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Switching to Romance! Need more!

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K-Indie ♥

6:50 am, Jul 17 2013
Posts: 566

As a girl there is not much for me to throw into, but I haven't seen Brave 10 on your lists, so how about it? You get martial arts and lots of action, also your share of ecchi and a female character that has an appealing build. Although for me - The male main character and his way of dealing with all kinds of things (including romance) has been more interesting. Lol.

"It's like love is a bonus in your life. Even without it, I'm just fine. I don't feel like pointlessly searching for it. You don't have to make yourself unhappy." (Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji)

"Why does it rain?" - "To create drama." (Drops (Andou Yuki))

8:43 pm, Jul 17 2013
Posts: 152

Wow, now I'm getting depressed. I have read about 98% of the titles listed in this thread and seem to be running low on romance titles that aren't super-flowery shoujo (some of which I have already read).

I have to second and third Nana to Kaoru and if you want to go borderline H you can check out Nana to Kaoru Arashi which is a spin-off where things really get heated up.

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