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Is it Wrong to eat Pets?

Is it really wrong to eat animals people consider as pets?
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3:50 am, Mar 28 2010
Posts: 171

No...they're animals too like pigs, chickens...but I don't want to eat them smile.

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2:31 pm, Mar 28 2010
Posts: 2964

No thanks.
I refuse to kick a puppy.
Much less eat it.

Post #367118
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2:36 pm, Mar 28 2010
Posts: 200

only if its a fish or rabbit

Post #367128 - Reply to (#367115) by Rainy Days
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3:09 pm, Mar 28 2010
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Quote from Rainy Days
No thanks.
I refuse to kick a puppy.
Much less eat it.

what if you can get 1 million dollars for doing that? eek

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Quote from you_no_see_me_
this is not about cannibalism...please get back on topic

Quote from Toto
I think it is exactly the topic. I see nothing wrong.
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3:42 pm, Mar 28 2010
Posts: 299

Ok... I saw this few times now... so I had to say something...
Ask yourself a question... Would u eat someone u like? biggrin

But I think it's just about where u live.... for example I am studying in Czech rep. and here it's normal to eat rabbits... but I have friends from Malaysia studying here and they were shocked when they found out about it...

And some crazy ppl can consider ANY ANIMAL a pet... so...long live flies! biggrinDD hmmm...seriously, have u ever thought about how many flies u've eaten, unawares(of coursebiggrin)?


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Post #367136
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3:43 pm, Mar 28 2010
Posts: 991

I think it's wrong to eat animals, period. Unless you really need to eat it to survive, which is usually not true except when you're stranded somewhere without vegetables.

It's kind of egocentric to say that, because humans think that a particular animal is "cute," it deserves to live. The other animals are also living beings, like you and me. Besides, our views on which animals are food v. pets are mostly cultural, and I honestly cannot say that piglets, lambs, chicks, baby rabbits, and baby deer are any less adorable than puppies or kittens.

Of course, an animal you keep as a pet is special to you, and you probably don't want to eat it, so then don't. Take good care of it. But once you start eating animals in general, telling other people that they shouldn't eat certain kinds of animals (as opposed to your pet specifically) is hypocrisy.

Cruelty to animals is another story, and maybe something people should care more about. Awful things happen to cows, chickens, and other livestock before they become food.

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Post #367140
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4:03 pm, Mar 28 2010
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I agree

In a way, this question was just asking for a split of opinion. Also, this question is kind of impossible to answer. You guys like beef and pork? Some religion forbid you to eat those as well. You guys like to eat chicken, ducks, and fish? Some religion also forbid you to eat them. So what is the true answer really? Depends on what you believe in. There's no "Good argument" to made since it solely depends on what you considered to be "good to eat" and "not good to eat". Also since almost every animal on Earth is worshiped somewhere in the world, let's just say if it was wrong to eat animals other people consider as pets, then we cannot eat a lot of things. If it was right to do so, we would be offending a lot of people and their belief systems. Unless you are an atheist who doesn't care so much about pets and animals..

Gay book discussion thread
Quote from you_no_see_me_
this is not about cannibalism...please get back on topic

Quote from Toto
I think it is exactly the topic. I see nothing wrong.

4:17 pm, Mar 28 2010
Posts: 10

sure if it tastes good.......mad random question thou o_o

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1:40 am, Apr 11 2010
Posts: 49

Oh.. I guess when you're asian you know that a lot of people eat a lot of different varieties of animals. Well, in my opinion, eating animals isn't wrong since we were sort of made like this to eat meat, but I WOULD NOT EAT MY DOG. Too much love to eat it.

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Post #370385 - Reply to (#370345) by haru-sama
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4:52 am, Apr 11 2010
Posts: 822

Quote from haru-sama
Oh.. I guess when you're asian you know that a lot of people eat a lot of different varieties of animals. Well, in my opinion, eating animals isn't wrong since we were sort of made like this to eat meat, but I WOULD NOT EAT MY DOG. Too much love to eat it.

Just because someone eats dogs doesn't mean they eat pets. And even a pig can be someone's pet.

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7:04 pm, Apr 12 2010
Posts: 283

Yeah its wrong to eat your own pet...How am I gonna eat my own cat?my 4 turtoise? T_T So cruel...I cant believe i do that...Its so fine to eat other animal that is really meant to be eaten such as chicken, cows, fish hurm..Lets make some beef chop, lamb chop, fish and chip but not to eat cute lol..

Post #373228 - Reply to (#365914) by westsiders2
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12:25 pm, Apr 21 2010
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Quote from westsiders2
i once read in the metro that a priest put a ginuea pig recipe in a cook book and it was recieved angrily. People seem to be thinking that eating mice, dogs, cats etc are worng?

What do you think?

could you fix the spelling for the topic please thanks.

The thing is there are guinea pigs that are raised as food and not pets. This is the same with any other animal.

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7:08 am, Apr 22 2010
Posts: 707

You can eat pets just a few blocks from where I live. All completely legal and everything. XD

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8:26 am, Apr 22 2010
Posts: 193

As has been said before any animal can be considered a pet. If I was stranded on a deserted island with only me, my cat, and a weapon plus something to make a fire with then I'd probably eat my cat ... I really wouldn't want to but I would to survive.

It's not wrong to eat pets if you need to do so for survival, but other than that how could you eat your friend/baby? (If it's raised for live stock than that's different)


9:06 am, Apr 22 2010
Posts: 87

Reminds me of Yamada Tarou. The part where he told his brothers/sisters not to name the dog cause they would get attached to it and 'supposedly' not able to eat it when they are hungry.

There is nothing wrong with eat an animal pet but I don't like eating them. I used to have a chicken as a pet. I got him after he hatched and sort of raised him. He was all good and beautiful until he started to take control of my dad's birds territory by attacking them and eat their food. He went to the cooking pot the next day. I fell somewhat sad and didn't eat him. I don't like eating my own pets but I don't think its wrong to eat them. I no longer have any pet and I love fried chicken.

My dad feels the same. He used to work in a dam construction site as an adviser and the workers kept a watch dog near his office. He gave the dog a portion of his breakfast almost everyday he went to work and felt attached to it. After the completion of the dam, the workers cook the dog cause it's their tradition. He couldn't bring himself to join that party even though he sometimes enjoy dog meat.

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