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10:29 am, Jan 19 2009
Posts: 1737

i don't really see any point in hiding lists.....
but as for gender, it's just for privacy reasons.

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Post #249885
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The Gorilla King

11:27 am, Jan 19 2009
Posts: 1117

privacy reasons, of course, just like many have stated above ^_^;
doesn't this topic sound old, i can't help but remember another topic talking about the same subject~ :|

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Post #249897 - Reply to (#249876) by kiddo
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12:21 pm, Jan 19 2009
Posts: 1619

Quote from kiddo
i hid my wish list to save people from headaches since i have 345 series, but i opened it. my other lists were already open. i don't get why you'd want to see what i've read if i don't ask for reccomendations. you can get enough info about me through my posts. and viewing my wish list is even more pointless.

anyways, all's open for you to pick at, if anyone does this.

While your wish list might not be useful, if I happen to find someone who seems to have similar taste as me, looking at the things they've completed (and rated) or recommend, etc. (especially now that custom lists are available) can be handy.

I thought about keeping them hidden so that people who didn't want to run across Yaoi or Hentai could avoid it, but now that you can separate out into custom lists, I don't see any need if you name the list appropriately. I thought about hiding for privacy reasons too, but given some of the topics I've posted and posted in, that's rather pointless. =)

If you've ever thought or said "Nice Guys finish last" and really meant it, then you should probably read this LJ post by DivaLion. It's incredibly insightful whether you're male or female.

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