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tricks daughter into believing shes a boy

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Door Mouse.

10:07 am, Nov 28 2009
Posts: 647

I think its a manga I read a while ago where the parents trick their daughter into believing shes a boy. So she ends up growing up as one.

I remember in it they rewrite a sex ed/book about puberty to answer questions she has about her body etc.

Feed your head.
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1:02 pm, Nov 28 2009
Posts: 116

Maybe this?

The Day of Revolution

Post #338326 - Reply to (#338217) by AnotherWish
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10:03 pm, Nov 28 2009
Posts: 6221

Quote from AnotherWish

I doubt it, since the parents also believed she was a boy, and there wasn't anything about a sex ed book.

Post #338328
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10:18 pm, Nov 28 2009
Posts: 1354

Sort of but not quite: Rose of Versailles and Princess Knight. Girls raised as boys, but they aren't lied to about being girls in the end.

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Door Mouse.

5:09 am, Nov 29 2009
Posts: 647

it might've been the other way around, a son tricked into believing he was a girl.

Feed your head.

5:24 am, Nov 29 2009
Posts: 85

Maybe it's Hen. At one point of the story it's said that the father of the protagonist made her believe she was a boy for quite some time when she was a child.

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Door Mouse.

6:54 am, Nov 29 2009
Posts: 647

yeah I think it might have been Hen. Now that I think about it, she did come up with a ridiculous story like that..

Feed your head.
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