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Post #770120 - Reply to (#770117) by zarlan
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1:44 pm, Jun 30 2019
Posts: 1143

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Quote from zarlan
I get the impression that the distinction between gender identity and physical sex (and how it is the gender identity, and gender identity alone, that determines whether someone is a man or a woman. Not their body), doesn't particularly seem to be one that most people in Japan, even among the LGBT+ community, seem to fully get. I like Japan, but they sure do seem to be significantly behind, on social issues (actually a whole bunch of things, but probably more so on social issues)

Let me see if I'm understanding this right. Japan is "behind on social issues" because they don't accept people being "officially" classified as female when they are biologically male?

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Post #770130 - Reply to (#770091) by hkanz

7:01 am, Jul 1 2019
Posts: 381

A scanlator/someone with more knowledge about Japanese could clarify this, but I believe the issue is that in Japanese a name can be introduced in a first sentence and following sentences can be written without names/pronouns, but English requires that name or pronoun...

You're not wrong, but even then, the subject will often be reiterated sometimes. Like, it may go three or four sentences like that, but afterwards there might be another sentence that either says "Yukari sometimes plays soccer on Saturdays" or "That person (ano hito) sometimes plays soccer on Saturdays". It wouldn't need to shift to he/she (kare/kanojo) if the author's intent is to leave it ambiguous.


7:06 am, Jul 1 2019
Posts: 381

They/them is increasingly being accepted as a singular pronoun.

So it seems obvious to me that it's the best choice.

The number of people choosing "he/him" is frankly embarrassing.

"It" is actually fine with me; some people would find it offensive but in a manga, the person to be offended isn't real so who gives a fuck.

With that said, I'd prefer to follow the Japanese and just overuse the name and the phrase "that person".

Post #770133 - Reply to (#770120) by Transdude1996

7:50 am, Jul 1 2019
Posts: 439

Quote from Transdude1996
Let me see if I'm understanding this right. Japan is "behind on social issues" because they don't accept people being "officially" classified as female when they are biologically male?

I was talking about what the people understand and accept.
Not the official/legal situation.
...but yes:
Refusing to accept that someone with a female gender identity is a woman (be it officially or any other way), is being behind on social issues.
(mind you, when it comes to toilets, changing rooms, showers, and/or ladies/women's categories in sports, I don't really see how gender identity has any kind of relevance, whatsoever. Those differentiations have always been strictly based on physical sex ...and the only reasons and justifications for them, are about physical sex. Not gender)

Last edited by zarlan at 8:01 am, Jul 1 2019

Post #770134 - Reply to (#770131) by HikaruYami

8:00 am, Jul 1 2019
Posts: 439

Quote from HikaruYami
They/them is increasingly being accepted as a singular pronoun.

So it seems obvious to me that it's the best choice.

How is destroying an existing word, the best choice?
I'd be fine with the creation of a new word ...or possibly making "it", not be non-human.
...but using "they", means that "they" becomes a far more vague and very confusing term.
but in a manga, the person to be offended isn't real so who gives a fuck.

Except that saying "it" about a character, due to them being a member of a group, means that you think one should say "it" about people, who are members of that group.
...meaning that it offends everyone who is like that!
Not just a fictional character.

Post #770135 - Reply to (#770131) by HikaruYami
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9:35 am, Jul 1 2019
Posts: 1143

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Quote from HikaruYami
They/them is increasingly being accepted as a singular pronoun.

Quote from zarlan
How is destroying an existing word, the best choice?
I'd be fine with the creation of a new word ...or possibly making "it", not be non-human.
...but using "they", means that "they" becomes a far more vague and very confusing term.

You can thank the homosexual/tranny/LGBBQ+ community for the butchering of the English language, while also trying to force stuff like "x(h)e" and "z(h)e" to become a thing (Sort of like how furries used to push for "(s)hi" and "hi(r)" several years back). NO, wait, my mistake, they aren't pushing for it, they're just straight up doing it, consequences be damned (Yes, it is legit, I have even seen the poster myself). Also, you should see what they're doing to other languages, like German.

EDIT: Just remembered that "womxn" is a thing now too. Just saw it used in a local paper.

Quote from zarlan
Refusing to accept that someone with a female gender identity is a woman (be it officially or any other way), is being behind on social issues.

Well, then you should be pleased to know Japan ISN'T behind on social issues because they've had a law, for the past 15 years, that allows citizens to have their sexual identity changed on official transcripts.

Quote from zarlan
(mind you, when it comes to toilets, changing rooms, showers, and/or ladies/women's categories in sports, I don't really see how gender identity has any kind of relevance, whatsoever. Those differentiations have always been strictly based on physical sex ...and the only reasons and justifications for them, are about physical sex. Not gender)

Gender doesn't apply to people. It's just the "sexuality" of nonexistence and nonbiological things, such as masculine/feminine/neutral langauge. Now, if you're trying to go with the "new" definition of the word that sprouted back in the 1950s, where it's saying that you "psychological" sex is different from you're biological sex, then you should know that THAT definition came from a mad scientist, who tortured a pair of twin boys, which resulted in both of committing suicide, and declared the entire thing success (Despite everything else coming out and stating otherwise, and the experiment itself being an absolute failure).

Quote from zarlan
but in a manga, the person to be offended isn't real so who gives a fuck.

Except that saying "it" about a character, due to them being a member of a group, means that you think one should say "it" about people, who are members of that group.
...meaning that it offends everyone who is like that!
Not just a fictional character.

The character is not real, it shouldn't matter. If you're offended by the work, then either don't read it or grow some thicker skin.

Last edited by Transdude1996 at 10:48 am, Jul 1 2019

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Post #770136 - Reply to (#770135) by Transdude1996

11:03 am, Jul 1 2019
Posts: 439

Quote from Transdude1996
You can thank the homosexual/tranny/LGBBQ+

You use the term "tranny"? Thank you for making it clear, that you're a transphobe.
/.../for the butchering of the English language, while also trying to force stuff like "x(h)e" and "z(h)e" to become a thing

I don't like those pronouns, but it's at least trying to make a new term (just not even trying to make them sound anything near sensible. Using z? Seriously [AFAIK, no one has proposed anything with x in it, however]), rather than butcher old ones.
Also, you should see what they're doing to other languages, like German.

You're linking to a, clearly insincere and unserious statement (utterly bereft of facts) made by a member of a far-right racist party (and racists have a tendency to also be transphobes, misogynists, and just generally bigoted, in various ways)
Well, then you should be pleased to know Japan ISN'T behind on social issues because they've had a law, for the past 15 years, that allows citizens to have their sexual identity changed on official transcripts.

No, because first of all I was talking about peoples attitudes. Not the laws.
...and also, it only applies to people who have gone through sex change surgery, and not any trans people who haven't done so. Basically saying that the person was a man, but then became a woman (or vice versa). That physical sex, rather than gender identity, determines if you are a man or woman
...which is the exact problem, that I accused most Japanese of being guilty of.

Also, as even the article you yourself linked to points out, the law is discriminatory, as it has a mandatory requirement of sterilization. (to be fair, many other countries have similar laws, but still...)
Gender doesn't apply to people

Yeah... that statement and everything that followed, was just lies and misinformation.
There is tons of science proving this.
Not just one single study. A single study doesn't prove shit, by itself.
Especially not that particular study, which is not accepted as valid science by anyone.
The character is not real

My whole point was that the people who share the relevant characteristic(s) of the character, are real! (...except you don't believe that.)
How you could miss that, I do not understand.
...but then again, I've noticed that bigots tend not to be very bright...

I must say, I expected to maybe see some ignorant comments, but...
The kind of open hate and bigotry, in your comment...
Is this even allowed, on the forum?

Edit: No womxn isn't a thing. Some person/group tried to make it a thing, but to say that it hasn't caught on, is a bit of an understatement.

Post #770138 - Reply to (#770136) by zarlan
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12:26 pm, Jul 1 2019
Posts: 1143

Warn: Banned

Quote from zarlan
Quote from Transdude1996
You can thank the homosexual/tranny/LGBBQ+

You use the term "tranny"? Thank you for making it clear, that you're a transphobe.

I've been using the term tranny for as long as I can remember looking up porn. It was the only way I could find some good futa hentai before I stumbled upon Sadpanda.
Spoiler (mouse over to view)
And, as for all the 3D stuff, I found it disgusting.

Quote from zarlan
/.../for the butchering of the English language, while also trying to force stuff like "x(h)e" and "z(h)e" to become a thing

I don't like those pronouns, but it's at least trying to make a new term (just not even trying to make them sound anything near sensible. Using z? Seriously [AFAIK, no one has proposed anything with x in it, however]), rather than butcher old ones.

You're born as male or female. There's nothing you can do to change that, unless you consider genetic modification which is it's own can of worms. Besides, what's wrong with being born as a guy or a girl?

Quote from zarlan

Of what variety? The "all women are inferior" kind (Which no one actually talks to and is more of a boogeyman than anything else) or the "there are biological differences between men and women" kind (Which does have science to back it, but doesn't mean much in general unless you're pushing the very peak of human performance)?

Quote from zarlan
Well, then you should be pleased to know Japan ISN'T behind on social issues because they've had a law, for the past 15 years, that allows citizens to have their sexual identity changed on official transcripts.

No, because first of all I was talking about peoples attitudes. Not the laws.

Then you should GIVE UP AND GO HOME because you're never gojng to be able to dictate how every inidividual person views any and all matters.

Quote from zarlan
...and also, it only applies to people who have gone through sex change surgery, and not any trans people who haven't done so. Basically saying that the person was a man, but then became a woman (or vice versa). That physical sex, rather than gender identity, determines if you are a man or woman
...which is the exact problem, that I accused most Japanese of being guilty of.

Also, as even the article you yourself linked to points out, the law is discriminatory, as it has a mandatory requirement of sterilization. (to be fair, many other countries have similar laws, but still...)

If you want to official be recognized as a woman, then why do you need masculine genitals, and visa-versa? The only "trans" people who can get away with being recognized as the opposite sex without any surgery are traps or less-endowed women because they actually put some work into making themselves look like the opposite sex (Though, it's much harder for a guy to dress as a girl than for a girl to dress as a guy). However, even then, I still hear about how majority of transvesites still consider themselves straight as an arrow, and only dress up as a part of a fetish.

Quote from zarlan
Gender doesn't apply to people

Yeah... that statement and everything that followed, was just lies and misinformation.
There is tons of science proving this.
Not just one single study. A single study doesn't prove shit, by itself.
Especially not that particular study, which is not accepted as valid science by anyone.

That entire study is the FOUNDATION of the modern tranny community.

Quote from zarlan
The character is not real

My whole point was that the people who share the relevant characteristic(s) of the character, are real! (...except you don't believe that.)
How you could miss that, I do not understand.
...but then again, I've noticed that bigots tend not to be very bright...

No, it's just that I don't tend care when people say offensive things about me because they're either (A) true and I laugh along with them or, (B) false and I laugh along with them or just ignore it because I know it's not true. Besides, a lot of the stuff that goes out of it's way to purposely hurt people tends to be of poor taste in the first place.

Quote from zarlan
I must say, I expected to maybe see some ignorant comments, but...
The kind of open hate and bigotry, in your comment...
Is this even allowed, on the forum?

Are you sure this is bigotry and not just a statement of facts and/or opinions that do not align and come into conflict with your own?

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Post #770146 - Reply to (#770138) by Transdude1996

6:11 pm, Jul 1 2019
Posts: 439

Quote from Transdude1996
You're born as male or female.

Yes, but whether you are born as a male or female, isn't determined by your genitalia.
unless you consider genetic modification

That wouldn't, and couldn't, change a persons gender ...or sex, either, for that matter.
Not in any way, shape, or form.
It would appear that you don't really know what genetics is (as well as not really having a clue about gender ...or sex, either, for that matter)
Of what variety?

The variety that sees and/or treats females as inferior ...which exists aplenty.
you're never gojng to be able to dictate how every inidividual person views any and all matters.

You have to be able to change every single individual on Earth's view, on a matter, or it's pointless?
I appreciate that you do your best, to be so clear about the fact that you are being utterly disingenuous.
No one, trying to have an honest discussion, would argue like that.
The only "trans" people who can get away with being recognized as the opposite sex

It's not about being taken as a cisgendered person of that sex. It's about being accepted as being the gender that corresponds with your gender identity.

As for transvestites...
They dress up as the opposite gender, but they don't think of themselves as being that gender. If they did, they wouldn't be transvestites, they'd be transexuals.
...and no, it's not a fetish.
How about you look up information, from proper sources, rather than just porn? ...and racists?
That entire study is the FOUNDATION of the modern tranny community.

...says you.
Also, the fact that his (deeply immoral) experiment failed, is only further evidence that gender identity is something you're born with, rather than something that is determined by your physical sex or how you're brought up. His views, and those of the trans community, couldn't possibly be more at odds.
No, it's just that I don't tend care when people say offensive things about me

We're not talking about you, so that claim is completely irrelevant.
Are you sure this is bigotry and not just a statement of facts and/or opinions that do not align and come into conflict with your own?

You insist on intentionally and knowingly use an offensive slur, you cite known racists, you mention "facts" that are clear lies (debunked, countless times), you use dishonest tactics...
There is no question about it.

Post #770147 - Reply to (#770146) by zarlan
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8:08 pm, Jul 1 2019
Posts: 1143

Warn: Banned

Quote from zarlan
Quote from Transdude1996
You're born as male or female.

Yes, but whether you are born as a male or female, isn't determined by your genitalia.
unless you consider genetic modification

That wouldn't, and couldn't, change a persons gender ...or sex, either, for that matter.
Not in any way, shape, or form.
It would appear that you don't really know what genetics is (as well as not really having a clue about gender ...or sex, either, for that matter)

I noticed that you avoided one of the questions that seems a little crucial to the argument, so I'll ask it again: what is wrong with being born as a guy or a girl?

Quote from zarlan
Of what variety?

The variety that sees and/or treats females as inferior ...which exists aplenty.

You didn't answer the question. Women are inferior when it comes to physical aspects such as strength and speed and stress limits, but they are superior when it comes to other physical aspects such as flexibility and agility and endurance. So, again, what variety of "misogynists" are they?

Quote from zarlan
you're never gojng to be able to dictate how every inidividual person views any and all matters.

You have to be able to change every single individual on Earth's view, on a matter, or it's pointless?
I appreciate that you do your best, to be so clear about the fact that you are being utterly disingenuous.
No one, trying to have an honest discussion, would argue like that.

You were the one who dismissed the existence of a law that a country has just because:
Quote from zarlan
first of all I was talking about peoples attitudes. Not the laws.

Quote from zarlan
It's not about being taken as a cisgendered person of that sex. It's about being accepted as being the gender that corresponds with your gender identity.

Why do you even NEED a "gender identity"? What is wrong with being born as a guy or a girl?

Quote from zarlan
As for transvestites...
They dress up as the opposite gender, but they don't think of themselves as being that gender. If they did, they wouldn't be transvestites, they'd be transexuals.

No, they're still transvestites.

Quote from zarlan
...and no, it's not a fetish.
How about you look up information, from proper sources, rather than just porn?
Men who practice this behavior are often sexually aroused by wearing female garments which may include bras, panties, corsets, slips, girdles, stockings, shoes and even jewelry. These individuals will often masturbate while wearing clothing or may get aroused from just fondling the items.

Sounds like a fetish to me.

Quote from zarlan
...and racists?

At what point did race even enter the discussion?

Quote from zarlan
That entire study is the FOUNDATION of the modern tranny community.

...says you.
Also, the fact that his (deeply immoral) experiment failed, is only further evidence that gender identity is something you're born with, rather than something that is determined by your physical sex or how you're brought up.

But, his experiment did demonstrate that your "psychological" sex is the same as your physical sex. Again, I ask, WHAT IS WRONG WITH BEING BORN AS A GUY OR A GIRL?

Quote from zarlan
No, it's just that I don't tend care when people say offensive things about me

We're not talking about you,

Previously said:
Quote from zarlan
How you could miss that, I do not understand.
...but then again, I've noticed that bigots tend not to be very bright...

Quote from zarlan
Are you sure this is bigotry and not just a statement of facts and/or opinions that do not align and come into conflict with your own?

You insist on intentionally and knowingly use an offensive slur,

Using words to find porn is now offensive?

Quote from zarlan
you cite known racists, you mention "facts" that are clear lies (debunked, countless times), you use dishonest tactics...
There is no question about it.

NBC, Arizona State University, PBS, The New York Times, Wikipedia, and Bustle are racist and dishonest sources that tell clear lies? According to other users here, at least one of those sources is "credible".

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Seinen is RIGHT

4:13 am, Jul 2 2019
Posts: 2410

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Every single time. Jesus Christ. Get a room you two.

I also read EU/US comics and am a librarian.
Manga-Masters, My ANN-Lists + Imdb
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Post #770165 - Reply to (#770147) by Transdude1996

10:31 am, Jul 2 2019
Posts: 439

Quote from Transdude1996
I'll ask it again: what is wrong with being born as a guy or a girl?

That question is irrelevant.
You didn't answer the question.

Yes I did.
I wasn't talking about physicality.
You were the one who dismissed the existence of a law that a country has just because:

Why do you even NEED a "gender identity"?

You have one.
"Need" has no relevance.
No, they're still transvestites.

Then your definition of "transvestite", conflicts with that of...
Well, the English language.

That's your idea of a proper source?
At what point did race even enter the discussion?

When you cited a know racist, as one of your sources.
But, his experiment did demonstrate that your "psychological" sex is the same as your physical sex.

He changed the boys physical sex, to prove that he could be made into a girl. He didn't.
As such, his experiment failed.
Also, one person born with a penis, turned out to have a male gender identity (as is the case, in the majority of cases), does nothing to prove that there aren't people born with a penis, who are born with a female gender identity.
Using words to find porn is now offensive?

Your words here, are not used to find porn.
NBC, Arizona State University, PBS, The New York Times, Wikipedia, and Bustle are racist and dishonest sources that tell clear lies?

Those aren't your sources.
Not to mention that the sources you actually do cite, generally don't support what you are citing them to say.
The actual sources, for your ideas, however... the type that actually do say the things you claim...

Post #770166 - Reply to (#770155) by residentgrigo

10:32 am, Jul 2 2019
Posts: 439

Quote from residentgrigo
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Every single time. Jesus Christ. Get a room you two.

Every single time?
I don't remember ever having had a discussion with that guy ...or ever having seen him, ever before.

Post #770169 - Reply to (#770165) by zarlan
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11:05 am, Jul 2 2019
Posts: 1143

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Quote from zarlan
Quote from Transdude1996
I'll ask it again: what is wrong with being born as a guy or a girl?

That question is irrelevant.

Why are you refusing to answer it? This is THE point that possibly justifies your side of the discussion and gives a reason for why ALL OF THIS is a debatable topic. WHAT IS WRONG WITH BEING BORN AS A GUY OR A GIRL?

Quote from zarlan
NBC, Arizona State University, PBS, The New York Times, Wikipedia, and Bustle are racist and dishonest sources that tell clear lies?

Those aren't your sources.

The New York Times:
Arizona State University:

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Post #770173 - Reply to (#770169) by Transdude1996

9:06 pm, Jul 2 2019
Posts: 439

Quote from Transdude1996
Why are you refusing to answer it?

As I've said: It's completely irrelevant.
...and we both agree that people are born as a guy or a girl, anyway, (well, aside from non-binary people) just that you argue it's all about physical sex, whilst I (along with the science) say it's about the gender identity in the brain.
This is THE point that possibly justifies your side of the discussion

and gives a reason for why ALL OF THIS is a debatable topic.


As for the sources:
You had not cited those before, so, as I said, those were not your sources
...and they are all irrelevant and/or conflict with your arguments/position, at any rate.

Besides which, newspapers are far from good enough, for these things. Science journalism tends to be abysmal. Also: how is a women's magazine, a proper source? ...or anything other than a horrid abomination? (particularly for women, ironically)

Now stop with the dishonest crap, or I'm not going to bother wasting any more of my time with you ...and I've probably been far too patient with you, already.

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