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A Tale of Two Manga Readers

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A manga parasite

11:12 am, Aug 6 2011
Posts: 319

I never liked Mangafox, since I found it. I don't mind that they get a bit of money for the server cost, like a non-profit organition. I don't have problems with people that get a bit of money from someone else work, on the condition that they give some to the ones that worked on it. (This also includes the buying of the manga, I say it a hunderd times; buy at least your favorite manga's and the ones that you supports. If they don't sell the manga then it will be cancelled, even if it is really good, a good example is Mx0 ). cry
But I don't like it that the site owners becomes millionaires without doing anything ( other users and staff seems to do the work, as a matter of fact mangafox is connected with similar sites, not even one is a non-profit). So it basically it comes to this, the scanlation groups pay for the 365 days vacation of the site owner every year.. dead

Even after dead, we raise from the ashes for the sake of manga.
Post #487646 - Reply to (#487440) by AxelHUN
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11:47 am, Aug 6 2011
Posts: 131

Quote from AxelHUN
Quote from DarkPatamon
I hope you will provide HQ and LQ mode: not so many users have good connections, and providing a LQ mode will be useful to many users.

Excuse me, but I don't spend hours debinding tanks and cleaning share raws just to see my work destroyed to pieces by some sh*tty compressed jpg. Almost every chapter I release is 5-7 MB, MF compresses it to about the half. So you load 2.5-3.5 MB plus sheepload of ads and the site itself. With today's internet 5-7 MB is not much....

Providing LQ as an alternative (like what youtube does) might be useful to many users. I'd rather wait an hour of downloading to read one good, high quality chapter (that someone took the time to clean) than look at something so low quality I can barely read, though.

Did I mention I appreciate all the work you and other scanlators have donated to the community? eyes

Last edited by YummiMookies at 11:55 am, Aug 6 2011

Love is so bad.
Post #487673
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The H Emperor

3:36 pm, Aug 6 2011
Posts: 501

cmertb; Dude thanks for the post. I didn't know that mangafox and mangahere were one.

Hmmm... interesting to see that even idiots(mf/mh) can use tactics of this kind...

To the Jigoro troll who posted like 2 posts in total...say what?! 2 posts, lolz

To the site-admin...or was it site-mod: Please stop acting like a typical leecher, it's embarrassing. No, we know that scanlating is illegal. The difference is that we do not earn anything on it. If anyone should earn on it, it should be the mangaka, right? That is what we are bitching about. That there's someone out there earning on what we do for free.
My group got no donation button on our site. I'm against all form of earning money on someone elses work. Our work on each and every chapter is: We clean, we translate and put in the text. We release and let people who can't enjoy the manga because they can't Japanese be able to enjoy it.
Saying that this is how the world works only shows the people doing it that it's alright because you aren't fighting back and just give up. That's the same as putting you down and just waiting to die...that's just to sad cry

To Nisseman: Thanks for showing that I'm not wrong. I was feeling bad that I raged and was going to put watermarks on the pages, but thanks to you and your fellow I feel great doing it now. Thanks~

DarkPatamon: A week where we do not release anything? psshh...I'm going for 1½ month and letting the idiots who tell me that someone else will eventually pick it up, pick the titles up. So far nothing...well they still got like the rest of August I'm sure they will surprise me....NOT! laugh Yes they are a bunch of losers who can only talk big and do nothing.

Now to everyone else...err..not scanlators they know it already.

Errr...I know that the file size isn't as big but when you open a picture on the web actually download the file in your cache. Please correct me if I'm wrong but you actually download each and every page plus add pics on your computer when you go to an online mangareader to read your manga. So except for the crappy quality size you are actually downloading the chapter -_-;;;;

People are stopping because of manga online readers...I've been thinking that a lot too but then I get all these lovely readers in my mind cuz they actually thank us when we release something. That keep me going...well I'm a lil man who needs other's thanks for motivation for the love of the manga has been dead for a looooooooong time now. Plus my Japanese is getting better and better these days~

Anyway, people are stopping. Only the famous title will get picked up, the rest...well if you give me a day or two I will tell you how many dead projects there exist. Yes, you'd be surprised. They only pick new titles mostly these days.
You may think that I'm lying but really...3 years is how old the group I made is, and so far no one and I repeat NO ONE has stolen a title from us. Why? Because we don't go after mainstream titles. So I know that even if we do good but not that known manga, no one except us will pick up those titles. They are dead if we leave them. Now if it's your favorite title...then it's just to sad for you, right? So before you go "Oh I dun care!" aren't you just saying that because it's not your title.... yet. wink

So we are a dying breed...and when we get annoyed we cry, whine and so on. After all, we are you with the exception that we scanlate your manga. You know what the funny thing about all this is? The leechers like Nisseman are all talk and all "SO WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO, HUH?!" My answer to that would probably be to just close the shit and then go "WE ARE GOING TO STOP YOUR MANGA READING" like a certain translator did lately.

The problem right now is the translators...there are not as many joining as the ones who are quitting because of mangareaders and idiotic leechers. That means your manga's turn is coming soon, hehehe. It's only a matter of when.

Stop thinking that if one scanlator group dies then another can take over. Stop thinking that we will find in whatever you throw in our heads. Stop thinking that the title will eventually get picked up. Stop thinking we will continue scanlating manga for you when you never visit us and give of any gratitude. It just doesn't work that never did.

PS: Who do I contact to report mangafox? I would gladly contact them to make this situation more spicy for someone who loves to earn money on free work and give nada to the mangaka. wink

PPS: If you wanna know how tiny a dude I really am, go read my posts here:

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Pew pew

4:14 pm, Aug 6 2011
Posts: 883

I think it's always best if scanlation sites had their own reader instead. Personally, I'm not a fan of downloading manga so I always try to read manga off a scanlators reader if they have one.
Ugh, MF are such scum bags. LET'S ALL DESTROY THE INTERNET!

Post #487689
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6:00 pm, Aug 6 2011
Posts: 8

I think that we all know that scanlating is illegal, but is it that big a deal? I mean, Scanlators are doing this to allow manga to spread further than it would usually go(of course that could be different for others scanlators,I wouldnt know as I'm NOT a scanlator.) Yes, the Mangaka should get money for the works they actually create;alot of the scanlators who have translated manga I've read ask you get the actual works from amazon,which I do when I can,but you can only do that with mainstream Manga(NARUTO and Bleach are examples) will get translated into English but what about other,alternate Mangas? I cant read Japanese, so I wouldnt be able to order direct.

They take the time and effort to clean and translate for us,those who are(myself included) unable to read manga otherwise. I think they deserve ATLEAST some sort of praise.... *Gasp*, they dared to keep you waiting a few weeksconfused...Grow up. They arent bound by contract to do this in the first place, they do it for our benefit-so be glad its being done in the first place.

So THANK YOU! All the Scanlators whom have allowed myself and others to read things that we would probably never have seen otherwise.

If one were to have a lengthy conversation with the wife of the 'x'th president of the United States where 'x' is defined as the number of years Bob Barker hosted 'The Price is Right' to the nearest year minus the amount of golden rings one would receive on the 5th day of Christmas in accordance to the traditional English Christmas carol 'The 12 Days of Christmas' multiplied by 4, what condition might they have?
Post #487727 - Reply to (#487689) by Meteora
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11:28 pm, Aug 6 2011
Posts: 64

Quote from Meteora
They take the time and effort to clean and translate for us,those who are(myself included) unable to read manga otherwise. I think they deserve ATLEAST some sort of praise.... *Gasp*, they dared to keep you waiting a few weeks confused ...Grow up. They arent bound by contract to do this in the first place, they do it for our benefit-so be glad its being done in the first place.

So THANK YOU! All the Scanlators whom have allowed myself and others to read things that we would probably never have seen otherwise.

Exactly. Scanlators are not bound by any sort of contract and are doing it only to share something they love with others without expecting any thing in return. They are in no way obliged to do this and only want some acknowledgement that yes,xyz has spent time (and occasionally money) that they could have dedicated to something infinitely more rewarding to do this for you. Come on guys, they deserve thanks.
And while what they may be be doing is illegal, they always insist that you buy the licensed version when it becomes available.
It is guys like Noez that give them a bad name.

Hobbies include impersonating fictional characters and sucking on ketchup packets.
Post #487728 - Reply to (#487586) by woxxy
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11:46 pm, Aug 6 2011
Posts: 357

Quote from woxxy
Quote from Spearsmen620
Lol, what i wonder is that why didnt the coalition that hit other sites such as mangatoshokan/onemanga/etc a couple months~a year(s) ago not hit mangahere or mangafox?
THAT's what I've always wondered.... =.=
I think there was some pay-off/agreement to the coalition.....

MangaFox was hit, but they reuploaded the manga they removed later. Basically, MangaFox is not listening.

Why the hell didn't the coalition attack mangafox some more and sue them?! OMG! I am/was a big MT user until the coalition killed 50%+ of the MangaToshokan community! I really liked Manga Toshokan because they actually had UNCOMPRESSED images! WAIT WHAT?!?!?! Uncompressed?! Yessir! And Manga Toshokan actually had HIGH quality images! Plus, they had big images so that the manga was CLEAR! Now I don't use Manga Fox or any manga reader(cept MT for my manhwa). I just either read the manga from the scanlation's reader, or I just download the files for HQ manga, not that low quality crap.

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1:25 am, Aug 7 2011
Posts: 1705

@People wondering why Mangafox didn't get taken down back then with OneManga

I believe it is because most of the servers they use to host the manga are in different countries, but especially China, which is why there is probably nothing that can be done. Then again, this is just something I heard.

Last edited by CatzCradle at 3:19 am, Aug 7 2011

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Post #487853
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4:39 pm, Aug 7 2011
Posts: 2667

We are investigating this.

Thank you for bringing it to our attention.


Post #487865
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6:18 pm, Aug 7 2011
Posts: 166

This is VERY interesting...
I'm leaving my mark (post) here so I can come back later for a more through investigation

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6:52 pm, Aug 7 2011
Posts: 24

Interesting. I first started to ween off of MangaFox when they started posting chapters all out of order and fake scanlators with no respect for scanlation started to upload their work messing up the chapters. You know those fake scanlators who translate every word into a curse word or some script written by them and not the real author of the manga. By then Mangafox was bumped to LAST, and I mean VERY LAST RESORT. After Mangafox posted one of my fav scanlators work even after they made a request not to have it posted there and a few other issues. I had all but dropped the site. Even now when MangaFox is the only place hosting said manga, I just look up the scanlator and get it from their site.

Why did onemanga (although not perfect either) have to close and Mangafox is still here? I am definitely going to have to look into this. It is quite interesting.

You are now gazing at my signature. It's okay. There is no reason to feel ashamed for being amazed by it.
Post #487908 - Reply to (#487673) by T1

10:48 pm, Aug 7 2011
Posts: 11

Quote from woxxy
I agree with all you say, bro.

But come back when you're a scanlator and actually know what you're saying.

Love this line of logic, do you also think you can't say a manga's bad because you're not a mangaka?

Quote from kyuubi654
Hm... that's some silly stuff you're spouting there Jigero(not just the quoted part bigrazz ). What if scanlators were to pick up that "Who the F*** cares?" motto and just release LQ chapters, or worse nothing at all? What would you read then?

You missed my point, My point was bitching and getting mad about a site that does not effect you or your fans at all in any negative way. then proceeding to take it out on your fans is just retarded.

Speaking as a scanlator i can only say that i don't give a rat's ass about the money earning part, I've got plenty of income from my own job for that. The thing that pisses me off is that we work our asses off and sometimes spend hours on a single chapter just to get it out nice and clean and then we barely get any thanks from the fans cause they use an online reader and don't even bother visiting our website.

Again who cares, You have your loyal fans, you have people who come to your site. The people who use mangafox don't effect you negatively in the slightest. If anything it makes more people aware of your work and who may eventually start visiting your site after they become more aware.

So in the end we work for free to bring you guys all your favorite mangas in as good a quality as possible and the manga readers get all the fans posting on their forums and all the cash revenue made from the ads. That just sucks.

Who cares how they view your work, if they want to view it that way let them it's their loss not yours. Does Adobe come to your house and take away your copy of Photoshop because you're using it to clean illegal scans of manga instead of editing photos like it was intended or even complain about it?

We're not in it for the hundreds and thousands of fans, we're not in it for the money, we're not in it for any other reason than releasing manga that nobody else would release like we do.

If that's true, then you have nothing to complain about.

Oh, and another thing... don't badmouth us about this when you're probably fully aware that you wouldn't like somebody else stealing your work just to profit from it. Nobody likes that. Deny it and you would only be a hypocrite.

But your idea of "stealing work" is like a burglar complaining that another burglar stole the stuff he stole and then fenced it.

my idea of "stealing work" as a graphic designer is literal money out of my pocket. So sorry I can't sympathize with you.

Sure not getting thanked is regrettable but then again who cares, your doing this for your fans, who will thank you and your fans aren't the ones who are passing off your work as their own.

Quote from Kittycat101
I dont agree with groups punishing fans either, but mangafox shouldnt be allowed to exist. theyre basically profiting off tons of mangakas works! that's what is irritating. it gives the whole scene a bad name. like we're taking authors work and making a profit.when the internet popularity of anime and manga is what got it to its fame here in the states in the first place. No group wants their work contributing to that. Admittedly, what scanlation groups do isnt really legal, at least we dont profit off of it.

I'm pretty sure the Mangaka would find scanlators just as damnable as mangafox. also there are plenty of Scanlators that make money off ad revenue on their sites and ask for donations or do commissions.

Quote from T1
To the Jigoro troll who posted like 2 posts in total...say what?! 2 posts, lolz

I love how people think "oh some one has an opinion I don't like there for they are a troll"

Also really? Using post count to legitimatize some ones argument? do you also plug your ears and scream "LA LA LA LA LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!" when ever some one proves you wrong too?

To the site-admin...or was it site-mod: Please stop acting like a typical leecher, it's embarrassing. No, we know that scanlating is illegal. The difference is that we do not earn anything on it. If anyone should earn on it, it should be the mangaka, right? That is what we are bitching about. That there's someone out there earning on what we do for free.
My group got no donation button on our site. I'm against all form of earning money on someone elses work. Our work on each and every chapter is: We clean, we translate and put in the text. We release and let people who can't enjoy the manga because they can't Japanese be able to enjoy it.
Saying that this is how the world works only shows the people doing it that it's alright because you aren't fighting back and just give up. That's the same as putting you down and just waiting to die...that's just to sad cry

If this was a murder investigation, and the mangaka was the victim, Scanlators would be screaming to the cops " WE ONLY SHOT HIM IN THE GUT, MANGAFOX WAS THE ONES WHO KILLED HIM I'M INNOCENT RIGHT!?"

If you really care about the mangaka so much STOP SCANNING THEIR WORK.

Don't get me wrong I really appreciate the work you guys do, just stop pretending your some kinda modern day robin hood absolved of any wrong doing, because you're not. You're an evil just a necessary one.

Stop thinking that if one scanlator group dies then another can take over. Stop thinking that we will find in whatever you throw in our heads. Stop thinking that the title will eventually get picked up. Stop thinking we will continue scanlating manga for you when you never visit us and give of any gratitude. It just doesn't work that never did.

So go ahead and stop, no one is telling you not to, your obviously scanning for the wrong reasons. If your just gonna have a hissy fit because of something that doesn't directly effect you and abandon and piss off your loyal fans, what the hell are you doing here?

This is a hobby bro not a job, I build Gundam models because I like it and it helps me waste time, I don't do it so all my friends will praise me and think I'm all cool cause I paint really well, and I don't quit doing it just because a couple people didn't complement me on them. If you're just doing this to get praise and internet notoriety and your not enjoying it just quit man.

Last edited by Jigero at 3:10 am, Aug 8 2011

Post #487927

12:57 am, Aug 8 2011
Posts: 317

The crux of the matter here is that scanlators scanlate FOR FREE. Some even have to shell out money from their own pockets just to purchase tankobons (if not, they get the money from whatever they have left from ad and download revenues and donations after paying for server costs). Not only do they spend money, they also invest their FREE TIME.

So I don't understand why:

1. Scanlators shouldn't get mad at aggregators for profiting from THEIR hard work, not to mention that of the mangaka's (and again, some groups do buy tanks to support the mangaka). I don't think it's so much an issue of "WTF, they're profiting while we aren't," but rather "why are they profiting from something that is supposed to be free (not to mention illegal) in the first place."

2. Scanlators can't make such TRIVIAL requests such as the inclusion of credit pages and upload wait times. Similarly, I don't understand what is so hard with having to respect such - again - TRIVIAL requests.

Do enlighten us.

then proceeding to take it out on your fans is just retarded.

If scanlators were paid for or commissioned by fans, then it is retarded. BUT THAT ISN'T THE CASE. Just as I replied to another leecher (because I am one as well) at Japanzai who was complaining that the scanlators' actions were affecting, nay, "inconveniencing," his "reading habits..."


It's a classic case of biting the hand that feeds you. And besides, I don't think true fans would rage and bitch over such - again - trivial matters.

And if you really don't like how scanlators are doing things, including their moments of immaturity (if you want to call it that) which they are actually entitled to, then instead of ranting about it I'd like to see you do the scanlating yourself. You know what they say: if you want something done, go do it yourself.

Post #487936 - Reply to (#487927) by auriga

1:43 am, Aug 8 2011
Posts: 11

Quote from auriga
The crux of the matter here is that scanlators scanlate FOR FREE. Some even have to shell out money from their own pockets just to purchase tankobons (if not, they get the money from whatever they have left from ad and download revenues and donations after paying for server costs). Not only do they spend money, they also invest their FREE TIME.

1. Them paying for servers in not my problem, there are plenty of scanlators that run a simple free blog, and upload straight to mediafire or other file host/file sharing services and don't pay for shit. Just because THEY want a superfluous site that just wastes money with a forum no one freaken uses. Why is this a burden on the fans?

2. Again this is a hobby if they are only doing this for fan approval, to quote an old adage "you're doing it wrong."

So I don't understand why:

1. Scanlators shouldn't get mad at aggregators for profiting from THEIR hard work, not to mention that of the mangaka's (and again, some groups do buy tanks to support the mangaka). I don't think it's so much an issue of "WTF, they're profiting while we aren't," but rather "why are they profiting from something that is supposed to be free (not to mention illegal) in the first place."

AGAIN this money their making effects absolutely NO ONE zero none nada involved with the production/enjoyment/scanlation of the manga

It doesn't come out of the pocket of the scanlator

It doesn't come out of the fan's pocket

Neither is it money that is diverted away from the mangaka, It comes from Google ads, and I highly doubt they are buying manga and even if mangafox didn't exist scans are still readily available and easy to find through out the internet.

If any thing Mangafox is only gonna introduce more people to scanlators sites and maybe lead to them actually buying the actual manga.

2. Scanlators can't make such TRIVIAL requests such as the inclusion of credit pages and upload wait times. Similarly, I don't understand what is so hard with having to respect such - again - TRIVIAL requests.

Do enlighten us.

I didn't say they can't do that, but AGAIN (having to repeat my self an awful lot here) taking it out on your loyal fans just because the minority of the people who read your material don't respect you, IS PANTS ON HEAD RETARDED.

If scanlators were paid for or commissioned by fans, then it is retarded. BUT THAT ISN'T THE CASE. Just as I replied to another leecher (because I am one as well) at Japanzai who was complaining that the scanlators' actions were affecting, nay, "inconveniencing," his "reading habits..."


It's a classic case of biting the hand that feeds you. And besides, I don't think true fans would rage and bitch over such - again - trivial matters.

again stellar scanlator logic "well one guy is a jerk..... all the fans must be jerks! FUCK UM ALL WATER MARKS AND UPLOADING RULES FOR EVERYONE!"

And if you really don't like how scanlators are doing things, including their moments of immaturity (if you want to call it that) which they are actually entitled to, then instead of ranting about it I'd like to see you do the scanlating yourself. You know what they say: if you want something done, go do it yourself.

*sigh* dear god.... I rather have no help then help that slaps you in the face, treats you like an asshole, and cries every ten minutes. Like I said if your gonna throw tantrums and bitch and moan just because SURPRISE some people are assholes on the internet, why are you doing this?

I'm not sitting here saying HURR JUST SCAN AND SHUT UP!11!!!11!. I'm saying do it cause you love doing it, not so you can lord over leechers and make them bend to your mood swings every time one of them gets out of line.

Last edited by Jigero at 3:17 am, Aug 8 2011

Post #487938 - Reply to (#487936) by Jigero
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All is in chaos

2:08 am, Aug 8 2011
Posts: 161

Quote from Jigero
Quote from auriga
The crux of the matter here is that scanlators scanlate FOR FREE. Some even have to shell out money from their own pockets just to purchase tankobons (if not, they get the money from whatever they have left from ad and download revenues and donations after paying for server costs). Not only do they spend money, they also invest their FREE TIME.

1. Them paying for servers in not my problem, there are plenty of scanlators that run a simple free blog, and upload straight to mediafire or other file host/file sharing services and don't pay for shit. Just because THEY want a superfluous site that just wastes money with a forum no one freaken uses. Why is this a burden on the fans?

2. Again this is a hobby if they are only doing this for fan approval, to quote an old adage "you're doing it wrong."

So I don't understand why:

1. Scanlators shouldn't get mad at aggregators for profiting from THEIR hard work, not to mention that of the mangaka's (and again, some groups do buy tanks to support the mangaka). I don't think it's so much an issue of "WTF, they're profiting while we aren't," but rather "why are they profiting from something that is supposed to be free (not to mention illegal) in the first place."

AGAIN this money their making effects absolutely NO ONE zero none nada involved with the production of the manga

It doesn't come out of the pocket of the scanlator

It doesn't come out of the fan's pocket

Neither is it money that is diverted away from the mangaka, It comes from Google ads, and I highly doubt they are buying manga and even if mangafox didn't exist scans are still readily available and easy to find through out the internet.

If any thing Mangafox is only gonna introduce more people to scanlators sites and maybe lead to them actually buying the actual manga.

2. Scanlators can't make such TRIVIAL requests such as the inclusion of credit pages and upload wait times. Similarly, I don't understand what is so hard with having to respect such - again - TRIVIAL requests.

Do enlighten us.

I didn't say they can't do that, but AGAIN (having to repeat my self an awful lot here) taking it out on your loyal fans just because the minority of the people who read your material don't respect you, IS PANTS ON HEAD RETARDED.

If scanlators were paid for or commissioned by fans, then it is retarded. BUT THAT ISN'T THE CASE. Just as I replied to another leecher (because I am one as well) at Japanzai who was complaining that the scanlators' actions were affecting, nay, "inconveniencing," his "reading habits..."


It's a classic case of biting the hand that feeds you. And besides, I don't think true fans would rage and bitch over such - again - trivial matters.

again stellar scanlator logic "well one guy is a jerk..... all the fans must be jerks! FUCK UM ALL WATER MARKS AND UPLOADING RULES FOR EVERYONE!"

And if you really don't like how scanlators are doing things, including their moments of immaturity (if you want to call it that) which they are actually entitled to, then instead of ranting about it I'd like to see you do the scanlating yourself. You know what they say: if you want something done, go do it yourself.

*sigh* dear god.... I rather have no help then help that slaps you in the face, treats you like an asshole, and cries every ten minutes. Like I said if your gonna throw tantrum and bitch and moan just because SURPRISE some people are assholes on the internet why are you doing this?

I'm not sitting here saying HURR JUST SCAN AND SHUT UP!11!!!11!. I'm saying do it cause you love doing it, not so you can lord over leechers and make them bend to your mood swings every time one of them gets out of line.

I have read every single comment and response you have made Jigero and lemme say this MY THOUGHTS EXACTLY I fully 100% agree with you.


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