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What's the Best Way to Kill Oneself?

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5:40 pm, Sep 24 2007
Posts: 347

Stop Breathing, from sheer power of will. Just stop breathing. Now that's epic. But seriously kids, suicide is bad, in every scenario. Don't kill yourselves (>^_^)>

Can't read >_<
Post #60341 - Reply to (#60304) by vinceasuma

5:55 pm, Sep 24 2007
Posts: 20

Quote from vinceasuma
Comit the sepukku in the traditional honorable way!!

When you get to the page, click the Sepukku link at the top of the page....

The people who are wearing the black clothing are stereotypes, meaning that they dont know what ninjas are.

The typical black outfit is stereotyped because of plays, the dark background of the stage and their clothing made them almost invisible. Thus giving the image of the typical ninja of having to wear black clothing.

There was once this emperor, forgot his name or the era, that signed a treaty to ninjas to protect him. The emperor dressed the ninjas as gardeners, this way it will look like that they are normal gardeners tending the garden. If the ninjas in disguise see hostility, the ninjas will make a surprise attack using whatever they have. The ninjas are known for their weapon mastery. They make a garden trowel into a very dangerous weapon if wielded with the right person.

no one likes my idea of causing another world war? no ?

Remeber kids

Hope is the worst evil of all, for it prolongs the torment of man.
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6:20 pm, Sep 24 2007
Posts: 8

Old age.

I don't think there is any one good way to Kill oneself. You'll still end up "soiling yourself"

Post #60352 - Reply to (#60341) by lildude56

6:21 pm, Sep 24 2007
Posts: 278

Quote from lildude56
no one likes my idea of causing another world war? no ?

Well, I was planning to congratulate you for such a good idea...But I was so incensed by a couple user's posts here that I feared I would inevitably spiral off on a tangent and tell people that linking to a 10 year-old site and a 5 year-old site that were never funny just happened to completely void the intent of this topic by taking all concepts of originality and free-thinking and replacing them with a pretty generic base of pseudo-humor and that they should go off and die in a fire, I might give off the impression that I don't believe the world is made entirely of thornless roses and butterscotch pudding. And we can't have that now can we?

Personally, I'd think that dying after taking over a school would be fucking sweet. Unfortunately the $ for all the equipment necessary would be a problem.

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6:22 pm, Sep 24 2007
Posts: 1141

Join the marines then get to the front line and shoot up everything in sight before you get shot. Rambo style.

Mad people either have no sense or too many extra senses...
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Post #60365
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the(old)SRoMU boss

6:39 pm, Sep 24 2007
Posts: 1502

go look for sharks in the sea while ur holding a bloody stake. when u see one, make sure to scratch yourself. the sark will do the job for you.
my diving instructor id it all the time^_^

another graeat way is to SERIOUSLY piss me off or threaten my buddies, and then give me a weapon biggrin

the best security guard, EVER.
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6:43 pm, Sep 24 2007
Posts: 288

Scoop out your eyeballs and replace them with cadbury eggs.

Then kill yourself.

The kids on easter will have a hell of a time finding the last too eggs.

Post #60400
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7:34 pm, Sep 24 2007
Posts: 1574

pull the screws out of a rollercoaster and go for one last ha-rah

but seriously ive heard if your an organ donor(me too) the medics aren't as amped to save you in a wreck b/c it means less kidneys for them(im guessing to play little basketball with?)

Post #60402 - Reply to (#60341) by lildude56
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7:35 pm, Sep 24 2007
Posts: 1199

Quote from lildude56
Quote from vinceasuma
Comit the sepukku in the traditional honorable way!!

When you get to the page, click the Sepukku link at the top of the page....

The people who are wearing the black clothing are stereotypes, meaning that they dont know what ninjas are.

The typical black outfit is stereotyped because of plays, the dark background of the stage and their clothing made them almost invisible. Thus giving the image of the typical ninja of having to wear black clothing.

There was once this emperor, forgot his name or the era, that signed a treaty to ninjas to protect him. The emperor dressed the ninjas as gardeners, this way it will look like that they are normal gardeners tending the garden. If the ninjas in disguise see hostility, the ninjas will make a surprise attack using whatever they have. The ninjas are known for their weapon mastery. They make a garden trowel into a very dangerous weapon if wielded with the right person.

no one likes my idea of causing another world war? no ?

You obviously missed the point of that page. Yuo shuold read the hatemail section.

Quote from Darksage
Well, I was planning to congratulate you for such a good idea...But I was so incensed by a couple user's posts here that I feared I would inevitably spiral off on a tangent and tell people that linking to a 10 year-old site and a 5 year-old site that were never funny just happened to completely void the intent of this topic by taking all concepts of originality and free-thinking and replacing them with a pretty generic base of pseudo-humor and that they should go off and die in a fire, I might give off the impression that I don't believe the world is made entirely of thornless roses and butterscotch pudding. And we can't have that now can we?

Lighten up Francis - your gonna die of stress induced coronary illness if you carry on that way. Perhaps that is ur way of suicide?

Life is tough......but it's tougher if you're stupid.
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7:51 pm, Sep 24 2007
Posts: 260

Trying to commit suicide will get you locked up since it is against the law in the US. I've been there. Not fun. Don't even kid around about it.

My cousin jumped in front of a train. It was his 18th birthday.
I don't recommend it.
A really nice old guy I knew, who was a friend of a former boss, found out he had cancer that was incurable. He didn't want to be a burden on his family because he knew the savings would be dwindled trying to treat him, so he went on his front lawn and shot himself in the head. I guess he thought it would be easier to clean up.
Again, I wouldn't recommend it.

I think dying by heroin overdose would probably be the most fun from what I've heard...or jumping off a building.
Also not recommended.

Cheer Up! There will always be tomorrow if you're brave enough to face it. Suicide is for losers who are too afraid to try and make themselves better. *insert public service announcement here*

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Post #60416 - Reply to (#60411) by heardtheowl
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8:00 pm, Sep 24 2007
Posts: 1574

Quote from heardtheowl
*insert public service announcement here*

the more you know

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8:02 pm, Sep 24 2007
Posts: 1141

Suicide makes room for the sane people who actually wanna live, it's called population control! J/K

Actually I have a relative who was suicidal. We all had to remind her the only people you'll be hurting are the ones you love and you won't be teaching your enemies a lesson, just doing them a favor.

Quote from daed
Quote from heardtheowl
*insert public service announcement here*

the more you know

I have to put this in.....
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Mad people either have no sense or too many extra senses...
On the net, men are men, women are men and children are the FBI. =D
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8:12 pm, Sep 24 2007
Posts: 10688

I'm just gonna lock this because of content
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A just ruler amongst tyrants
Post #60525
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Ore Sanjou!
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10:15 pm, Sep 24 2007
Posts: 1165

Yeah, the content of this was getting pretty f**ked up.

Incidently, the best way to kill oneself, clearly, is by falling into a bottemless pit, then realizing it is truely bottemless, and then pulling out a gun after eight hours of falling, just because you got bored, and your DS's battery died (OMGZ, MAI TETRISESES!).

Yeah, I am quite crazy right now. biggrin

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