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Is it Wrong to eat Pets?

Is it really wrong to eat animals people consider as pets?
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6:13 am, Mar 24 2010
Posts: 11

For one thing, do you mean animals kept as pets by anyone, or someone eating their pet? Dogs, cats, hamsters or any other "pet" animal can be, and are, raised as livestock. Any animal raised as livestock goes into the "okay" slot for me. But the amount of care and love that goes into raising an animal as a pet SHOULD preclude them from being eaten, except as a last resort (generally, just before asking who wants a still-fat-somehow human ham).

Post #365952
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6:19 am, Mar 24 2010
Posts: 3503

It varies on the viewpoint. If it's for survival, I don't see how it's wrong, if it's to hurt the pet's owner, show off how you eat pets or something like that, sure.

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Post #365958

6:53 am, Mar 24 2010
Posts: 82

It's just wrong to eat your own (or somebody's) pets. For me it's difference among cultures, nothing gross/disgusting/immoral. I understand how people love dogs, cats... and at the same time I also understand how somewhere else people eat them. What if somewhere on earth people keep pigs, chickens... as pets.

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6:58 am, Mar 24 2010
Posts: 79

To tell the truth, keeping pets is in itself cruel. I would hate to be locked up in a cage and given the same food everyday, so would animals. (I think.)

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7:05 am, Mar 24 2010
Posts: 479

Anything that taste good is ok to eat.

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7:09 am, Mar 24 2010
Posts: 6221

Dogs and cats aren't different from any other animal, including livestock.

Post #365970 - Reply to (#365962) by Nisseman
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7:37 am, Mar 24 2010
Posts: 617

Quote from Nisseman
Anything that taste good is ok to eat.


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7:53 am, Mar 24 2010
Posts: 707

When you say "animals people consider as pets" do you mean species of animals people generally consider pets, or specific individuals.... ?
Any animal is ok to eat... just as long as someone doesn't consider that individual animal their pet. Because that would be just mean. Otherwise there is no problem. I love cats, and would never eat one, but since I eat chickens I don't think there is a reason I can give not to eat them. Unless I went by the moral code of not eating the more intelligent animals. Cows and chickens are dumber than cats or dogs, so perhaps you could only eat the dumb ones? But for me again, that doesn't apply, because I eat octopus but they are smart.

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8:48 am, Mar 24 2010
Posts: 830

I'm a vegetarian so eating any animal is against my principals. I can accept those who eat an animal which has lived a normal life free to express natural behaviour and then kill it humanely for food and use the inedible part, like the skin, as a by-product. So I could also be for eating any animal. Except endangered species of course.

Now if we're talking eating someone's actual pet then that's always going to be wrong. Pets are members of the family.

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Post #365981

8:55 am, Mar 24 2010
Posts: 490

Eating something that is a pet then no. That's just wrong.

Eating something that people keep as pets, but this one isn't. That's fine.

What if somewhere on earth people keep pigs, chickens... as pets.

And on this. There are people who keep pigs and chickens as pets. I know people that do.

Post #365984 - Reply to (#365964) by blakraven66
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9:02 am, Mar 24 2010
Posts: 1901

Quote from blakraven66
Dogs and cats aren't different from any other animal, including livestock.

Its considerably different cuddling a cat or a dog than it is to cuddle a cow or a goat.

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9:19 am, Mar 24 2010
Posts: 574

This topic disturbs me....

I find it wrong to eat pets. All animals, really. "Wrong" is subjective.
But since I consider my pets part of my family...
Would I not eat my pet dogs and then eat a stray dog?

Hell no.

Not rabbits, either. Guinea pigs or even fish...

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Post #365991
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9:26 am, Mar 24 2010
Posts: 3457

Depends what the pet is.

I mean you could have a pet pig.
Can't be letting a good bit of pork be wasted there.

Domestic pets however, is a bit odd. I mean, eating something like a dog or a cat? :\ I don't really like the sound of that.

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0n3 Winged

10:16 am, Mar 24 2010
Posts: 603

This is about moral code isn't it? well ill be perfectly honest, I think moral codes that come with eating restrictions are just a way of controling our carniverous animalistic behaviour.

In actualy fact i dont draw the line at eating anything so long as the need and cause is right!
I even welcome CANABALISM if it be needed in the right situation laugh
morality is a way of controling sociaties babereties...but when it comes to food...if you can eat your pet dog for dinner and enjoy it then whats to stop you eating a stranger? just knowing they are the same race or is it murder? The reason why we don't eat people is mostly murder, then morality.

so would you eat a person if not for murder? Why not if your starving? Why draw the line at humans if we can eat pets, is it because of their lesser intellegence? Should we eat retards?

In a country were humans are legal to eat would you still think it ok since their moral line is different?

And to all hypocrytical vegetarians who think they are avoding killing live animal by being vegetarian, perhaps you should stop wearing those clothes...that television those chairs those cars <they all contribute to the death of animals, you all kill animals in an indirect like the rest of us except you deny it with your eyes.

Last edited by fr33noob at 10:31 am, Mar 24 2010

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I believe in letting people do as they wish, as do I myself. Sometimes, of course, what I wish to do is kill them and they do not wish to die. This gives life interest.
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10:41 am, Mar 24 2010
Posts: 874

They are animal regardless of whatever titles you give them. As long as it doesn't kill you, you can eat whatever you want.
I don't see anything wrong with eating pets.
You'd be suprised how little 'morality' means to you when your hungry.

No one gives a shit what trite garbage you write here.
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