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New Poll - Unknown Gender Pronouns

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Post #770174 - Reply to (#770173) by zarlan
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11:23 pm, Jul 2 2019
Posts: 1143

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Quote from zarlan
Quote from Transdude1996
Why are you refusing to answer it?

As I've said: It's completely irrelevant.
...and we both agree that people are born as a guy or a girl, anyway, (well, aside from non-binary people) just that you argue it's all about physical sex,

Are you trying tell me that people born as a girl, or the people born as a guy, are completely inferior in some way, which is the reason why you refuse to answer the question?

Quote from zarlan
whilst I (along with the science) say it's about the gender identity in the brain.

Your "science" tortured infants to the point they were severely traumatized for life, ostracized from all of society, resulted in them making multiple suicide attempts in the years following (With both eventually succeeding), and has effected the lives of hundreds of thousands of people thanks to the publication of a bogus concept. And you want to push this shit further because "It's so sad, but he was onto something"? Any sane person wouldn't even imagine something so disgustingly inhumane.

Quote from zarlan
As for the sources:
You had not cited those before

Have you even clicked on ANY of the underlined texts in my posts? Those are hyperlinks.

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Post #770180
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7:41 am, Jul 3 2019
Posts: 402

This is a very interesting question, but a bad poll, as is customary -- all options given are wrong. 🙂 The answer I try to pick personally is "try to phrase in a way that wouldn't require pronouns".

This problem does come up rather often. But in most cases, it's a problem caused by English, which requires you to specify subjects or objects in order to sound natural. So while in terms of the story, the character's gender may be entirely immaterial, in English you have to settle on something.

Let's consider several possibilities related to manga, where most text is dialogue.
1) The gender is known to the speaker, but not known to the reader. In this case, using "it" or "they" is entirely retarded because people don't speak that way of those whose gender they know. Solution for the translator: read ahead to find out the actual gender, or if unwilling or unable, rephrase to avoid pronouns.
2) The gender is unknown to the speaker (provided you are able to tell): this one is easy. You can use "they" or "he" or "she" depending on what kind of social attitude you want to give the speaker. "It" is never an option when talking about people or anyone you need to anthropomorphize for the sake of the story.
3) The actual gender is supposed to surprise the reader later on, and you didn't/couldn't read ahead: you are screwed. Surprises like that are a bane in fan translation.

Out of my sense of paranoia about 3, I try to avoid pronouns as much as possible.

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2:20 pm, Jul 4 2019
Posts: 17

The poll is clearly missing the "Translate it in a way that pronouns are not used" option.

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7:09 pm, Jul 5 2019
Posts: 1143

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Just out of curiosity, what series have actually had to deal with this, and WHAT SERIES DO PEOPLE THINK ARRIVED TO THE BEST CONCLUSION ON HOW TO HANDLE IT?

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