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zaraki's bankai

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5:09 am, Jan 9 2008
Posts: 9026

It sounds more like something a fanfic author would make up.

Yachiru has her own Zanpaktou. Yachiru had her own past before Zaraki.

I had no name, I had no parents. (...) But then you appeared.

source: animenewsnetwork

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10:31 am, Jan 9 2008
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Seriously, you don't read the manga too well do you...

Zangetsu has been trying to tell ichigo his name ever since before ichigo got his own powers, but ichigo was too oblivious to hear it. He didn't have the answer in his heart, he was too cowardly to hear zangetsu properly and hence he didn't hear the name until he finally decided not to run anymore and face the situation and himself. Zangetsu has always trusted ichigo since they haven't exactly been together that long, but ichigo just never bothered to ask or listen, much like zaraki. The fact still remains that soul reapers don't know the names of their zanapkuto at all, it is only obtained through communication with their zanpakuto that they were told the names. That's one of the key part about the link and unlocking the full powers of both sword and shinigami.

Even if he was born in soul society, which is very unlikely considering the 80th region is pretty much a dumping ground for the crappy souls that enter soul society, zaraki would still have a past before he met yachiru. Rangiku, Gin, and others all grew up in the soul society but all carry their own pasts and memorable people.

All those big "IF"s were pretty obvious that they're not from the manga, they're "IF"s for a reason. IF those things were the way it was written, THEN the chances of yachiru being a zanpakuto increases, but they aren't the way things turned out.

You didn't seem to get my comment about his condition and the link between zanpakuto and soul reapers..
IF yachiru is zaraki's zanpakuto, she would know how he feels, as well as his physical bodily condition. Hence she would know for sure if he'd died or just passed out. If she did know that he merely passed out, she wouldn't SCREAM in shock after zaraki went silent from the fight. IF she was his sword/other self, she would know that he's not dead and just unconscious and use the voice she was using previously to comfort zaraki or simply telling him to rest now.

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4:52 pm, Jan 9 2008
Posts: 641

chapter 63
ichigo: who are you?
zangetsu: who am i? don't you know? it's me. *********.
ichigo: ? i didn't catch that.
zangetsu: too bad, how many times do i have to shout for my voice to reach you.

That entire chapter was zangetsu trying to get his name across to ichigo, read the bloody manga before you post...

Fair enough, that statement was quite bold and have very little room for interpretion, my apologies. Soul society is much like a another world, with birth and deaths.

Chapter 66, ichigo's ears plugged by fear, running away from urahara until zangetsu shows up and gave him a long chat. At the end, shouting out the name that zangetsu has been saying to him all this time.

This whole zaraki yachiru thing is really going to be fun when it's revealed later by Tite. Zaraki has been shown to start from the 80th district, while yachiru from the 79th. Zaraki has been using that sword in its shikai mode long before he met yachiru. There is a lot of things that doesn't make sense if you see the two as zanpakuto and shinigami, and bankai isn't achieved without the owner NOT knowing it either.

IF yachiru is zaraki's bankai, then she would've disappeared when zaraki's zanpakuto broke and when he lost consciousness considering bankai takes a tremendous amount of energy flow and concentration to maintain.
Zabimaru lost its form when renji was defeated, Byakuya's lost its form with he was defeated, Toshiro's lost its form when he was exhausted from the fight with the arrancars

Lastly, in order for yachiru to be zaraki's bankai, he would have to have known she or something else was his zanpakuto and subjugate it before the bankai form can take place, hence the reason for Renji to train/fight zabimaru to achieve his bankai.

Last edited by greydrak at 6:16 pm, Jan 9 2008

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8:13 am, Jan 10 2008
Posts: 9026

Greydrak's right. Zaraki was beaten, and therefore Yachiru(the presumed Zanpaktou) couldn't stay materialized like that. But she didn't disappear. She stayed because she is an seperate individual.

This theory is as preposterous as the theory that Syazel could be Nr. 1. Since he has escaped from death so often. Though Mayuri got him good. biggrin

source: animenewsnetwork

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9:41 am, Jan 10 2008
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But time stood still then, and Zaraki couldn't see him.

While when the battle was over, Ichigo could see Yachiru talking to him.

source: animenewsnetwork

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Post #110549
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12:38 pm, Jan 10 2008
Posts: 220

this is just grasping at straws now... there's a difference between wanting yachiru to be zaraki's zanpakuto (which is fine; that would actually be really cool) and trying to prove and make other people believe that yachiru is his zanpakuto

- it is explicitly (exactly as is) stated that zaraki does not know his soul cutters name
- you cannot bring out its power without its name, much less materialize it
- yachiru is 99.9% not his zanpakuto/bankai

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Post #110553
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12:47 pm, Jan 10 2008
Posts: 78

I agree with the person above. Speculations are all fine and dandy but Tite won't make her Kenpachi's bankai when it was clearly shown that she was HUMAN in Kenpachi's flashbacks.

Too much evidence!
Post #110558 - Reply to (#110549) by Aerus
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1:00 pm, Jan 10 2008
Posts: 3342

Quote from Aerus
- yachiru is 99.9% not his zanpakuto/bankai

more like 98%. If you've ever seen fight club, then your mind wouldn't be so closed.

Besides, remember when Yachiru attacked the messenger for interrupting her while she was watching Zaraki and Ichigo fight? I doubt a spirit manifestation could attack anyone. She clearly has her OWN power... (then again it never showed what happened to him...)

On the other hand. Ichigo didn't notice Yachiru until she jumped off his arm. Which can be argued towards dirkbogardeonaproxy point. *Even though it was stated that the reason he didn't notice her is because of Zaraki's massive reitsu. Im just saying this because if by that 2% chance Yachiru is the spiritual manifestation of Zaraki, this may be one of the points that may come up.

So no, i don't believe she is Zaraki's Zanpaktou, mainly because I seriously doubt she could raise her rank all the way to vice captain without SOMEONE catching on... But i wouldn't be suprised if she was either.

*EDIT* And besides, Since when does your spiritual manifestation grow up?!

"“That's the difference between me and the rest of the world!
Happiness isn't good enough for me! I demand euphoria!” "
Post #110570 - Reply to (#110558) by Calíbre
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1:33 pm, Jan 10 2008
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Quote from Calliber
*EDIT* And besides, Since when does your spiritual manifestation grow up?!

She doesn't look much older now, comparing to the Yachiru in the part from Zaraki's past...if she really is a kid, the process of growing up should be more visible.

That doesn't change my opinion on the subject, though. She is NOT his bankai. She has a name, Zaraki's zanpakuto doesn't have.

Btw, can we put links to images on sites with online reading licensed manga? I don't think so.

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Still the bad cop.
Post #110595 - Reply to (#110558) by Calíbre
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2:17 pm, Jan 10 2008
Posts: 641

Quote from Calliber
On the other hand. Ichigo didn't notice Yachiru until she jumped off his arm. Which can be argued towards dirkbogardeonaproxy point. *Even though it was stated that the reason he didn't notice her is because of Zaraki's massive reitsu. Im just saying this because if by that 2% chance Yachiru is the spiritual manifestation of Zaraki, this may be one of the points that may come up.

Ichigo really sucks at detecting or manipulating reitsu on a regular basis, so him not being able to sense yachiru isn't that big a deal. Consider all captain and vice captains either have seals to surpress their powers or they surpress it themselves to avoid killing everyone with just their reitsu. Kenpachi could easily kill a lot of souls just by letting his reitsu flow, and with the power that yachiru demonstrated against the messenger, she's plenty strong herself.

110 is a poor example by the way, ichigo was still quite conscious so he was far from being beaten. Zaraki at the end of 113 was beaten both physically and mentally, he admitted his loss and collapses hence brought about his later conducts.

Should I also point out chapter 89? The zanpakuto returns to its normal form when the owner is unconscious? Ikkaku's went back to its un-released form as did Rukia in 269, zabimaru couldn't materialize until it itself had recovered, old man zangetsu is never around when ichigo passes out completely.

How does yachiru stay materialized if zaraki loses consciousness with a broken sword?

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2:49 pm, Jan 10 2008
Posts: 6

I don't think Zaraki has discovered his bankai. Note he never got to know his zanpaktou so a lot of his strength comes from the enormous amount of reiatsu he has not from any particular relationship with his zanpaktou. In the end that is why Ichigo was able to beat him,, cos he doesn't fight together with the sword. also reason for the lack of a name.

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12:53 am, Jan 11 2008
Posts: 1130

I think this is a really interesting theory and believe it has a bit more than a mere 2% chance of actually happening. I would put it around 25% actually coming out that way, no matter how much I want it to happen I can't give it better odds than that.

But the issue if Yachiru using reiatsu came up in the thread where this argument originated so I'll quote myself:
Quote from Spanky151
As for her release of reiastsu, it comes quite conspicuously when Zaraki removes his eye-patch. So if zanpakuto and shinigami do indeed share abilities and reiatsu, which would make sense since the zanpakuto is actually a part of thier soul IIRC, it could be argured that it is still Zaraki's reiatsu flowing through Yachiru as his zanpakuto.

I love both Zaraki and Yachiru and they are such a close pair that they could easily been seen as one unit, which is really what a shinigami and their Zanpakuto are so *shrug* Either way we're all entitled to our own opinion and I personally think this has a decent chance of actually occurring.

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3:21 pm, Jan 12 2008
Posts: 32

Hmm... I love to argue about this idea biggrin

What if... Zaraki's zanpakuto is similar to Orihime's power?
I am not saying Orihime is a soul reaper or her hairpins are anything like zanpakuto but what if the two are similar? We have to remember all zanpakuto are different.

I also want to point out that Zaraki has lot more history to him than we already know. How may be alot older than he looks which means lot more past. As far as I can see - through Yachiru's perspective and personality - Yachiru got bored of waiting. Though sometimes she can be childish and unreasonable, there is no doubt that she understands Zaraki the best.

It's not her "true" name!

As much as I want this to happen I know the chances are slight. Farfetched even. But it's just an idea and it makes somewhat of sense and ironic. If Yachiru was truly his zanpakuto and path to achieve bankai... would she disappear if he figure out? >_<

Last edited by doorknobfae at 4:05 pm, Jan 12 2008

Post #111656 - Reply to (#111502) by doorknobfae
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12:32 am, Jan 13 2008
Posts: 4917

Quote from doorknobfae
It's not her "true" name!

thats another reason i dont think that she is his zanpakuto, i mean, what are the chances of him naming her, her real name, which just happened to be the name of the only person he ever cared about.

side note-
if the person with her name was the only person he cared about, does that mean that he doesent care about her?
or was that just for back then and its different now
couse personaly, i think he seems more friendly than he was before.

Post #111740 - Reply to (#111656) by Identity Crisis
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8:43 am, Jan 13 2008
Posts: 32

Quote from fallofkakashi

thats another reason i dont think that she is his zanpakuto, i mean, what are the chances of him naming her, her real name, which just happened to be the name of the only person he ever cared about.

He found her as a baby. And unlike others, she stuck with him, which seemed odd to him - of course this shows she's no ordinary person. If Yachiru is truly Zaraki's zanpakuto, of course, she wouldn't tell him her real name striaght out. Even if she did, I don't think Zaraki will be able to hear it. Also, she's a newborn baby who couldn't even speak... And even if she could speak, she wouldn't give it out that easily. I think she's smart enough to not to blow her cover.

She was a baby so Zaraki named her. He named after someone he cared most about. Isn't that a normal thing? Naming a baby after someone you love or loved? It became her alias. She's waiting for Zaraki to hear her name and since he can't hear it anyway, why not stick with the name he given her? It's not her "true" name, so what? It's still a name thst identifies her.

Last edited by doorknobfae at 8:49 am, Jan 13 2008

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